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Video Call App built with ❤️Agora SDK❤️ and React


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Open Video Call React

This tutorial describes how to add video chat to your ReactJS applications using the AgoraRTC SDK.

With this sample app, you can:


  • Node.js 6.9.1+

Quick Start

This section shows you how to prepare, build, and run the sample application.

Create an Account and Obtain an App ID

To build and run the sample application, you must obtain an app ID:

  1. Create a developer account at Once you finish the sign-up process, you are redirected to the dashboard.
  2. Navigate in the dashboard tree on the left to Projects > Project List.
  3. Copy the app ID that you obtained from the dashboard into a text file. You will use this when you launch the app.

Update and Run the Sample Application

  1. Edit the src/agora.config.js file. In the AGORA_APP_ID declaration, update Your App ID with your app ID.
export const AGORA_APP_ID = 'Your App ID'
  1. Download the Agora Web Video SDK. Unzip the downloaded SDK package and copy the AgoraRTC-*.js file into the sample application's /src/library/ folder. Rename the file to AgoraRTC.js.

    Note: CDN can now be used to retrieve the latest SDK. You do not have to re-download SDK updates.

  2. Open the terminal and navigate to your project folder.

cd path/to/project
  1. Use npm to install the dependencies:
# install dependency
npm install
  1. Build and run the project:

Use start for a local build. View the application in your browser with the URL http://localhost:3000

# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
npm run start

Use build for a production version with minification.

# build for production with minification
npm run build

Steps to Create the Sample

Add Assets

The sample application uses assets located in the src/assets/images folder.

Asset Image Description
ag-index-background.png ag-index-background.png Main application background image.
ag-logo.png ag-logo.png Logo image for the application.
avatar.png avatar.png Avatar image for the application.
Image of a monitor, for login.
ag-audience.png and ag-audience-active.png
Image of a person icon in a circle, to represent an audience member.
ag-mic-s.png and ag-mic-active-s.png
Image of a microphone, to turn on/off audio.
ag-video-s.png and ag-video-active-s.png
Video camera image, to turn on/off video.
ag-oval.png and ag-oval-active.png
Circle image (empty and filled-in) to indicate selections.

Create Index Page

The Index page is managed by the src/pages/index/index.jsx file.

The Index page is comprised of four classes:

Class Description
Index Main class for the index page. The other classes are used in the layout for this class.
InputChannel Text input manager for the channel name.
BaseOptions Chooser for the type of call.
AdvancedOptions Chooser for video transcoding.
import React from 'react'
import * as Cookies from 'js-cookie'

import '../../assets/fonts/css/icons.css'
import Validator from '../../utils/Validator'
import { RESOLUTION_ARR } from '../../utils/Settings'
import './index.css'

class Index extends React.Component {
class InputChannel extends React.Component {
class BaseOptions extends React.Component {
class AdvancedOptions extends React.Component {


export default Index

Create the Index Class

The Index class is main class for the index page.


class Index extends React.Component {
Add the Constructor Method for the Index Class

The constructor() method initializes the state properties for the class:

Property Value Description
joinBtn false Indicates if the Join button is enabled / disabled.
channel Empty string Name of the channel.
baseMode avc Indicates the current base mode for the call.
transcode interop Indicates the current transcoding setting.
attendeeMode video Indicates the current connection mode for the attendee.
videoProfile 480p_4 Indicates the current video profile setting.
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      joinBtn: false,
      channel: '',
      baseMode: 'avc',
      transcode: 'interop',
      attendeeMode: 'video',
      videoProfile: '480p_4',

Add Event Listeners for the Index Class

The componentDidMount() method initializes event listener for keyboard presses.

When a keyboard button is pressed, ensure e.keyCode is the Enter / Return key before executing this.handleJoin().

  componentDidMount() {
    window.addEventListener('keypress', (e) => {
      e.keyCode === 13 && this.handleJoin()

The handleChannel() method updates the channel and joinBtn state properties.

   * @param {String} val 0-9 a-z A-Z _ only 
   * @param {Boolean} state 
  handleChannel = (val, state) => {
      channel: val,
      joinBtn: state

The handleJoin() method initiates joining the channel.

  1. Ensure the joinBtn state is false, otherwise stop the method execution with a return.
  2. Set a log for the state information using console.log.
  3. Set cookies for the state properties channel, baseMode, transcode, attendeeMode, and videoProfile.
  4. Transfer the user to the meeting page.
  handleJoin = () => {
    if (!this.state.joinBtn) {
    Cookies.set('baseMode', this.state.baseMode)
    Cookies.set('transcode', this.state.transcode)
    Cookies.set('attendeeMode', this.state.attendeeMode)
    Cookies.set('videoProfile', this.state.videoProfile)
    window.location.hash = "meeting"
Add the Render Method for the Index Class

The render() method displays the UI for the index page in the return().

