Manga Web Store. It was made as part of the Web course in the 2nd year of the university
Requrements for this project:
- Min DB 5 tables.
- Minimum 1 one-to-many relation(excluding user-role relation).
- Minimum 1 many-to-many relation(excluding user-role relation).
- Login and register processes.
- At least 3 roles(including user and admin), and roles must lead to different resources(pages). Restrict accesses for roles to admin pages.
- Using jquery and bootstrap, flex libraries as minimum.
- Good design and usability.
- Adaptive design, 3 devices minimum (laptop, tablet, mobile)
- Contain searching or ordering or filtering processes.
- Switching between different languages. COOKIES.
- User-role as many-to-many relation.
Second part of the Main Page
Third part of the Main Page
Fourth part of the Main Page