Halite is a general-purpose programming language designed with simplicity, readability, and performance in mind. It supports procedural programming paradigm along with prototypal inheritance, allowing developers to write efficient and readable code. Halite is strongly typed with optional type inference, ensuring robustness while easing the development process.
- Procedural paradigm with prototypal inheritance
- Minimalist and readable syntax
- Strong static type system with optional type inference
- Garbage collection
- An "Unsafe Mode" where you can disable multiple safety features, for example garbage collection letting you manage memory yourself
- Support for parallelism using Fibers
- Extensive but modular standard library
- Debugging and profiling tools
- Multiple build systems support
- Standalone executables
Halite source files have a .hal
See the halc README.
Halite is licensed under the MIT License.
For any inquiries, issues, or feedback, please open an issue on GitHub.