The layout is comprised of three sections, specified by the class names ag-header, ag-main, and ag-footer.

The ag-main section contains the key login elements for the layout. The remaining code for this section is contained within the section sub-element.

The ag-footer section contains a Powered By Agora text and Agora contact information.

  render() {
    return (
      <div className="wrapper index">
        <div className="ag-header"></div>
        <div className="ag-main">
          <section className="login-wrapper">
        <div className="ag-footer">
          <a className="ag-href" href="">
            <span>Powered By Agora</span>
            <span>Interested in Agora video call SDK? Contact </span>
            <span className="ag-contact">[email protected]</span>

The login-header section contains the Agora logo, application title, and the application motto / subtitle.

            <div className="login-header">
              <img src={require('../../assets/images/ag-logo.png')} alt="" />
              <p className="login-title">AgoraWeb v2.1</p>
              <p className="login-subtitle">Powering Real-Time Communications</p>

The login-body section is divided into three main sections:

  • The text input for the room name
  • The call options
  • The attendee mode options
            <div className="login-body">
              <div className="columns">
                <div className="column is-12">
              <div className="columns">
                <div className="column is-7">
                <div className="column is-5">
              <div className="columns">
                <div className="column">

The first section is a text input box for the room name / channel. The InputChannel element is nested within two div elements. The text input has onChange event listener which invokes the this.handleChannel method.

              <div className="columns">
                <div className="column is-12">
                  <InputChannel onChange={this.handleChannel} placeholder="Input a room name here"></InputChannel>

The second section is contains a BaseOptions component and a AdvancedOptions component.

The BaseOptions component has an onChange event listener which updates the baseMode state value.

The AdvancedOptions component has two event listeners:

  • An onRadioChange event listener which updates the transcode state value.
  • An OnSelectChange event listener which updates the videoProfile state value.
              <div className="columns">
                <div className="column is-7">
                    onChange={val => this.setState({ baseMode: val })}>
                <div className="column is-5">
                    onRadioChange={val => this.setState({ transcode: val })}
                    onSelectChange={val => this.setState({ videoProfile: val })}>

The third section is contains a set of radio dials and supporting images and text labels. Each radio input element has an onChange event listener which updates the attendeeMode state value.

              <div className="columns">
                <div className="column">
                  <div id="attendeeMode" className="control">
                    <label className="radio">
                      <input onChange={e => this.setState({ attendeeMode: })}
                        value="video" type="radio"
                        name="attendee" defaultChecked />
                      <span className="radio-btn">
                      <span className="radio-img video">
                      <span className="radio-msg">Video Call : join with video call</span>
                    <br />
                    <label className="radio">
                      <input onChange={e => this.setState({ attendeeMode: })}
                        value="audio-only" type="radio"
                        name="attendee" />
                      <span className="radio-btn">
                      <span className="radio-img audio">
                      <span className="radio-msg">Audio-only : join with audio call</span>
                    <br />
                    <label className="radio">
                      <input onChange={e => this.setState({ attendeeMode: })}
                        value="audience" type="radio"
                        name="attendee" />
                      <span className="radio-btn">
                      <span className="radio-img audience">
                      <span className="radio-msg">Audience : join as an audience</span>

The footer for the ag-main section contains a Join button, designated by an a element. The Join button has an onClick event listener which invokes the this.handleJoin method. This button is set to enabled / disabled by the joinBtn state value.

            <div className="login-footer">
              <a id="joinBtn"
                className="ag-rounded button is-info">Join

Add the InputChannel Class

The InputChannel class defines the room channel text input for the index page.

class InputChannel extends React.Component {
Add the Constructor for the InputChannel Class

The constructor() method initializes the state properties errorMsg and state to empty strings.

  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      errorMsg: '',
      state: ''
Add Validation and Event Listeners for the InputChannel Class

The validate() method checks the string for the text input and updates the state and errorMsg properties if necessary.

