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stocal tutorial

stocal is a python library for rule-based stochastic simulation (AKA Gillespie simulations). Stocal works with python version 2.7 as well as version 3.5.

Download and Installation

The latest stable release of stocal is available from the python package index:

pip install stocal

The development version can be obtained from github using the following commands:

git clone
cd stocal
git checkout develop
sudo python install

A Simple Example

We start by defining a simple stochastic process that describes the reversible dimerization of two molecules A into a dimer A2. Reactions are supposed to follow mass action kinetics.

To model this in stocal, we define two MassAction reactions, one that transforms two A molecules into one molecule A2 with stochastic rate constant 1.0, and one that transforms one molecule of A2 into two A molecules with stochastic rate constant 10.0. We then create a Process that groups these two reactions.

from stocal import *
r1 = MassAction({'A': 2}, {'A2': 1}, 1.0)
r2 = MassAction({'A2': 1}, {'A': 2}, 10.0)
process = Process([r1, r2])

We can use this process, to sample stochastic trajectories. The method Process.sample instantiates a trajectory sampler for a given initial condition and stop criterion. The trajectory sampler implements the iterator protocol, so we can simply iterate through the trajectory, invoking one stochastic transition at a time. With each transition, time and state of the trajectory are properly updated:

trajectory = process.sample({'A':100}, steps=1000)
for dt, transitions in trajectory :
    print trajectory.time, trajectory.state['A'], trajectory.state['A2']

This writes out the time and state of the first 1000 steps of the stochastic trajectory as white space separated data.


Reactions such as MassActions above can either be invoked by specifying reactant and product stoichiometries as dictionaries, or as lists. If lists are used, the order of elements in the list is irrelevant. There is no bound to the number of molecules that can undergo a reaction. Reactants and products can also be empty to model inflow into and outflow out of the system.

Propensities of reactions are calculated by multiplying the stochastic rate constant with the number of potential reaction partners in a given state. For reactions of up to three reactants, this reads:

Reactants Propensity
- reaction.c
A reaction.c*state['A']
A + B reaction.c*state['A']*state['B']
A + A reaction.c*state['A']*(state['A']-1])/2.
A + B + C reaction.c*state['A']*state['B']*state['C']
A + A + B reaction.c*state['A']*(state['A']-1])*state['B']/2.
A + A + A reaction.c*state['A']*(state['A']-1])*(state['A']-2])/6.

In general, the propensity of a reaction is the stochastic rate constant times the product of the binomial coefficients to choose n reaction partners, n being the stoichiometry of the reactant, out of m molecules, m being the copy number of that reactant in the system state, for each reactant species.


Stocal supports deterministic transitions that happen at a specific time, either once or periodically with a given frequency.

feed = Event([], ['A'], 0.0, 1.0)
process = Process([r1, r2, feed])

Here, the event feed will occur, and feed an A molecule to the system, at time t=0.0 and then periodically every 1.0 time units. Unlike stochastic reactions that occur with an average frequency, nondeterministic events happen at exactly the specified times.

Rule-Based Processes

Having introduced an inflow, we next add an outflow to the model that dilutes species proportional to their abundance. We could simply add two reactions that remove molecules from the state:

r4 = MassAction(['A'], [], 0.001)
r5 = MassAction(['A2'], [], 0.001)

However, this requires adding a dilution reaction for every chemical in model. This might become cumbersome when dealing with many species, and we might end up forgetting the dilution of one species or another.

We take this scenario as a motivation to introduce rule-based modeling. Rules can be thought of as patterns for reactions, rather than specific reactions. As such, rules generate a whole set of reactions.

Defining a rule requires to create a python class with some required attributes and methods. The class needs to be derived from TransitionRule, which requires our subclass to have the following attributes:

attribute description
Transition The type of Transition that the rule generates. Here, this is the MassAction type
novel_reactions A method that generates an iterable of transitions for the given reactants.

