AdiBags displays the content of your bags in one view, distributed into several sections using smart filters.
It is heavily inspired by Nargiddley’s Baggins.
Configuration is available through Blizzard addon panel, /adibags chat command or right-clicking on the LDB plugin.
Most of these features may be configured. Check out the configuration panel ! (using the /adibags chat command or clicking on the bag icon, you have any LDB display)
- Smart filters are used to distribute items into several sections, including:
- Item sets of the Blizzard’s gear manager (one section per set),
- Junk items (whitelist and blacklist available),
- Quest items,
- Equipment (items your character can wear),
- Sections based on item category: trade goods, consumables, recipes, …
- Manual filtering (drag and drop items on section header, or add new section from the configuration panel),
- Free space.
- Smart item sorting inside each section.
- Smart section layout.
- Track new items; use the [N] button resets the “new” flag.
- Display slot type.
- Bag sorting: click on the [S] button.
- Hide some sections, using the [V] button.
- Name-based search.
- Equipped bags (click on the bag icon in the top left corner),
- Display character money in the backpack.
- Display character tokens in the backpack.
- LDB data source, displaying free space.
- Two bag placement modes (choose one in the configuration panel):
- Anchored: the bags expand from an anchor towards the center of the screen. The anchor can be unlocked and moved.
- Manual: move the bags by dragging their title.
I have written two separate modules for AdiBags:
- AdiBags_Outfitter: add filters for Outfitter item sets.
- AdiBags_PT3Filter: add filters based on LibPeriodicTable-3.1 categories.
- you can create your own sections using the “manual filter” in filter configuration. You can then drag and drop items on section titles to reassign them ; this works for any section.
- if you want to highlight new items without putting them into a specific section, edit the “new items” filter priority to put it at the end of the filter list.
- New items detection does not work like it did before 1.8: Ihis is normal. I switched to the NewItems API that Blizzard has added in patch 6.0. This API does not work for bank nor items coming from the bank or the mailbox, but it does not having the timing issue my code had.
- Protected action/addon blocked error: they sometimes happen with AdiBags. Even though my effort, I can not reproduce these. Blizzard taint reports are very buggy, often blaming the wrong addon. As such they are pretty much useless.
AdiBags has been built around, and optimized for, the idea of the “all-in-one” view. Doing anything would require to redesign big parts of the addons, especially the layout code that is quite complex at the first place.
Tooltip scanning is quite CPU-consuming and above all requires asynchronous programming, since item tooltips would not always be available at the time AdiBags should use them. This would raise the complexity of bag filtering be an order of magnitude and turn AdiBags into a CPU hog.
Some examples what requires to scan the item tooltips:
- detecting the kind and state of binding: unbound, soulbound, bind-on-pickup, bind-on-equip…
- detecting already known spells/pets/recipes or faction/race/level/skill/class restrictions ; basically any “red text” in the tooltip.
AdiBags presents you a nice view of your bags but actually they are in a complete mess. With AdiBags, there is no need and no way to tidy up the items in the actual bags. Guilds usually try to keep their bank tidy. What would happen if some people in a guild used AdiBags for the guild bank ? Well, they would mess up the guild bank content and people NOT using AdiBags would have to deal with that mess. I can hear the screams from there. So that is why I will not implement guild bank.
AdiBags is not an alt bags/bank viewer. If you want to keep track of what your alt owns, I suggest using an addon like BagSync.
Basic skinning is available using LibSharedMedia-1.0: you can choose the bag font, background and border, as well as the color.
According to my experience with Baggins, comprehensive editor is awful to write as an author and awful to use as an user. Hence I focus on creating filters that have a smart built-in behavior and only a few options. I try to avoid the 20% of features that would require 80% of development effort.
Important notice: since v1.6.12-beta-1, AdiBags embeds BugGrabber, an error catching addon. Please check the error is really about AdiBags before reporting them here. I suggest installing BugSack to catch the errors.
Some words about submitting bug reports:
- I do not care about “it doesn’t work, fix it!” messages. I need to know how it failed and a way to reproduce the bug so I can test it and make sure I fix it.
- Bug reports are not in the “fire and forget” kind of things. I may have to ask you some details.
- Please check all existing tickets and the “known issues” section above before submitting new ones. Duplicate reports will be rejected on sight.
Please report any bug or error using the bug tracker
AdiButtonAuras is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3.