Set both properties to an empty string.

  validate = (val) => {
      state: '',
      errorMsg: ''

Ensure the text input value is not empty using Validator.isNonEmpty. If the value is empty, update the errorMsg and state properties to inform the user that the text input should not be empty.

    if (Validator.isNonEmpty(val.trim())) {
        errorMsg: 'Cannot be empty!',
        state: 'is-danger'
      return false

Ensure the text input value at least 1 character long. If the value is shorter than 1 character, update the errorMsg and state properties to inform the user that the text input should be longer than 1 character.

    else if (Validator.minLength(val.trim(), 1)) {
        errorMsg: 'No shorter than 1!',
        state: 'is-danger'
      return false

Ensure the text input value 16 characters or shorter. If the value is longer than 16 characters, update the errorMsg and state properties to inform the user that the text input should no longer than 16 characters.

    else if (Validator.maxLength(val.trim(), 16)) {
        errorMsg: 'No longer than 16!',
        state: 'is-danger'
      return false

Ensure the text input value only contains valid characters. If invalid characters are found, update the errorMsg and state properties to inform the user that the text input should only contain letters, numbers, or the _ character.

    else if (Validator.validChar(val.trim())) {
        state: 'is-danger',
        errorMsg: 'Only capital or lower-case letter, number and "_" are permitted!'
      return false

If the text input value passes all the validation tests, update the state property to is-success and return true.

    else {
        state: 'is-success'
      return true

The handleChange() method is invoked when the text input value is updated. Retrieve the state using this.validate(). Update the property change for the component using this.props.onChange()

  handleChange = (e) => {
    let state = this.validate(
    this.props.onChange(, state)
Add the Render Method for the InputChannel Class

The render() method displays the UI for the InputChannel component.

Set the validateIcon value, based on the component's state property.

  render() {
    let validateIcon = ''
    switch (this.state.state) {
      case '':
        validateIcon = ''; break;
      case 'is-success':
        validateIcon = (<i className="ag-icon ag-icon-valid"></i>); break;
      case 'is-danger':
        validateIcon = (<i className="ag-icon ag-icon-invalid"></i>); break;

The return contains the layout for the component. The key elements are comprised of the text input box, login button, validation icon, and validation error message.

The text input element is initialized with the component placeholder property. The onInput event listener triggers the this.handleChange method.

The validation icon and error message are updated as the text input box value is validated.

    return (
      <div className="channel-wrapper control has-icons-left">
        <input onInput={this.handleChange}
          className={'ag-rounded input ' + this.state.state}
          placeholder={this.props.placeholder} />
        <span className="icon is-small is-left">
          <img src={require('../../assets/images/ag-login.png')} alt="" />
        <span className="validate-icon">
        <div className="validate-msg">

Add the BaseOptions Class

The BaseOptions class defines the base options component for the index page.

class BaseOptions extends React.Component {

Add the Constructor Method for the BaseOptions Class

The constructor() method initializes the _options array and state properties active and message.

  constructor(props) {
    this._options = [
        label: 'Agora Video Call',
        value: 'avc',
        content: 'One to one and group calls'
        label: 'Agora Live',
        value: 'al',
        content: 'Enabling real-time interactions between the host and the audience'
    this.state = {
      active: false,
      message: 'Agora Video Call',

Add the Event Listener for the BaseOptions Class

The handleSelect() method is invoked when a dropdown menu item is selected.

Update the state properties message and active with the selection values, and trigger the component's onChange event listener with val.

  handleSelect = (item) => {
    let msg = item.label
    let val = item.value
      'message': msg,
      'active': false
Add the Render Method for the BaseOptions Class

The render() method displays the UI for the BaseOptions component.

Create the options layout variable, by mapping through this._options, giving each option an item label and content description wrapped in a div element.

Add an onClick event listener, which triggers the this.handleSelect() method for the item selection.

  render() {
    const options =, index) => {
      return (
        <div className="dropdown-item"
          onClick={(e) => this.handleSelect(item, e)}>
          <hr />

The return contains the layout for the component. The component is enabled / disabled based on the state's active property.

When the dropdown button dropdown-trigger is clicked, set the dropdown menu to open/closed by updating the active property using this.setState(). The selection option is updated in the baseOptionLabel element using the message state property.

The options layout variable populates the items in the dropdown menu.

    return (
      <div className={ ? 'dropdown is-active' : 'dropdown'}>
        <div className="dropdown-trigger"
          onClick={() => this.setState({ 'active': ! })}>
          <a id="baseMode" className="ag-rounded button" aria-haspopup="true" aria-controls="baseModeOptions">
            <span id="baseOptionLabel">{this.state.message}</span>
            <span className="icon is-small">
              <i className="ag-icon ag-icon-arrow-down" aria-hidden="true"></i>
        <div className="dropdown-menu" id="baseModeOptions" role="menu">
          <div className="dropdown-content">

Add the AdvancedOptions Class

The AdvancedOptions class defines the advanced options component for the index page.

class AdvancedOptions extends React.Component {
Add the Constructor Method for the AdvancedOptions Class

The constructor() method initializes the state property active to false.