Taking this all together, we define the following Dilution rule:

class Dilution(TransitionRule) :
    Transition = MassAction

    def novel_reactions(self, species) :
        yield self.Transition([species], [], 0.001)

Note the use of yield in the novel_reactions method. This python keyword generates an on-the-fly iterable that contains all yielded items. If yield is unfamiliar to you, you can instead return a list of transitions without changing the behavior of the code:

    def novel_reactions(self, species) :
        return [ self.Transition([species], [], 0.001) ]

New in version 1.1: In python3, the transition type of a rule can alternatively be provided as return type annotation of the novel_reactions method. For example:

from typing import Iterator

class Dilution(TransitionRule) :
    def novel_reactions(self, species) -> Iterator[MassAction]:
        yield MassAction([species], [], 0.001)

Having defined a new rule, we can create a rule-based stochastic process by giving a second argument to the Process constructor:

process = Process([r1, r2, feed], [Dilution()])

Note here, that the second argument is a list of rule instances rather than classes.

For clarity, Process allows its arguments to be named, and we could have written the same process instantiation as

process = Process(transitions=[r1, r2, feed], rules=[Dilution()])

Let us look at a more interesting case and consider a system where A molecules cannot only form dimers but polymers of any length. Any two polymers---including monomers which are really just polymers of length one---can come together to form a chain that joins these two polymers.

To model this, we define a rule class for the polymerization that generates a Polymerization reaction for any two reactants:

class Polymerization(TransitionRule) :
    Transition = MassAction

    def novel_reactions(self, k, l) :
        yield self.Transition([k,l], [k+l], 10.)

This time, novel_reactions receives two reactants, k and l and yields a reaction that produces their concatenation. This way, rules can create molecular species that had not been previously in the system state!

To complete this example, we also generalize the reverse reaction and define a Hydrolysis rule that breaks a polymer at any bond. To make the model a little more interesting, we decide that the stochastic rate constants of these reactions depends on the lengths of the hydrolysis products, so that polymers are more likely to break in the middle.

class Hydrolysis(TransitionRule) :
    Transition = MassAction

    def novel_reactions(self, k) :
        for i in range(1, len(k)) :
            c = 10.*i*(len(k)-i)
            yield self.Transition([k], [k[:i], k[i:]], c)

This time our rule employs a for loop to generate several reactions for each reactant---one for each potential breaking point of the polymer.

The total stochastic process, including feeding, polymerization, hybridization, and dilution is then defined by:

process = Process(transitions=[feed],
                  rules=[Dilution(), Polymerization(), Hydrolysis()])

Note that no change is necessary for the dilution rule, since it already generates a reaction for every chemical in the system.

New in version 1.2: Rule-based processes that expand into a finite set of transitions can be flattened into equivalent static processes that employ specific transitions rather than general rules:

process = Process(rules=[Dilution()])
flat_process = process.flatten(['a', 'b', 'c'])

This will generate a new process objects where the original rule is expanded into three transitions, each one modelling the specific dilution of one of the provided molecular species.

Complex States

So far, all our molecular species have been character sequences, either in the form of simple labels such as "A" and "A2", or in the form of strings. However, stocal does not require chemicals to be strings. Any immutable object can be used as a valid chemical species. Examples would be tuples, frozensets, or custom python classes that define a __hash__ method and do not allow the user to alter the state of an instance. This functionality is handy when modeling chemistries that are more complex than simple molecules and polymers.

When defining custom classes to work with stocal, it is important to properly implement what is called structural congruence. Simply put, structurally congruent objects objects that are physically identical (congruent) even though they might differ syntactically.

As a simple example, imagine we would like to model molecular complexes, i.e. non-covalent associations of molecules. These are important, for example, in molecular biology, where many proteins form multi-protein complexes.

We could decide to model those complexes using tuples, where the tuple items correspond to the individual components of the complex. For example, the tuple ('50S', '30S') could refer to the complexified large and small subunit that constitute the ribosome.

However, tuples are ordered sequences in python, whereas molecular complexes usually do not have a designated order of their components: ('50S', '30S') is really just the same as ('30S', '50S') and we need to teach this to python.

To do so, we define a custom data type (class) that provides an implementation of the equality operator __eq__ as well as the hash function __hash__. Since python does not impose any semantics on custom operators, we also have to define the inequality operator __ne__.

