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1. Find the URL bar when you are on the Blooket page accociated with the hack.
2. Delete everything currently in the bar (DON'T CLICK ENTER).
3. Type " javascript: "
4. Paste the script in.
The URL should something look like this:
5. Click 'Enter'
6. For LIVE GAMES, you are done. For GLOBAL SCRIPTS (ex. preformed on Dashboard), refresh your page.
Set-Blooks.js - set the number of Blooks you have. Credit to @therealgliz.
Set-Defense.js - set your defense to a number over four. Credit to @therealgliz.
Get-Coins.js - get some money to buy updates. Credit to @therealgliz.
Infine-Food-Level.js - makes the level of food (like you buy in the shop) an infinite number. Credit to Schoolcheats.
Max-Food-Amount.js - makes the stock of food go to the max. Credit to @therealgliz.
Choice-Info.js - tells you what will happen if you click Yes or No. Credit to Schoolcheats.
Max-Stats.js - makes the levels of everything 100. Credit to @therealgliz.
Remove-Taxes.js - gets rid of Tax Toucan and the dragon with him. Credit to Schoolcheats.
Set-Guests.js - set how many blooks you have answered. Credit to @therealgliz.
Skip-Guest.js - skip a blook. Credit to @therealgliz.
InputPlayerPassword.js - automatically inputs a user's (correct) password as you hack them. Credit to @rxzyx (Github).
SetCrypto.js - adds crypto. Credit to @rxzyx (Github).
DinoMod.js - full control over Deceptive Dinos. Credit to @qaiik (Github).
FossilMultiplier.js - mutltiplies your Fossil Income! Credit to @rxzyx (Github).
SetFossils.js - allows you to set the number of fossils you have. Credit to @rxzyx (Github).
QuickInvestigation.js - quickly investigates EVERY PLAYER to catch cheaters. Credit to @qaiik (Github).
AllMegaBot.js - makes every worker a maxed out Mega Bot. Credit to Schoolcheats.
ClearAdsForever.js - makes the Spam Ads glitch never show up on your screen. Credit to @rxzyx (Github).
SetCash.js - set the number of cash you have. Credit to Schoolcheats.
BestFishes.js - get the best fishes! Credit to @qaiik (Github).
FrenzyForever.js - Frenzy for only you, the entire game. Credit to (Unknown).
NoFishDelay.js - don't wait for a fish to be caught...get one instantly. Credit to @qaiik (Github).
BypassRandomName.js - bypass the Random Name feature. Credit to @BilbertRules (Github).
EveryAnswerCorrect.js - never get an asnwer wrong! Credit to Schoolcheats.
GetTokensXP.js - get your daily 500 tokens and 300 XP. Credit to Schoolcheats.
SellDupeBlooks.js - sell all of your suplicate Blooks. Destructive action. Credit to Schoolcheats.
SpamOpenBoxes.js - spam open any box. This is an insane hack that is different form all other spammers. Credit directly to Gliz.
SpoofLobbyBlooks.js - get EVERY IN-GAME BLOOK! Only to be used in the lobby of games, before the game starts. Credit to Schoolcheats.
ChestESP.js - see what is in each chest, before the chest is opened. Credit to Schoolcheats.
InstantWin.js - instantly finish the race. Credit to Schoolcheats.
ClearEnemies.js - clear all enemies in a single round. Credit to Schoolcheats.
GetDamage.js - in a live game, your points, where you are on the leaderboard, is your Damage. This lets you GET Damage to get to #1. Credit to @rxzyx (Github).
OPTowers.js - towers deal INSANE damage. Credit to @rxzyx (Github).
RemoveAnnoyingDucks.js - removed any of the Annoying Ducks feature in Live Games. Credit to (Unknown).
SetCash.js - set the amount of cash you have. Credit to Schoolcheats.
TowersAnywhere.js - place towers ANYWHERE, including the path. Credit to @rxzyx (Github).
LowerEnemyStats.js - sets enemy's Strength, Charisma, and Wisdom to 0. Credit to Schoolcheats.
MaxPlayerStats.js - sets player's Strength, Charisma, and Wisdom to 100. Credit to Schoolcheats.
SetHealth.js - change your health. Credit to @rxzyx (Github).