  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      active: false,
Add Event Listeners for the AdvancedOptions Class

The handleRadio() method invokes the component's onRadioChange() method with the target value.

  handleRadio = (e) => {

The handleSelect() method invokes the component's onSelectChange() method with the target value.

  handleSelect = (e) => {
Add the Render Method for the AdvancedOptions Class

The render() method displays the UI for the AdvancedOptions component.

Create the options layout variable, by mapping through Object.entries, returning an option element with a specified key, value, and description for each item.

  render() {
    const options = Object.entries(RESOLUTION_ARR).map((item, index) => {
      return (
        <option key={index} value={item[0].split(",")[0]}>{item[1][0]}x {item[1][1]}, {item[1][2]}fps, {item[1][3]}kbps</option>

The return contains the layout for the component. The component is enabled / disabled based on the state's active property.

    return (
      <div className={ ? 'dropdown is-active' : 'dropdown'}>

When the dropdown button dropdown-trigger is clicked, set the dropdown menu to open/closed by updating the active property using this.setState().

        <div className="dropdown-trigger"
          onClick={() => this.setState({ 'active': ! })}>
          <a id="advancedProfile" className="ag-rounded button" aria-haspopup="true" aria-controls="advancedOptions">

The advanced options dropdown menu contains transcoding radio input options and video profile options.

The transcoding radio options have an onChange event listener to invoke the this.handleRadio method.

The video profile selection menu is populated by the options layout variable. This menu has an onChange event listener which triggers the this.handleSelect method.

        <div className="dropdown-menu" id="advancedOptions" role="menu">
          <div className="dropdown-content">
            <div className="dropdown-item">
              <div className="control">
                <label className="radio">
                  <input value="" type="radio" name="transcode" onChange={this.handleRadio} />
                <label className="radio">
                  <input value="interop" type="radio" defaultChecked onChange={this.handleRadio} name="transcode" />
                  <span>VP8 &amp; H264</span>
                <label className="radio">
                  <input value="h264_interop" type="radio" onChange={this.handleRadio} name="transcode" />
            <div className="dropdown-item">
              <div className="select is-rounded">
                <select onChange={this.handleSelect} defaultValue="480p_4" id="videoProfile" className="ag-rounded is-clipped">

Create Meeting Page

The Meeting page is managed by the src/pages/meeting/index.jsx file.


The Meeting class defines the layout and controls for the meeting page.

import React from 'react'
import * as Cookies from 'js-cookie'

import './meeting.css'
import AgoraVideoCall from '../../components/AgoraVideoCall'
import {AGORA_APP_ID} from '../../agora.config'

class Meeting extends React.Component {

export default Meeting

Add the Constructor Method for the Meeting Class

The constructor() method sets the variables for the page.

The following variables are set using cookies, that were set from the index page. If the cookie value isn't found, a default value is used:

Variable|Cookie value|Default value|Description ---|---|--- videoProfile|videoProfile|480p_4|Video profile used for the connection. channel|channel|test|Channel name. transcode|transcode|interop|Video transcoding mode. attendeeMode|attendeeMode|video|Attendee mode. baseMode|baseMode|avc|Base mode for the connection.

Ensure this.appId is valid; otherwise display an alert() that an App ID is needed and stop execution.

Set this.uid to undefined.

  constructor(props) {
    this.videoProfile = (Cookies.get('videoProfile')).split(',')[0] || '480p_4', = Cookies.get('channel') || 'test',
      this.transcode = Cookies.get('transcode') || 'interop',
      this.attendeeMode = Cookies.get('attendeeMode') || 'video',
      this.baseMode = Cookies.get('baseMode') || 'avc'
    this.appId = AGORA_APP_ID
    if (!this.appId) {
      return alert('Get App ID first!')
    this.uid = undefined


Add the Render Method for the Meeting Class

The render() method displays the UI for the AdvancedOptions component in the return. The layout is broken up into three main sections ag-header, ag-main, and ag-footer.

The header contains:

  • The Agora logo.
  • The application name and version.
  • The room name / channel.

The main section contains the AgoraVideoCall component, and sets the properties based on the variables initialized in the constructor.

