Mechanism for executing scheduled tasks in MediaWiki
This allows extension to run ProcessManager processes on a schedule, using standard crontab expression.
Use the MWStake.WikiCronManager
service to declare a cron.
The cron key is a unique identifier for the cron, the cron expression is a standard crontab expression,
and the process is a ManagedProcess
object (see above linked ProcessManager docu for more info).
$GLOBALS['wgExtensionFunctions'][] = static function () {
/** @var WikiCronManager $cronManager */
$cronManager = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getService( 'MWStake.WikiCronManager' );
$cronManager->registerCron( 'notify', '*/5 * * * *', new ManagedProcess( [
'test' => [ 'class' => TestStep::class ]
] ) );
Note: This does not need to be declared in an extension function
but needs to be late enough to prevent
premature service access.
Thats it! This process will be executed as declared in the cron expression. (as long as processRunner
is running).
See what crons are declared and their statuses.
> php maintenance/wikiCron.php
Interval Cron key Enabled Last run Last Status
*/5 * * * * notify Yes 2024-11-08 14:20:57 terminated
Note: If interval was manually override, it will be marked with (ovr)
in the list/details.
> php maintenance/wikiCron.php --name=notify
Cron key: notify
Interval: */5 * * * *
Enabled: 1
Last run: 2024-11-08 14:30:06
Last status: terminated
"test": {
"class": "MediaWiki\\Extension\\NotifyMe\\TestStep"
Execution history (max 20):
Time State Exit code Output
20241108143006 terminated 0 {"some":"data"}
20241108142501 terminated 0 {"some":"data"}
20241108142057 terminated 0 {"some":"data"}
20241108141652 terminated 0 {"some":"data"}
20241108141551 terminated 0 {"some":"data"}
20241108141450 terminated 0 {"some":"data"}
20241108141348 terminated 0 {"some":"data"}
20241108141247 terminated 0 {"some":"data"}
20241108141146 terminated 0 {"some":"data"}
20241108141045 terminated 0 {"some":"data"}
20241108140944 terminated 0 {"some":"data"}
20241108140842 terminated 0 {"some":"data"}
20241108140741 terminated 0 {"some":"data"}
20241108140640 terminated 0 {"some":"data"}
20241108140538 terminated 0 {"some":"data"}
20241108140437 terminated 0 {"some":"data"}
20241108140335 terminated 0 {"some":"data"}
20241108140234 terminated 0 {"some":"data"}
20241108140133 terminated 0 {"some":"data"}
20241108140031 terminated 0 {"some":"data"}
Disable a cron
> php maintenance/wikiCron.php --name=notify --disable
Enable a cron
> php maintenance/wikiCron.php --name=notify --enable
Set interval
> php maintenance/wikiCron.php --name=notify --interval="*/10 * * * *"
Reset interval to default
> php maintenance/wikiCron.php --name=notify --interval="default"
Force run
> php maintenance/wikiCron.php --name=notify --force-run