Automated Genomics Application for Variant Exploration (AGAVE)
Pure-Python DAG-based high-performance SHM-backed pub-sub and multi-processing pattern
Holographic BCI Lightbulb Demonstration
Basestack is a platform for rapid and real time analysis of NGS data. It provides a executable application that connects standard bionformatics tools to a user interface. It is usable on all major …
LabGraph is a Python framework for rapidly prototyping experimental systems for real-time streaming applications. It is particularly well-suited to real-time neuroscience, physiology and psychology…
An adventure game to help people learn Git
Removed at the request of those with deeper wallets than I.
A web site that tracks what I am reading over a period of time and whether I am on pace to finish on time
💾 The source of VS Code's C++ syntax highlighting
An interactive way to learn about your favourite songs on Spotify. Quiz yourself on your favourite playlists and share quizzes with friends.