The footer section contains a Powered By Agora text, and Agora contact information.

  render() {
    return (
      <div className="wrapper meeting">
        <div className="ag-header">
          <div className="ag-header-lead">
            <img className="header-logo" src={require('../../assets/images/ag-logo.png')} alt="" />
            <span>AgoraWeb v2.1</span>
          <div className="ag-header-msg">
            Room:&nbsp;<span id="room-name">{}</span>
        <div className="ag-main">
          <div className="ag-container">
        <div className="ag-footer">
          <a className="ag-href" href=""><span>Powered By Agora</span></a>
          <span>Talk to Support: 400 632 6626</span>

Create AgoraVideoCall Component

The AgoraVideoCall component is managed by the src/components/AgoraVideoCall/index.jsx file.

import React from 'react'
import { merge } from 'lodash'

import './canvas.css'
import '../../assets/fonts/css/icons.css'

Initialize the AgoraVideoCall Component

The tile_canvas constant defines how to tile the video layout for the call.

const tile_canvas = {
  '1': ['span 12/span 24'],
  '2': ['span 12/span 12/13/25', 'span 12/span 12/13/13'],
  '3': ['span 6/span 12', 'span 6/span 12', 'span 6/span 12/7/19'],
  '4': ['span 6/span 12', 'span 6/span 12', 'span 6/span 12', 'span 6/span 12/7/13'],
  '5': ['span 3/span 4/13/9', 'span 3/span 4/13/13', 'span 3/span 4/13/17', 'span 3/span 4/13/21', 'span 9/span 16/10/21'],
  '6': ['span 3/span 4/13/7', 'span 3/span 4/13/11', 'span 3/span 4/13/15', 'span 3/span 4/13/19', 'span 3/span 4/13/23', 'span 9/span 16/10/21'],
  '7': ['span 3/span 4/13/5', 'span 3/span 4/13/9', 'span 3/span 4/13/13', 'span 3/span 4/13/17', 'span 3/span 4/13/21', 'span 3/span 4/13/25', 'span 9/span 16/10/21'],

The AgoraCanvas class defines the layout and controls for the AgoraCanvas component.

 * @prop appId uid
 * @prop transcode attendeeMode videoProfile channel baseMode
class AgoraCanvas extends React.Component {


export default AgoraCanvas

Add the Constructor Method for the AgoraCanvas Class

The constructor() method initializes the client, localStream, shareClient, and shareStream variables and the state properties displayMode, streamList, and readyState.

  constructor(props) {
    this.client = {}
    this.localStream = {}
    this.shareClient = {}
    this.shareStream = {}
    this.state = {
      displayMode: 'pip',
      streamList: [],
      readyState: false

Add Mount Methods for the AgoraCanvas Class

The componentWillMount() method initializes the Agora RTC engine and joins the user to the specified channel.

Create the Agora RTC client using AgoraRTC.createClient().

  componentWillMount() {
    let $ = this.props
    // init AgoraRTC local client
    this.client = AgoraRTC.createClient({ mode: $.transcode })
  1. Initialize the Agora RTC client using this.client.init() and log the initialization confirmation using console.log().
  2. Subscribe to the stream events using this.subscribeStreamEvents().
  3. Join the channel using this.client.join() and log the join confirmation using console.log().

The next section of code occurs within the join() method completion.

    this.client.init($.appId, () => {
      console.log("AgoraRTC client initialized")
      this.client.join($.appId, $.channel, $.uid, (uid) => {
        console.log("User " + uid + " join channel successfully")
        console.log('At ' + new Date().toLocaleTimeString())
  1. Create the local stream using this.streamInit().

  2. Initialize the local stream using this.localStream.init().

    • If the initialization is successful, add the local stream using this.addStream() and publish the stream using this.client.publish().
    • If the initialization is not successful, log the error using console.log() and update the readyState state property.
        // create local stream
        // It is not recommended to setState in function addStream
        this.localStream = this.streamInit(uid, $.attendeeMode, $.videoProfile)
        this.localStream.init(() => {
          if ($.attendeeMode !== 'audience') {
            this.addStream(this.localStream, true)
            this.client.publish(this.localStream, err => {
              console.log("Publish local stream error: " + err);
          this.setState({ readyState: true })
          err => {
            console.log("getUserMedia failed", err)
            this.setState({ readyState: true })

The componentDidMount() method initializes an event listener for the control button area.

  1. Declare canvas and btnGroup to reference the layout canvas and buttons.

  2. Add a mousemove event listener to the canvas using canvas.addEventListener().

    1. If global._toolbarToggle is true, clear the toolbar timer using clearTimeout().
    2. Add the active class to btnGroup using classList.add().
    3. Start a new 2000 millisecond timer using setTimeout(), which will remove the active class from btnGroup using classList.remove().
  componentDidMount() {
    // add listener to control btn group
    let canvas = document.querySelector('#ag-canvas')
    let btnGroup = document.querySelector('.ag-btn-group')
    canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', () => {
      if (global._toolbarToggle) {
      global._toolbarToggle = setTimeout(function () {
      }, 2000)

The componentWillUnmount() method closes the stream and exits the channel.

