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dernhelm7 committed Dec 21, 2012
1 parent e43564e commit 56e8457
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Showing 5 changed files with 217 additions and 195 deletions.
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions .gitattributes
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
# Auto detect text files and perform LF normalization
* text=auto

# Custom for Visual Studio
*.cs diff=csharp
*.sln merge=union
*.csproj merge=union
*.vbproj merge=union
*.fsproj merge=union
*.dbproj merge=union

# Standard to msysgit
*.doc diff=astextplain
*.DOC diff=astextplain
*.docx diff=astextplain
*.DOCX diff=astextplain
*.dot diff=astextplain
*.DOT diff=astextplain
*.pdf diff=astextplain
*.PDF diff=astextplain
*.rtf diff=astextplain
*.RTF diff=astextplain
22 changes: 11 additions & 11 deletions kivy/tools/packaging/README.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
The files in teh win32 and osx subdirectories are
source and resource files that are used in the respective
portable packaged versions of kivy for each OS. Here, they
are under version controll. copies these files into the portable distribution
package that is created when you launch
' build_portable'
For example the win32 dir has the READMEand bat file which
The files in teh win32 and osx subdirectories are
source and resource files that are used in the respective
portable packaged versions of kivy for each OS. Here, they
are under version controll. copies these files into the portable distribution
package that is created when you launch
' build_portable'

For example the win32 dir has the READMEand bat file which
sets up the ENV variables and launches the python interpreter.
158 changes: 79 additions & 79 deletions kivy/tools/packaging/win32/README.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,79 +1,79 @@
This version of Kivy is a portable win32 version, 32 bits. (it work also for
64 bits Windows.) This means everything you need to run kivy (including
python and all other dependencies etc) are included.
This README only addresses the things specific to the portable version of kivy.
For general information on how to get started, where to find the documentation
and configuration see the README file in the kivy directory about Kivy.
Running portable Kivy
The same directory that has this README file in it, contains a file called kivy.bat
running this kivy.bat file will set up the environment for kivy and starts the
python interpreter with any arguments you passed
If you open a command line and go to the directory (or add it to your PATH)
You can run the following:
kivy -w <-- will run as a python script with kivy ready to use
Run a Kivy application without going to the command line
Two options :
1. You can drag your python script on top the kivy.bat file and it will launch
2. If you right click on your python script (.py ending or whatever you named it),
you can select properties and select an application to open this type of file with.
Navigate to the folder that includes this README and select the kivy.bat file.
Now all you have to do is double click (check do this always for this file type
to make this the default)
If you already have Python installed
The portable Kivy version shouldn't cause any conflicts and cooperate fairly well
(at least if it's Python 2.6, otherwise some modules might cause problems if there
is entries on PYTHONPATH)
Install Kivy as a standard python module
Please refer to the install instructions in the complete README :
* Inside the kivy folder inside this one
* Kivy documentation at
Install development environment inside your current shell
If you want to develop with Kivy's python, you may just want to load the
environment, and stay in your console. Inside a git bash / mingsys console, you
can type :
source /path/to/
And it will load the whole enviroment of Kivy. This will give you an access to:
* Python binaries (python, pythonw, easy_install)
* Cython binaries (cython)
* Gstreamer binaries (gst-inspect, gst-launch, ...)
* Pre-configured PYTHONPATH for gst and Kivy
Please note that if you already have a Python installed on your system, it will be
not used.

This version of Kivy is a portable win32 version, 32 bits. (it work also for
64 bits Windows.) This means everything you need to run kivy (including
python and all other dependencies etc) are included.

This README only addresses the things specific to the portable version of kivy.
For general information on how to get started, where to find the documentation
and configuration see the README file in the kivy directory about Kivy.


