Resume is a simple Lektor theme ported from startbootstrap, which is designed to fit the style of someone who wants a site they can link others to as well as a place to blog about what they're developing in addition to talking about previous projects.
It uses Bootstrap 4, Jquery and Font-Awesome 4 out of the box. It also comes with integration to Google Analytics.
There is a fully functional example-site on the way - but it is not up yet.
This comes with some example/dummy content just to give some idea of what goes where and how everything is laid out.
This theme is under development still - it will probably get further from the original version it was ported from as time goes on.
Add params in the .lektorproject file
first_name = Roger
last_name = Williams
name = Roger Williams
street = 123 Somewhere Dr.
city = Chicago
state = Illinois
zip = 60007
phone = (312)555-4567
email = [email protected]
about = info_about_you
site =
googleanalytics = your_google_analytics_id
facebookID = your_facebook
twitterID = your_twitter
instagramID = your_instagram
githubID = your_github
gitlabID = your_gitlab
codepenID = your_codepen
linkedInURL = your_linkedin
googleplusID = your_googleplus
profilepicture = profile_picture_asset_url
googleanalytics = your_google_analytics_id
slackURL =
comments = yes
Optionally turn on add Disqus Comments on the blog posts with lektor-disqus-comments plugin. Configure it with this.
Resume is licensed under the MIT license