  1. If this.client is valid, unpublish the local stream using this.client.unpublish().
  2. If this.localStream is valid, close the local stream using this.localStream.close().
  3. If this.client is valid, leave the channel using this.client.leave() and log the results using console.log().
  componentWillUnmount () {
    this.client && this.client.unpublish(this.localStream)
    this.localStream && this.localStream.close()
    this.client && this.client.leave(() => {
      console.log('Client succeed to leave.')
    }, () => {
      console.log('Client failed to leave.')

Add the Update Method for the AgoraCanvas Class

The componentDidUpdate() method triggers when the component updates.

Declare canvas to reference the updated layout canvas.

  componentDidUpdate() {
    // rerendering
    let canvas = document.querySelector('#ag-canvas')

If this.state.displayMode is in pip mode, ensure the number of streams is greater than 4; otherwise set the displayMode state to tile and end execution.

For each item in this.state.streamList:

  1. Retrieve the ID of the item using item.getId().
  2. Retrieve the UI element for the item using document.querySelector().
  3. Ensure the UI element exists:
    1. Create a new section element using document.createElement().
    2. Set the id and class attributes for the element using dom.setAttribute().
    3. Append the element to the canvas using appendChild().
    4. Play the stream using
  4. Set the style attribute using dom.setAttribute(), based on if the item is the last element in this.state.streamList.
  5. Ensure item.player.resize is valid and resize the player using item.player.resize().
    // pip mode (can only use when less than 4 people in channel)
    if (this.state.displayMode === 'pip') {
      let no = this.state.streamList.length
      if (no > 4) {
        this.setState({ displayMode: 'tile' })
      }, index) => {
        let id = item.getId()
        let dom = document.querySelector('#ag-item-' + id)
        if (!dom) {
          dom = document.createElement('section')
          dom.setAttribute('id', 'ag-item-' + id)
          dom.setAttribute('class', 'ag-item')
'ag-item-' + id)
        if (index === no - 1) {
          dom.setAttribute('style', `grid-area: span 12/span 24/13/25`)
        else {
          dom.setAttribute('style', `grid-area: span 3/span 4/${4 + 3 * index}/25;
                    z-index:1;width:calc(100% - 20px);height:calc(100% - 20px)`)

        item.player.resize && item.player.resize()


If this.state.displayMode is in tile mode, retrieve the number of streams using this.state.streamList.length.

For each item in this.state.streamList:

  1. Retrieve the ID of the item using item.getId().
  2. Retrieve the UI element for the item using document.querySelector().
  3. Ensure the UI element exists:
    1. Create a new section element using document.createElement().
    2. Set the id and class attributes for the element using dom.setAttribute().
    3. Append the element to the canvas using appendChild().
    4. Play the stream using
  4. Set the style attribute using dom.setAttribute().
  5. Ensure item.player.resize is valid and resize the player using item.player.resize().
    // tile mode
    else if (this.state.displayMode === 'tile') {
      let no = this.state.streamList.length, index) => {
        let id = item.getId()
        let dom = document.querySelector('#ag-item-' + id)
        if (!dom) {
          dom = document.createElement('section')
          dom.setAttribute('id', 'ag-item-' + id)
          dom.setAttribute('class', 'ag-item')
'ag-item-' + id)
        dom.setAttribute('style', `grid-area: ${tile_canvas[no][index]}`)
        item.player.resize && item.player.resize()


If this.state.displayMode is in tbd mode, do nothing as screen share mode has not been enabled in this sample application.

    // screen share mode (tbd)
    else if (this.state.displayMode === 'share') {


Add the Render Method for the AgoraCanvas Class

The render() method displays the UI for the AgoraCanvas.

  render() {

The style constant provides style settings for the layout.

    const style = {
      display: 'grid',
      gridGap: '10px',
      alignItems: 'center',
      justifyItems: 'center',
      gridTemplateRows: 'repeat(12, auto)',
      gridTemplateColumns: 'repeat(24, auto)'

The videoControlBtn constant provides a UI button to enable / disable video, if the attendeeMode is set to video.

The button has an onClick event listener that invokes the this.handleCamera method.

    const videoControlBtn = this.props.attendeeMode === 'video' ?
        className="ag-btn videoControlBtn"
        title="Enable/Disable Video">
        <i className="ag-icon ag-icon-camera"></i>
        <i className="ag-icon ag-icon-camera-off"></i>
      </span>) : ''

The audioControlBtn constant provides a UI button to enable / disable audio, if the attendeeMode is set to audience.