Running portable Kivy

The same directory that has this README file in it, contains a file called kivy.bat
running this kivy.bat file will set up the environment for kivy and starts the
python interpreter with any arguments you passed


If you open a command line and go to the directory (or add it to your PATH)
You can run the following:

kivy -w <-- will run as a python script with kivy ready to use

Run a Kivy application without going to the command line

Two options :

1. You can drag your python script on top the kivy.bat file and it will launch

2. If you right click on your python script (.py ending or whatever you named it),
you can select properties and select an application to open this type of file with.
Navigate to the folder that includes this README and select the kivy.bat file.
Now all you have to do is double click (check do this always for this file type
to make this the default)

If you already have Python installed

The portable Kivy version shouldn't cause any conflicts and cooperate fairly well
(at least if it's Python 2.6, otherwise some modules might cause problems if there
is entries on PYTHONPATH)

Install Kivy as a standard python module

Please refer to the install instructions in the complete README :
* Inside the kivy folder inside this one
* Kivy documentation at

Install development environment inside your current shell

If you want to develop with Kivy's python, you may just want to load the
environment, and stay in your console. Inside a git bash / mingsys console, you
can type :

source /path/to/

And it will load the whole enviroment of Kivy. This will give you an access to:

* Python binaries (python, pythonw, easy_install)
* Cython binaries (cython)
* Gstreamer binaries (gst-inspect, gst-launch, ...)
* Pre-configured PYTHONPATH for gst and Kivy

Please note that if you already have a Python installed on your system, it will be
not used.
104 changes: 52 additions & 52 deletions kivy/tools/packaging/win32/kivy.bat
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,52 +1,52 @@
@ECHO off

set kivy_portable_root=%~dp0
ECHO botstrapping Kivy @ %kivy_portable_root%

IF DEFINED kivy_paths_initialized (GOTO :runkivy)

ECHO Setting Environment Variables:
ECHO #################################

set GST_REGISTRY=%kivy_portable_root%gstreamer\registry.bin
ECHO ---------------

set GST_PLUGIN_PATH=%kivy_portable_root%gstreamer\lib\gstreamer-0.10
ECHO ---------------

set PATH=%kivy_portable_root%;%kivy_portable_root%Python;%kivy_portable_root%Python\Scripts;%kivy_portable_root%gstreamer\bin;%kivy_portable_root%MinGW\bin;%PATH%
ECHO ----------------------------------

set PYTHONPATH=%kivy_portable_root%kivy;%PYTHONPATH%
ECHO ----------------------------------

SET kivy_paths_initialized=1
ECHO ##################################


ECHO done bootstraping kivy...have fun!\n
IF (%1)==() GOTO SHELL
ECHO running "python.exe %*" \n
python.exe %*
IF %errorlevel% NEQ 0 (PAUSE)
ECHO -----------------------------------------------------------------------
ECHO - Running a shell, you can browse kivyexamples and launch apps with: -
ECHO - python -
ECHO -----------------------------------------------------------------------
@ECHO off

set kivy_portable_root=%~dp0
ECHO botstrapping Kivy @ %kivy_portable_root%

IF DEFINED kivy_paths_initialized (GOTO :runkivy)

ECHO Setting Environment Variables:
ECHO #################################

set GST_REGISTRY=%kivy_portable_root%gstreamer\registry.bin
ECHO ---------------

set GST_PLUGIN_PATH=%kivy_portable_root%gstreamer\lib\gstreamer-0.10
ECHO ---------------

set PATH=%kivy_portable_root%;%kivy_portable_root%Python;%kivy_portable_root%Python\Scripts;%kivy_portable_root%gstreamer\bin;%kivy_portable_root%MinGW\bin;%PATH%
ECHO ----------------------------------

set PYTHONPATH=%kivy_portable_root%kivy;%PYTHONPATH%
ECHO ----------------------------------

SET kivy_paths_initialized=1
ECHO ##################################


ECHO done bootstraping kivy...have fun!\n
IF (%1)==() GOTO SHELL
ECHO running "python.exe %*" \n
python.exe %*
IF %errorlevel% NEQ 0 (PAUSE)
ECHO -----------------------------------------------------------------------
ECHO - Running a shell, you can browse kivyexamples and launch apps with: -
ECHO - python -
ECHO -----------------------------------------------------------------------

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