Releases: haroldo-ok/RgbQuant-SMS.js
Releases · haroldo-ok/RgbQuant-SMS.js
Optimized to run faster and use much less memory if using single palette
Merge pull request #18 from haroldo-ok/optimize-single-palette
Published `npm` package
Configure to run as a `npm` command named `rgbquant-sms`.
Now, if installed as a package, it will be possible to call the tool as rgbquant-sms
Memory usage improvement
This improves memory usage a bit more, but still not enough for converting multiple frames.
Improve memory consumption
The palette reduction step is taking up an inordinate amount of memory. With a few optimizations, the conversion of the test image went from 1.6 GB down to 0.5 GB.
Note that this still isn't efficient enough to handle large images.
Implement command line interface
Implemented command line interface; now, the application can be called either from command line, from browser or as a node.js module.
Help message:
rgbquant-sms convert <src> <dest>
Converts an image into a png with the tile count reduced
src The source image, the one that will be converted [string] [required]
dest The destination image that will be generated [string] [required]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--help Show help [boolean]
--colors Desired palette size [default: 16]
--max-tiles Maximum number of tiles to use [default: 256]
--min-hue-cols Number of colors per hue group to evaluate regardless of
counts, to retain low-count hues [default: 512]
--dithKern Dithering kernel name; can one of these:
FloydSteinberg, Stucki, Atkinson, Jarvis, Burkes, Sierra,
TwoSierra, SierraLite, FalseFloydSteinberg, Ordered2,
Ordered2x1, Ordered3, Ordered4 or Ordered8
[string] [default: ""]
--dith-serp Enable serpentine pattern dithering
[boolean] [default: false]
--weigh-popularity Weigh by popularity when reducing tile count
[boolean] [default: true]
--weigh-entropy Weigh by entropy when reducing tile count
[boolean] [default: false]
Make it work on `node.js`.
Minimal implementations to make the library work on node.js
Ordered dither 2x1
Merge pull request #8 from haroldo-ok/ordered-dither-2x1
Very old version
Fixed tile flipping bug Due to a typo on the code, the normalization step was failing to recognize that some tiles should just be left unflipped.