The button has an onClick event listener that invokes the this.handleMic method.

    const audioControlBtn = this.props.attendeeMode !== 'audience' ?
        className="ag-btn audioControlBtn"
        title="Enable/Disable Audio">
        <i className="ag-icon ag-icon-mic"></i>
        <i className="ag-icon ag-icon-mic-off"></i>
      </span>) : ''

The switchDisplayBtn constant provides a UI button to switch display modes.

The button has an onClick event listener that invokes the this.switchDisplay method.

This button is disabled if this.state.streamList.length is greater than 4; otherwise it is enabled.

    const switchDisplayBtn = (
        className={this.state.streamList.length > 4 ? "ag-btn displayModeBtn disabled" : "ag-btn displayModeBtn"}
        title="Switch Display Mode">
        <i className="ag-icon ag-icon-switch-display"></i>

The hideRemoteBtn constant provides a UI button to hide the remote stream.

This button is disabled if this.state.streamList.length is greater than 4 or this.state.displayMode does not equal pip; otherwise it is enabled.

The button has an onClick event listener that invokes the this.hideRemote method.

    const hideRemoteBtn = (
        className={this.state.streamList.length > 4 || this.state.displayMode !== 'pip' ? "ag-btn disableRemoteBtn disabled" : "ag-btn disableRemoteBtn"}
        title="Hide Remote Stream">
        <i className="ag-icon ag-icon-remove-pip"></i>

The exitBtn constant provides a UI button to exit the room / channel.

The button has an onClick event listener that invokes the this.handleExit method.

This button is enabled if this.state.readyState is true; otherwise it is disabled.

    const exitBtn = (
        className={this.state.readyState ? 'ag-btn exitBtn' : 'ag-btn exitBtn disabled'}
        <i className="ag-icon ag-icon-leave"></i>

The return provides the layout for the AgoraCanvas component.

Add the exitBtn, videoControlBtn, audioControlBtn, switchDisplayBtn, and hideRemoteBtn layout values in a set of nested div elements.

    return (
      <div id="ag-canvas" style={style}>
        <div className="ag-btn-group">
          {/* <span className="ag-btn shareScreenBtn" title="Share Screen">
                        <i className="ag-icon ag-icon-screen-share"></i>
                    </span> */}

Add Custom Stream Methods for the AgoraCanvas Class

The streamInit() method initializes a video stream.

  1. Initialize a default configuration object with streamID, audio, video, and screen properties.
  2. If the attendeeMode is audio only, set to false. If the attendeeMode is audience, set and to false.
  3. Create a stream with the configuration using AgoraRTC.createStream().
  4. Set the video profile using stream.setVideoProfile() and return the resulting stream.
  streamInit = (uid, attendeeMode, videoProfile, config) => {
    let defaultConfig = {
      streamID: uid,
      audio: true,
      video: true,
      screen: false

    switch (attendeeMode) {
      case 'audio-only': = false
      case 'audience': = false = false
      case 'video':

    let stream = AgoraRTC.createStream(merge(defaultConfig, config))
    return stream

The subscribeStreamEvents() method adds event listeners to the streams:

Event Listener Description Execution after trigger
stream-added Triggers when a stream is added. Add logs for the stream using console.log and subscribe the stream to the client using rt.client.subscribe().
peer-leave Triggers when a peer leaves the room / channel. Add logs for the stream using console.log and remove the stream using rt.removeStream().
stream-subscribed Triggers when a stream is subscribed to the client. Add logs for the stream using console.log and add the stream using rt.addStream().
stream-removed Triggered when a stream is removed from the client. Add logs for the stream using console.log and remove the stream using rt.removeStream().
  subscribeStreamEvents = () => {
    let rt = this
    rt.client.on('stream-added', function (evt) {
      let stream =
      console.log("New stream added: " + stream.getId())
      console.log('At ' + new Date().toLocaleTimeString())
      console.log("Subscribe ", stream)
      rt.client.subscribe(stream, function (err) {
        console.log("Subscribe stream failed", err)

    rt.client.on('peer-leave', function (evt) {
      console.log("Peer has left: " + evt.uid)
      console.log(new Date().toLocaleTimeString())

    rt.client.on('stream-subscribed', function (evt) {
      let stream =
      console.log("Got stream-subscribed event")
      console.log(new Date().toLocaleTimeString())
      console.log("Subscribe remote stream successfully: " + stream.getId())

    rt.client.on("stream-removed", function (evt) {
      let stream =
      console.log("Stream removed: " + stream.getId())
      console.log(new Date().toLocaleTimeString())

The removeStream() method, removes the stream for the specified uid.

For each stream in this.state.streamList, find the stream ID that matches uid.

