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RDB User Guide Spanish
Bienvenidos al Tadpole!
Ésta es una herramienta del Query del DB basado en la 'web'. Puedes conectarte a una variedad de base de datos en el navegador de la 'web', y hay funciones de control según el usuario('user' o 'admin' o 'dba' y otros). El objetivo es un DB HUB para todos los DBs.
- Página de inicio : https://github.com/hangum/TadpoleForDBTools/wiki
- Licencia : Lesser General Public License(LGPL)
- Donaciones con paypal es fácil donar a Tadpole con PayPal. Ver detalles - https://github.com/hangum/TadpoleForDBTools/wiki/Donor-List
- Contacto : TADPOLE([email protected])
Ahora estamos apoyando - Amazon RDS, CUBRID, MarisDB, Oracle, MySQL, MSSQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MongoDB. Para cualquier trabajo determinado, Tadpole te permite centar en tu proyecto de manera creativa.
Lista de DBs probados
- Amazon RDS : aws-java-sdk-1.4.7
- CUBRID : 8.4.x ~
- Oracle : 10g ~
- MySQL : 5.4.x ~
- MariaDB : 5.5.x ~
- MSSQL : 2000 ~
- PostgreSQL : 9.1.x ~
- SQLite : 3.7.2 ~
- MongoDB : 2.0.5 ~
Explicación para RDBMS.
- Instalar
- Empezando
- Standalone
- Tomcat
- Login
- Visión del conjunto del Tadpole
- Barra de herramientas
- Lista de la base de datos
- Explorador de Objecto
- Editor de SQL
- Entorno
- Añadir nuevo usuario
- Editor de la tabla de datos
- Ventana de comandos de procedimiento
- Lista de sesiones
- Gestión del usuario
- Gestión SQL ejecutado
- JAVA 1.6.x(Mac 1.7.x)
- Linux, Mac, Windows, Tomcat 6.x (If you want to user the other O.S, connect me : [email protected])
- Descargar - https://code.google.com/p/tadpole-for-db-tools/downloads/list
- Más referencias : https://github.com/hangum/TadpoleForDBTools/issues?direction=desc&sort=created&state=open
- Ejecutar TadpoleDBHub-1.x.x\tadpole-standalone.exe
- Después de instalar, se ejecutará automáticamente un navegador de 'web'(O también puedes instalar el TadpoleForDBToolsStartup haciendo doble click). La primera vez que inicies, puede suceder que no encuentres la página en el navegador. Esto es producido porque el motor se está iniciando. No te preocupes, pulsa F5 para refrescar.
- Abre el navegador e inicía '' pd: El DB de Tadpole es TadpoleDBHub-1.x.x/configuration/tadpole/db/tadpole-system.db. Por favor, instala la nueva versión y haz copia de seguridad(backup).
- Has instalado Tadpole antes? Ok. Por favor, haz 'backup' un archivo de apache-tomcat-6.x.x/work/Catalina/localhost/tadpole/eclipse/configuration/tadpole/db/tadpole-system.db y borra el directorio apache-tomcat-6.x.x/work.
- Cambia el nombre de 'war' a tadpole.war desde TadpoleDBHub1.x.x-tadpole.war.
- El archivo 'WAR' debe estar en la ruta del directorio de 'webapp'. Y el 'Tomcat' tiene que estar instalado y en ejecución.
- Si la raíz del contexto es Tadpole, ejecuta en el navegador.
- Si actualizas datos antiguos, copia a tadpole-system.db el archivo 'backup'(number1. apache-tomcat-6.x.x/work/Catalina/localhost/tadpole/eclipse/configuration/tadpole/db/tadpole-system.db) en el mismo directorio.
- Ventana de modo test.
- Tadpole tiene 'Admin', 'Manager', 'User'(Desarrollador). Primero construye el DEFAULT USER.
- Inicia sesión como 'Admin'([email protected]/admin), como 'Manager'([email protected]/manager), como 'User'([email protected]/guest).
