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eye Cookbook

eye is a process monitoring tool, inspired by bluepill and god. This chef cookbook installs the eye RubyGem and configures it to manage services. It also includes a LWRP.


eye is written in Ruby, so it should work on any system. If you want to use eye's uid or gid features, Ruby > 2.0.0 is required.


  • node['eye']['version'] - Version of eye, default is '0.6.1'
  • node['eye']['conf_dir'] - Location of eye's configuration files, default '/etc/eye'
  • node['eye']['bin'] - Location of eye binary, default "node['languages']['ruby']['bin_dir']/eye"
  • node['eye']['log_dir'] - Location of eye's logfiles, default '/var/log/eye'
  • node['eye']['run_dir'] - Path of state directory, default '/var/run/eye'
  • node['eye']['user'] - Owner of eye process, directories and configuration files, default 'root'
  • node['eye']['group'] - Group of eye process, directories and configuration files, default 'root'
  • node['eye']['http']['install'] - if set to true, eye-http gem will be installed, default 'false'
  • node['eye']['http']['version'] - Version of eye-http, default is '0.6'


This cookbook contains a LWRPs, eye_service.

eye_service 'my_service' do
	action [:enable, :reload, :restart]

This loads eye daemon with a needed configuration 'my_service.eye' in a subdirectory of node['eye']['conf_dir'] named by the default eye owner (e.g /etc/eye/root/my_service.rb) and starts the according process. The owner of eye daemon and the process itself is the user defined with node['eye']['user']

An (additional) eye daemon can also be started by a different owner (with it's own logfile, e.g in '/var/log/eye/deploy/eye.log')

eye_service 'my_service' do user_srv true user_srv_uid 'deploy' user_srv_gid 'deploy' user_srv_home '/home/deploy' action [:enable, :reload, :restart] end

In that case the configuration file should be in '/etc/eye/deploy/my_service.eye'

If eye daemon should by controlled by node['eye']['user'], but the process should be started as different user, use eye's uid or gid configuration features.

eye_service creates an init script, e.g. '/etc/init.d/my_service'. This init script can be prefixed, like

eye_service 'my_service' do
	init_script_prefix 'eye-'

There's also a definition eye_app which creates the necessary configuration files, log directories and calls eye_service afterwards.

Example for unicorn:

  eye_app "test_unicorn" do
    user_srv true
    user_srv_uid "deploy"
    user_srv_gid "deploy"
    user_srv_home '/home/deploy'
    enable true 
    reload false
    restart false
    template "rails_unicorn.conf.erb"
    cookbook "rails_app"
    variables :ruby => "#{node['languages']['ruby']['bin_dir']}/ruby",
              :environment => 'test',
              :working_dir => '/var/www/rails_dir'

with according template:

Eye.application "test_unicorn" do
  env "RAILS_ENV" => '<%= @environment %>'
  env "PATH" => "#{File.dirname("<%= @ruby %>")}:#{ENV['PATH']}"

  working_dir "<%= @working_dir %>"

  process("unicorn") do
    pid_file "tmp/pids/"
    start_command "<%= @ruby %> ./bin/unicorn -Dc ./config/unicorn.rb -E <%= @environment %>"
    stdall "log/unicorn.log"

    stop_signals [:TERM, 10.seconds]

    restart_command "kill -USR2 {PID}"

    check :cpu, :every => 30, :below => 80, :times => 3
    check :memory, :every => 30, :below => 150.megabytes, :times => [3,5]

    start_timeout 30.seconds
    restart_grace 30.seconds

    monitor_children do
      stop_command "kill -QUIT {PID}"
      check :cpu, :every => 30, :below => 80, :times => 3
      check :memory, :every => 30, :below => 150.megabytes, :times => [3,5]



e.g. Just include eye in your node's run_list:

  "run_list": [


  1. Fork the repository on Github
  2. Create a named feature branch (like add_component_x)
  3. Write you change
  4. Write tests for your change (if applicable)
  5. Run the tests, ensuring they all pass
  6. Submit a Pull Request using Github

License and Authors

Authors: Holger Amann [email protected]

Licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0