This is a project to participate in AdventOfCode 2021
Advent of Code is an Advent calendar of small programming puzzles for a variety of skill sets and skill levels that can be solved in any programming language you like. People use them as a speed contest, interview prep, company training, university coursework, practice problems, or to challenge each other.
This year I'm participating using Kotlin:
Project by Hans Zuidervaart, december 2021
Credits to The TurkeyDev and Roman Elizarov
Most of the days I was able to solve myself. When a problem is inherently recursive, I tend to struggle with it al lot.
That's why I was not able to solve all parts myself. For those parts I looked at how others came to a solution
These are the repo's I visited too see the solutions for the parts I was not able to solve myself.
- Day 16 packet decoder part 1 and 2 by The TurkeyDev
- Day 18 snail fish part 1 and 2 by Roman Elizarov
- Day 19 beacon scanner part 1 and 2 by Roman Elizarov
- Day 21 dirac dice part 2 by Roman Elizarov
- Day 22 Reactor Reboot part 2 by Roman Elizarov
- Day 23 amphipod part 1 and 2 by Roman Elizarov
- Day 24 arithmetic logic unit This was very educational to see. Many thanks to Roman Elizarov, the TurkeyDev and William Y Feng for providing there solutions on GitHub and YouTube!
Full credits for Roman Elizarov, William Y Feng and The Turkey Dev for these days!