- Si quieres probar el modo test, no es necesario EMAIL ADDRESS ni PASSWORD. Para el modo test se acepta 'admin login/user login'.
- Añadir nuevo usuario : (https://github.com/hangum/TadpoleForDBTools/wiki/RDB-User-Guide-Eng#create-a-new-user)
- Barra de herramientas(https://github.com/hangum/TadpoleForDBTools/wiki/RDB-User-Guide-Eng#toolbar) : Conexión a DB, guardar, autoridad(si eres un usuario 'manager' o 'admin'), entorno y otros.
- Lista de base de datos(https://github.com/hangum/TadpoleForDBTools/wiki/RDB-User-Guide-Eng#database-list) : Crear nuevo DB, borrar, datos compartidos del usuario.
- Explorador de Objeto(https://github.com/hangum/TadpoleForDBTools/wiki/RDB-User-Guide-Eng#object-explorer) : Mostrar la lista de Objetos(Tabla, Vista) seleccionados en la lista de la base de datos.
- Interfaz de usuario principal(https://github.com/hangum/TadpoleForDBTools/wiki/RDB-User-Guide-Eng#sql-editor) : Mostrar el editor del Query del DB, visualizador del perfil de MongoDB y visualizador de la tarea principal.
La barra de herramientas es un Interfaz de Usuario Gráfico(GUI) sobre la cual se puede colocar botones, iconos, menús u otros elementos de 'input' o 'output. Los permisos están limitados según el tipo de usuario. El 'Manager' puede usar todas las funciones, y 'User' no puede crear DB, ni borrar funciones de perfil.
- Mostrar la ventana de conexión al DB.
- Salvar datos en el actual Editor de SQL.
- Mostrar la ventana del Editor de SQL de 'Database List' seleccionado.
- Mostrar la ventana del Editor de ERD de 'Database List' seleccionado.
- Borrar la ventana del recursos compartidos de 'Database List' seleccionados.
- Mostrar usuario, información del db.
- Mostrar información de historia de todos los DBs.
- Mostrar información del entorno.
- Mostrar errores, asuntos de petición. (se necesita cuenta del Github).
- Mostrar preferencias del sistema.
- Botón de cerrar. (Si eres 'Standalone', cerrar programa, o ejecutar Tomcat, 'logout').
Mostrar la lista de la base de datos a las cuales se les permite la conexión. Usar la conexión de información compartida a usuario en los mismos grupos.
Sólo los usuarios con permisos de 'Manager' puede añadir DB.
- Lista de DBs para la conexión.
- Preferencias del sistema para la administración de Tadpole
- Server type : Input DB of server type
- Server type -> Production Server : You are able to add a new admin user directly to the database. Then generate user can SELECT in the SQL Editor, we are marked to edit frame red color.
- Server type -> Developer Server : This is development DB and you can do all thing for except permission.
- Server type -> Others Server : This is add other uses of a DB and you can do all thing for except permission.
- Group : DB group to add each other easier.
- Name : DB name for Database List.
- Input database information selected no.1.
- Additional information connected no.2.
- Readonly Connection : Can't delete, update and so on connected DB. Only SELECT statements is possible in SQL Editor.
- Auto Commit : When the auto-commit mode is enabled, the operation commits the transaction immediately after an INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE operation. When auto-commit is disabled, the transaction must be committed (through the effective SQL session) as required.
- Table Filters : The filter is hidden and shown in the 'Object Explore'.
- Profile : Query description, query execution time, monitor, result, and measure your application's SQL statements and stored procedures.
- Show Tables : Display all of the tables in 'Object Explore'. When single schema has large tables, hide table and it prevent much slow for current status.
- Execute after the confirmation message except SELECT : It must execute after the confirmation message except SELECT in SQL Editor.
- Test, Save, Cancel to saved DB.
- Test Connection : Display the information, when it is possible for a connection to input information of no.2.
- Confirm : Add input DB connection information.
- Cancel : Cancel add DB and close job..
Warning) SQLite database file to be worked on as an absolute path of your hdd executed Tadpole DB Hub. It is not local path connected user as "C:\TEMP\SQLite.DB".