  1. Close the item using item.close().
  2. Retrieve the layout element using document.querySelector(). If the element is valid, remove it from the layout using element.parentNode.removeChild().
  3. Create a tempList object for the list of streams and remove the current stream using tempList.splice().
  4. Update the streamList state property with tempList.
  removeStream = (uid) => {, index) => {
      if (item.getId() === uid) {
        let element = document.querySelector('#ag-item-' + uid)
        if (element) {
        let tempList = [...this.state.streamList]
        tempList.splice(index, 1)
          streamList: tempList


The addStream() method adds a stream.

Ensure the added stream does not exist in this.state.streamList before continuing execution.

If push is true, append stream to the stream list using this.state.streamList.concat() and update the streamList state property.

Otherwise, prepend stream to the stream list using [stream].concat() and update the streamList state property.

  addStream = (stream, push = false) => {
    let repeatition = this.state.streamList.some(item => {
      return item.getId() === stream.getId()
    if (repeatition) {
    if (push) {
        streamList: this.state.streamList.concat([stream])
    else {
        streamList: [stream].concat(this.state.streamList)


Add Other Custom Methods for the AgoraCanvas Class

The handleCamera() method enables / disables the camera.

  1. Update the class for the trigger target using e.currentTarget.classList.toggle().
  2. Disable or enable the video using this.localStream.disableVideo() or this.localStream.enableVideo() based on this.localStream.isVideoOn().
  handleCamera = (e) => {
    this.localStream.isVideoOn() ?
      this.localStream.disableVideo() : this.localStream.enableVideo()

The handleMic() method enables / disables the microphone / audio.

  1. Update the class for the trigger target using e.currentTarget.classList.toggle().
  2. Disable or enable the audio using this.localStream.disableAudio() or this.localStream.enableAudio() based on this.localStream.isAudioOn().
  handleMic = (e) => {
    this.localStream.isAudioOn() ?
      this.localStream.disableAudio() : this.localStream.enableAudio()

The switchDisplay() method switches displays.

Ensure the trigger target is not disabled e.currentTarget.classList.contains() and the stream list is greater than 1 before continuing execution.

Update the displayMode state property using this.setState() based on value of this.state.displayMode:

Current Display Mode Value New Display Mode Value
pip tile
tile php
share No change
Other Log an error using console.error().
  switchDisplay = (e) => {
    if (e.currentTarget.classList.contains('disabled') || this.state.streamList.length <= 1) {
    if (this.state.displayMode === 'pip') {
      this.setState({ displayMode: 'tile' })
    else if (this.state.displayMode === 'tile') {
      this.setState({ displayMode: 'pip' })
    else if (this.state.displayMode === 'share') {
      // do nothing or alert, tbd
    else {
      console.error('Display Mode can only be tile/pip/share')

The hideRemote() method hides the remote stream.

Ensure the trigger target is not disabled e.currentTarget.classList.contains() and the stream list is greater than 1 before continuing execution.

  1. Declare list
  2. Retrieve the ID of the last stream in the list using getId().
  3. Update list with the array of all layout items matching the ID using Array.from().
  4. For each item in list, update the display using The value of the display is none if equals none; otherwise the value is block.
  hideRemote = (e) => {
    if (e.currentTarget.classList.contains('disabled') || this.state.streamList.length <= 1) {
    let list
    let id = this.state.streamList[this.state.streamList.length - 1].getId()
    list = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(`.ag-item:not(#ag-item-${id})`)) => {
      if ( !== 'none') { = 'none'
      else { = 'block'


The handleExit() method exits the room / channel.

Ensure the trigger target is not disabled e.currentTarget.classList.contains() before continuing execution.

  1. Ensure this.client is valid and unpublish the stream using this.client.unpublish()
  2. Ensure this.localStream is valid and close the stream using this.localStream.close()
  3. Ensure this.client is valid and leave the room / channel using this.client.leave()
  4. Update the readyState state property to false.
  5. Set this.client and this.localStream to null.
  6. Redirect the window to the index page using window.location.hash.
  handleExit = (e) => {
    if (e.currentTarget.classList.contains('disabled')) {
    try {
      this.client && this.client.unpublish(this.localStream)
      this.localStream && this.localStream.close()
      this.client && this.client.leave(() => {
        console.log('Client succeed to leave.')
      }, () => {
        console.log('Client failed to leave.')
    finally {
      this.setState({ readyState: false })
      this.client = null
      this.localStream = null
      // redirect to index
      window.location.hash = ''


Learn More

  • Agora Video SDK sample OpenVideoCall for Vue is also available.


This software is licensed under the MIT License (MIT). View the license.


Video Call App built with ❤️Agora SDK❤️ and React







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