This is a demo project required by SRE role.
The candidate should be able to complete the project independently in two days and well document the procedure in a practical and well understanding way.
It is not guaranteed that all tasks can be achieved as expected, in which circumstance, the candidate should trouble shoot the issue, conclude based on findings and document which/why/how.
either in a physical machine or a virtual machine
[hanjie:] Note: The above mentioned version: ubuntu-16.04.6-server-amd64.iso does not exist.
download ubuntu-16.04.7-server-amd64.iso instead.
Hanjie:] downloaded VirtualBox-6.1.16-140961-Win.exe from The package will be installed on Window10
precondition: local administrator.
1. there is existing Vagrant/virtualBox installed, uninstall them before installation.
2. Install virtualBox with the default settings by keeping click "Next".
3. Start "Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager" and setup Proxy if needed.
click "New" button to create a new VM. select "Linux" as Type and then select "ubuntu xxx"
Note: only 32bit versions are available, which is a window10 specific issue.
google the problems and find solution to Suspend/turn off HyperV settings. Restart the laptop.
And create the new VM again. Now. 64bit versions are available.
4. create the VM with the following settings: 4096M memory, 10G hard disk, VDI, Dynamically allocated, and keep default settings for others.
Anyway, we can change the settings later.
5. Add the download ubuntu-16.04.7-server-amd64.iso as the startup disk
6. install ubuntu server with English language .
7. keep the default settings. Google the ubuntu installation guide if you don’t know the meaning of some of the settings.
Create the VM with user:password jihan:jihan
8.Save the machine state and restart the VM and
Run “sudo apt-get install openssh-server” to install ssh server for next steps(task1).
[hanjie:] done
for VM, use NAT network and forward required ports to host machine
22->2222 for ssh
80->8080 for gitlab
8081/8082->8081/8082 for go app
31080/31081->31080/31081 for go app in k8s
[hanjie:] done
ssh to guest machine from host machine ($ ssh user@localhost -p 2222) and update the system to the latest [Hanjie:] Run “sudo apt-get install openssh-server” to install ssh server for next steps(step1). Here I use MobaXterm instead. Create a ssh session and login to the VM. Setup proxy if needed.
upgrade the kernel to the 16.04 latest
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
[Hanjie:] done
sudo apt-get install -y curl openssh-server ca-certificates tzdata done
sudo apt-get install -y postfix skipped
curl -sS | sudo bash done and need proxy settings
#and change the command to preserve the ENV of the proxy settings to sudo
curl -sS | sudo bash -E
sudo EXTERNAL_URL="" apt-get install gitlab-ce done
#change from https to http.
Expect output: Gitlab is up and running at (no tls or FQDN required)
Access it from host machine
[Hanjie:] done
named demo/go-web-hello-world (demo is group name, go-web-hello-world is project name).
Use golang to build a hello world web app (listen to 8081 port) and check-in the code to mainline.
Expect source code at
[Hanjie:] done with GUI operations.
[Hanjie:] done
minor change on the source codes
Install go lang by command “sudo apt install golang-go”
go build main.go
export no_proxy="localhost,,"
add to file /etc/hosts
change password to “sunshine”
login to gitlab with root:sunshine
[hanjie:] done
Expect output:
Go Web Hello World!
[hanjie:] done
Check by command:
jihan@vm4eric:/tmp$ docker --version
Docker version 19.03.13, build 4484c46d9d
build a docker image ($ docker build) for the web app and run that in a container ($ docker run), expose the service to 8082 (-p)
Check in the Dockerfile into gitlab
[hanjie:] done
git clone
cd go-web-hello-world/
sudo vi dockerfile
sudo docker build --tag go-web-hello-world:1.0 .
git add dockerfile
git commit -m "add dockerfile"
git push
docker run --publish 8082:8082 --detach --name go-web-hello-world go-web-hello-world:1.0
Expect output:
Go Web Hello World!
tag the docker image using your_dockerhub_id/go-web-hello-world:v0.1 and push it to docker hub (
Expect output:
[hanjie:] done
root@vm4eric:~/go-web-hello-world# docker tag go-web-hello-world:1.0 hanjie0/go-web-hello-world:v0.1
root@vm4eric:~/go-web-hello-world# docker login
make sure you got : Login Succeeded
docker push hanjie0/go-web-hello-world:v0.1
check is available.
create a file in the gitlab repo and add the technical procedure above (0-7) in this file