If you add DB in the 'Database List', display in the group. And open SQL Editor of DB.
- Display 'DB icon [D] create name (account information)'.
- First : DB list
- [D] : acronym of Developer Server. Production Server is [P], Others Server is [O].
- Input name to create window.
- Added account DB information. (Normal user can't see).
- If you select DB, display Object(For example, Managing selected Tables of DB, Views, Indexes, Procedures, Functions, Trigger) to 'Object explore'.
- If you double-click DB, open SQL Editor.
- If you select DB, and right-click display
<2013.08.25.23:24 시작.>
If it is a SELECT DB after, right-click on this mouse, display action for execute as user permission.
- Refresh : Search again from the 'Database List' for the newest.
- SQL query window : open SQL Editor - Administer -> Session List : Display Session List of DB.
- Administer -> Delete Database : Remove DB. Notice! DROP database drops all tables in the database and deletes the database and connected DB information.
- ERD -> All Table ERD : Display relationship by referential integrity.
- ERD -> Create ERD : Display window to draw ERD, drag and drop tables to 'Object Explore'.
- Create DML : Display CREATE TABLE, VIEW, Index, Procedure, Function, Trigger template in the SQL Editor.
If database selected in the Database List, display Table, View, Indexes, Procedures, Functions, Triggers information of Object Explorer'.(Display current running objects)
Explain table based and same the other object(Views, Indexes, Procedures..).
- Search table name.
- Input Object name and command enter.
- Don't care upper case and lower case.
- Display table name, description. Display column list of ③, when you click the table name.
- Double click Table name -> display select query in SQL Editor.
- Display comments on table name Table to mouseover event.
- You can modify comment in grid windows for Oracle, MSSQL DB.
- Display column of table information selected ②.
- You can modify comment in grid windows for Oracle, MSSQL DB.
- There is Procedure run button in Procedure. [Next]
Select Table > Right-click and select Create > Here is the functions. (It is different as permission.)
- Create Table : Create to SQL Editor what create table query in template.
- Drop Table : Drop the table.
- Refresh Table : Refresh Table List.
- Generate Sample Data : Display dialog generate sample data selected table to Oracle.
- Generate Statement : Select : Display selected select query of table in SQL Editor.
- Generate Statement : Insert : Display selected insert query of table in SQL Editor.
- Generate Statement : Update : Display selected update query of table in SQL Editor.
- Generate Statement : Delete : Display selected delete query of table in SQL Editor..
- View DDL : Display selected DDL table in SQL Editor.
- Table Data Editor : Display data to grid for modify data of table.
SQL Editor is a database query editor window. Double click the database in the 'Database List' Manager or double click the table in the 'Object explore', or execute template, then you can use SQL Editor. The semicolon(;) as a separator of all query in the SQL Editor. If you create Procedure, input multi line semicolon(;). Then it is not a valid rules. Ok I will solve the problem. You can execute drag block. If you click 'Ctrl + Space(Mac : Command + Space)'in the SQL Editor, display table list. Then you can write sql statement at all.
SQL Toolbar : Quick collection shortcuts of number 2.
- Display DB information connected to SQL Editor .
- Execute : The shell command execute in the query editor. If there is select the block with mouse in the query editor, execute the block query statement and display the result in the query editor.
- Execute ALL : Displaying about executes all SQL statements in the query editor.
- Execute Plan : Displaying about describes the SQL statements EXPLAIN PLAN, and explains how to interpret its output.
- Format SQL : Sorting SQL statements formatter/beautifier.
- SQL to Application : Converting SQL statements to Java or PHP.
- Download SQL : Downloding SQL statements to local file.
- Auto Commit : Execute to Auto-Commit mode for DDL.
- Commit : Disabled AutoCommit. And if you used to disabled auto-commit mode, commit executed query in DB.
- Rollback : Disabled AutoCommit. And if you used to disabled auto-commit mode, rollback executed query in DB.
- Display help in the editor.
- Query editor : Executing DML, DDL statements.
