For parents, job seekers, and employers, this initiative offers a Learning Support Assistance Platform. Developed entirely in Ruby on Rails. Authenticated users are given access to the entire website's functionality.
- An authenticated user(parent or teacher) can find Learning Support Assistant for their kids
- A dedicated admin user who educates and give update to every Learning Support Assistant on the platform
- Offers Training and feedbacks to Learning support assistants
- Consumes payment gateway for individual LSA to pay for specific trainings.
This project was built with:
- Ruby. v2.7.0
- Ruby on Rails v6.0.3.3
- Rubocop Linters
- Devise
In order to run, you need to install Ruby in your computer. For windows you can go to Ruby installer and for MAC and LINUX you can go to Ruby official site for intructions on how to intall it.
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.
- Open a terminal
- Clone this repo using:
git clone ""
- Run this command to install the necessary gems:
bundle install
- Run the migrations with this code:
rails db:migrate
- Run a localserver using:
rails server
- When the program is running go to your browser
- put: localhost:3000/
- Click on login, register and Sign up as a new member
- Enjoy the app
👤 Stanley Enow Lekunze
- Github: @happiguru
- LinkedIn:LinkedIn
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
This project is MIT licensed.