The simplest way to implement structural congruence is by means of a normalization function that maps all congruent instances to an identical representation. For our molecular complexes, we could simply sort the tuple elements, thus making sure that differently ordered complexes have the same normalization.

class Complex(tuple) :
    def normalized(self) :
        return tuple(sorted(self))

    def __eq__(self, other) :
        return self.normalized == other.normalized

    def __ne__(self, other) :
        return not self==other

    def __hash__(self) :
        return hash(self.normalized)

A complete implementation for molecular complexes might also overload he plus operator __add__ to make sure that adding to Complexes generates a new Complex (since it would currently generate a tuple).


Rule-based stochastic processes bear a subtlety with regard to propensities which does not appear in regular stochastic processes. It s thus worthwhile to discuss propensity calculations in more detail.

To illustrate the issue, we extend the above polymer example to work with several types of monomers A and B, which can form polymers with mixed content, such as ABBABAA. To achieve this, we simply need to define another feed Event that provides monomers of the second type:

process = Process(
        Event({}, {'A': 1}, 0., 1.),
        Event({}, {'B': 1}, 0., 1.),
    rules=[Dilution(), Polymerization(), Hydrolysis()]

However, we need to decide what polymerization means and need to slightly adapt the code of our model. A (linear) polymer is a chain of interlinked monomers. Links could either be directional or non-directional. Chemical examples of directional links are ester bonds, peptide bonds, nucleic acid bonds, or any other bond where one can clearly identify a left-hand and a right-hand side in the polymer. Ether bonds, ketones and thiol bonds, on the other hand, are examples of non-directional bonds, where the molecule is rotationally symmetric along the binding site.

We have to decide whether our model features directional or non-directional polymerization. Our choice will determine which route we need to take to model polymerization appropriately.

In the case of directional bonds, two polymers k and l can potentially form two different polymerization products: k+l and l+k. Therefore, the polymerization rule has to generate both reactions:

class Polymerization(TransitionRule) :
    Transition = MassAction

    def novel_reactions(self, k, l) :
        yield self.Transition([k,l], [k+l], 5.)
        yield self.Transition([k,l], [l+k], 5.)

If k and l are different and if k+l is different from l+k, this yields two reactions with propensities 5 nk nl each. If, however, k equals l, the generated reactions are identical, each one with propensity 5/2 nk (nk-1), where the factor 1/2 comes from the binomial coefficient discussed in the section on Reactions. It is also possible for k and l to be different, but yet, for the reaction products k+l and l+k to be identical--or more precisely, structurally congruent. An example would be the molecules AB and ABAB which form the polymer ABABAB no matter which way around they bind. Since reactant and product lists in the Transition constructor are unordered lists, the two generated reactions would also be identical, each with propensity 5 nk nl.

Stocal properly detects the multiplicity of reactions, and assigns to each generated reaction a total propensity that sums up the propensities from individually generated reactions. In the example, this implies that any "left" polymer will bind any "right" polymer with about the same propensity, no matter whether the two reactants are equal or not. However, if the two possible polymerization products are indistinguishable, they will be produced with a doubled propensity.

In the case of non-directional bonds, we only have to infer the original one reaction, but we have to assert that k+l and l+k are structurally congruent. As we have seen before, this is best done by defining a custom type for non-directional polymers:

class Polymer(str) :
    def normalized(self) :
        return min(self, ''.join(reversed(self)))

with the above overloads for __eq__, __ne__ and __hash__. The nondirectional Polymerization rule now becomes:

class Polymerization(TransitionRule) :
    Transition = MassAction

    def novel_reactions(self, k, l) :
        yield self.Transition([k,l], [Polymer(k+l)], 10.)

In this case, propensities are calculated as in the standard Gillespie algorithm, where the propensity of a reaction with distinguishable partners is twice as big as the propensity of reactions with indistinguishable partners.

In summary, when modeling chemistries in stocal, the user does not need to bother about calculating propensities, as this is dealt with by the framework. In contrast, what the user has to pay attention to is that the textual representation of molecules properly captures the physical aspects of the modeled chemistry, i.e. define proper structural congruence relations.

Typed Reactions

New in version 1.1.

If you want reaction rules to only generate reactions among certain types of molecular species, stocal supports molecular types and typed reaction rules. For this example, we look into modelling the association of proteins with mRNA's. We want to define a rule for the association of an arbitrary protein with an arbitrary mRNA.