- Input executed sql statements and append such a semicolon at the end. There is no each SQL command with a semicolon, it will consider the execution of a SQL statement.
- Execute drag and drop the blocks you need from the sql statements, it will consider the execution of a SQL statement. And create Procedure too. You can use the middle query you executed for test.
- Supported shortcut to SQL Editor
- Windows, Linux : Ctrl key, Mac : Command key.(Explain about windows)
- Which displays a list of all the keyboard shortcut like eclipse -> Ctrl + Shift + l
- Save: Ctrl + S
- Execute SQL statements: Ctrl + enter, F5
- Optimizer: Ctrl + E
- Sort query : Ctrl + Shift + F
- Move current selection: Ctrl + H
- Convert lowercase to blocking : Ctrl + Shift + Y
- Convert uppercase to blocking : Ctrl + Shift + X
- Displays a list of all the keyboard shortcut combinations : Ctrl + Shift + L
- Delete all : F7
- Selects all : Ctrl + A
- Move to selected line in the editor : Ctrl + L
- Copy to user blocking : Ctrl + C
- Press Ctrl-C to paste : Ctrl + V
- View table list : Ctrl + Space
- Delete from cursor to end of line : Ctrl + D
- Result SQL
- Result SQL : Display result SQL. If you double-click column of result table, display the data to pop-up. If you click Export CSV Data button, downloading data to user's computer.
Here the picture. If you are in an input to 'city=r', searching include 'r' in city column. If you are not in an input anything, searching all columns.
- Executed sql statements : Display current executing query and query information. If you click import SQL or double-click query, insert sql statements to SQL Editor. 'View detail' is viewing query in dialog. 'Export' is save SQL statements to local file. 'Delete' is deleted sql statements. 'Refresh' button search and get executed all query statements.
- Message : Display error message when you run a query. Export data or double-click, you can see more detail.
ERD select a database in the 'Database List' and select the ERD of toolbar , after select database, click the right-button and you can
- All Table ERD : Arrange all tables of the database in the ERD editor
- Create ERD Diagram : To open a ERD editor for ERD arrange user only wants tables Drag & drop SQL editer after select mouse on Tables of 'Object Explorer' what users wants tables.
Table auto sort option : Open a popup window after a button right-click in the editor and click 'Tree Auto Layout'. So sorting user of user lists in a visually readable format.
- General tab : Input separator when you try to Session and Export.
- MongoDB tab : Setting the default limit count and max count information.
- RDB tab : Setting the select limit value and page count value.
- User tab : Change user password.
- Click the New button in the login page.
Users must register as a group member.
- User type : Manager : Create user groups. Get a manager of the permissions. Manager can Create / Remove DB and User. Share what's new member in groups, db and user sql statements, ERD and so on. You don't have permission to access to system before confirm administrator.(If test mode in the system, you have created an automatic approval.)
- User type : DBA : DBA User in groups. DBA can create, remove and at all.
- User type : User : Create a user. Limit part functions.
If all user can use and connect, you need your parent permission to access.
- If you have primary key, you can edit.
- where : select table again to db.
- filter : filtering only current window.
- Data edit : click column and after change to edit mode from view mode.
- Data save : finished edit data, click save button.
- Oracle, MariaDB, MySQL, MSSQL can execute Procedure.
- Blue icon is successed, yellow icon is failed or syntax error or dependent errors in the Procedure. Then you can debug object error and after compile to user View DDL function.
- Display execte window double click or click pop-up 'Execute Procedure'
- MariaDB, MySQL can see Session List
Session List is displayed Session list executed in the DB. And you can close Long time to execute or shutdown query.
- Collection shortcuts of Session List.
- Display current sql statements.
- If you select query of number ②, display SQL statements executed query.
User list of group, manage db list and add a user, change stop use. Or select executed query list of user, but only administrator and DBA can be use.
Display all user list, if you click user, display 'Executed SQL Management'. This is executed previously is executed again on the viewer.
You will search job history, and if you double click to the history, copy to SQL Editor. Then you can test the job.