What's Changed
- Release v1.0.0 by @hanseo0507 in #41
- hotfix(providers): resolve a not render page issue when user not authenticated by @hanseo0507 in #42
- hotfix(pages): replace buttons in auth page to Button component by @hanseo0507 in #43
- fix: add pretendard.css link into index.html by @hanseo0507 in #44
- fix(components): disable MainSection cricles for mobile support by @hanseo0507 in #45
- fix: update second grade depertment to new depertments list by @hanseo0507 in #46
- fix(pages): not update resume when already insert answer by @hanseo0507 in #47
- refactor:
refactoring and some bug fix by @hanseo0507 in #49 - feat(pages): add admin resume list page by @hanseo0507 in #51
Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.0.1