This is based on the programing exercise of the lecture Techniques in Artificial Intelligence (IN2062) delivered at the Department of Informatics, TUM. The task in this exercise is to implement a heuristic function and/or a search algorithm with motion primitives to solve CommonRoad scenarios. The following search algorithms have been implemented as examples:
- Breadth First Search
- Depth First Search
- Depth-limited Search
- Uniform Cost Search (aka Dijkstra's algorithm)
- Greedy Best First Search
- A* Search
The code is written in Python 3.7 and has been tested on Ubuntu 18.04. The original repository can be cloned with:
$ git clone
For an easy start we created a binder image:
You can either run the code locally, in a virtual machine, or in a docker container.
Ubuntu, MacOS, Windows: a VirtualBox image is available in which all the necessary packages have been installed. The virtual machine image can be downloaded via this link. The downloading and the default login passwords are both
. You can update to the latest commit with typing the command in thecommonroad-search/
folder:$ git pull
Ubuntu, MacOS, Windows: a docker file and a docker image is available if you wish to run the code in a docker container. Refer to
for further instructions. Minimum system requirements are listed here. -
Ubuntu 18.04/20.04, MacOS: If you wish to install the code locally, proceed with the installation guide below.
skip this section if you intend to run the code in the virtual machine or in the docker container.
We recommend using Anaconda to manage your environment so that even if you mess something up, you can always have a safe and clean restart. A guide for managing python environments with Anaconda can be found here.
After installing Anaconda, create a new environment with:
$ conda create -n commonroad-py37 python=3.7 -y
Here the name of the environment is called commonroad-py37. You may also change this name as you wish. In such case, don't forget to change it in the following commands as well. Always activate this environment before you do anything related:
$ conda activate commonroad-py37
$ source activate commonroad-py37
Install Jupyter Notebook
and supplementary modules:
$ conda install jupyter ipykernel ipywidgets sphinx scipy -y
$ jupyter nbextension install --py widgetsnbextension --user
$ jupyter nbextension enable widgetsnbextension --user --py
Then, install the dependencies with:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
This will install related dependencies specified in requirements.txt
We install Imagemagick
(required for saving GIF animations of solutions) with the following commands:
# Ubuntu
$ sudo apt-get install imagemagick imagemagick-doc -y
# MacOS
$ brew install imagemagick
To proceed with the tutorials, open a terminal in commonroad-search/
folder, and launch Jupyter Notebook kernel with:
$ jupyter notebook
In the pop-up tab (or: open http://localhost:9000/ if ran with docker, otherwise http://localhost:8888/, in the explorer), navigate to tutorials/
and follow the tutorials one by one. After that, you may proceed with the exercise itself (see exercise guide for more detail).
If you are new here, it's worth to take a look at the following tools:
- Jupyter Notebook: an open-source web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations and narrative text. An introduction can be found here.
- PyCharm: one of the best Python IDEs on the market. It is free for students. A tutorial video can be seen here.
- GitKraken: a powerful and elegant multi-platform graphical interface for Git, as an alternative to the command line. It is free for students (with GitHub account). An introduction to GitKraken can be found here.
If you encountered any problem, please raise it in the CommonRoad Forum so that other students can also benefit from the answers to your questions.