With the above TransitionRule's we would need to constantly check whether the species supplied to TransitionRule.novel_reactions are indeed proteins and RNA's and only yield a transition in case they are. Not knowing which argument of the reactant combination is the protein and which the RNA further complicates the code.

class Association(TransitionRule):
    Transition = MassAction

    def novel_reactions(self, k, l):
        if is_protein(k) and is_rna(l):
            yield self.Transition([k, l], (k,l), 1.)
        elif is_rna(k) and is_protein(l):
            yield self.Transition([k, l], (l,k), 1.)

For these common situations, stocal offers species types and typed rules. In stocal, the type of a species is simply its python type. So far, we have encountered species typed as strings, Complexes, and Polymers. Here, we define two molecule types Protein and Rna which are simply subclasses of str:

class Protein(str):

class Rna(str):

We can now write a typed TransitionRule for their association, simply by setting the optional TransitionRule attribute signature to the list of types that the rule should accept. When defining a signature, it must have the same number of elements as the novel_reactions method. novel_reactions will now only be called with arguments that adhere to the type given in the signature. In our case, writing the rule becomes as simple as:

class Association(TransitionRule):
    Transition = MassAction
    signature = [Protein, Rna]

    def novel_reactions(self, protein, rna):
        yield self.Transition([protein, rna], [(protein,rna)], 1.)

In python3, type annotations can alternatively be used to specify the rule signature:

from typing import Iterator

class Association(TransitionRule):
    def novel_reactions(self, protein: Protein, rna: Rna) -> Iterator[MassAction]:
        yield MassAction([protein, rna], [(protein,rna)], 1.)

Reactions with time-dependent reaction rates

New in version 1.1.

Stocal supports the definition of reactions with time-dependent reaction rates. Reactions of this kind appear naturally when parameters of the reaction environment such as temperature or volume change over time.

As an example, let us consider reactions taking placing in a linearly expanding reaction vessel:

def volume(time, V0=1.0, dV=0.1):
    return V0 + dV*time

We can now define a volume dependent variant of mass action reactions. To do so, we define a subclass of MassAction that overloads the propensity method. For autonomous reactions (those whose reaction rate constant is independent of time), this function takes the state as sole argument. For non-autonomous reactions, the signature is expanded to take the time as a second argument. The propensity method can then make use of the time argument however the user sees fit.

To accurately model volume dependency, we need to divide the reaction rate by the volume for all but one of the reactions, i.e. unimolecular reactions are volume independent, bimolecular reactions are inversely proportional to the volume, a.s.o.

Taking it all together, the Reaction class reads:

class VolumeDependentMassAction(MassAction):
    def propensity(self, state, time):
        a = super(VolumeDependentMassAction, self).propensity(state)
        order = sum(self.reactants.values())
        return a / volume(time)**(order-1)

We can now use VolumeDependentMassAction in any place where we have used default MassAction reactions before. stocal/examples/ gives an example of how reactions can be modified to take changing temperature instead of volumes instead.

Stochastic simulation algorithms

stocal ships with several variants of the stochastic simulation algorithm, refered to as sampler. A call to Process.sample inspects the underlying process and will instantiate an appropriate sampler. Currently, this creates an instance of Gibson and Bruck's next reaction method, unless at least one transition of the process is time-dependent (in which case the method creates an instance of Anderon's method).

If you want to control which simulation algorithm is instantiated, you can instantiate the desired sampler directly, as in, e.g.,

sampler = algorithms.DirectMethod(process, state, tmax=100.)
for dt, transitions in sampler:
    print(dt, transitions)

Currently, stocal provides the following samplers:

algorithm description
DirectMethod Original Gillespie algorithm
FirstReactionMethod Stochastic simulation algorithm that can operate account for scheduled events
NextReactionMethod Variant of FirstReactionMethod with improved performance (new in version 1.2)
AndersonMethod Variant of NextReactionMethod that allows for propensity functions to be time-dependent (new in version 1.1)
CaoMethod An (inexact) tau-leaping variant of SSA -- available in stocal.experimental.tauleap (new in version 1.2)

Please refer to the class documentation for information about the exact implementation and reference publication.

If you want to implement your own stochastic simulation algorithm, it should be programmed against the interface defined by stocal.algorithms.StochasticSimulationAlgorithm.

Further Documentation

The full API of stocal is available via pydoc:

pydoc stocal

Examples of stocal in use can be found in the stocal/examples folder.