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Small and not-quite-so-small utilities for argument parsing


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Smaller, better? option parsing.


This project constitutes yet another header-only option parsing library for C++.

Design goals:

  • Header only.
  • C++14 and C++17 compatible.
  • Fairly short and easy to customize.


  • Support 'short' and 'long' style options: -v 3 and --value=3.
  • Support 'compact' bunching of options: -abc 3 vs -a -b -c 3.
  • Save and restore options and arguments in a shell-compatible format, allowing e.g. program `cat previous-options` --foo=bar.
  • Options can be interpreted modally.


  • Does not support multibyte encodings with shift sequences or wide character streams. This is due to laziness. But it does try to at least not break UTF-8.
  • Does not automatically generate help/usage text. What constitutes good help output is too specific to any given program.
  • Does not support multiple arguments to an option. This is mainly due to problems of ambiguous parsing, though in a pinch this can be set up through the use of modal option parsing (see Filters and Modals below).

The library actually provides two interfaces:

  1. One can iterate through the command line arguments explicitly, testing them with to::parse. This precludes the use of compact-style options or modal parsing, but gives more control to the user code.
  2. Or one can make a table of to::option specifications, and pass them to to::run, which will handle all the parsing itself.

Simple examples

More examples are found in the ex/ subdirectory.

Simple interface (to::parse) code for parsing options three options, one numeric, one a keyword from a table, and one just a flag.

#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <tinyopt/tinyopt.h>

const char* usage_str =
    "  -n, --number=N       Specify N\n"
    "  -f, --function=FUNC  Perform FUNC, which is one of: one, two\n"
    "  -h, --help           Display usage information and exit\n";

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    try {
        int n = 1, fn = 0;
        bool help = false;

        std::pair<const char*, int> functions[] = {
            { "one", 1 }, { "two", 2 }

        for (auto arg = argv+1; *arg; ) {
            bool ok =
                help << to::parse(arg, "-h", "--help") ||
                n    << to::parse<int>(arg, "-n", "--number") ||
                fn   << to::parse<int>(arg, to::keywords(functions), "-f", "--function");

            if (!ok) throw to::option_error("unrecognized argument", *arg);

        if (help) {
            to::usage(argv[0], usage_str);
            return 0;

        if (n<1) throw to::option_error("N must be at least 1");
        if (fn<1) throw to::option_error("Require FUNC");

        // Do things with arguments:

        for (int i = 0; i<n; ++i) {
            std::cout << "Performing function #" << fn << "\n";
    catch (to::option_error& e) {
        to::usage_error(argv[0], usage_str, e.what());
        return 1;

Equivalent to::run version.

#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <tinyopt/tinyopt.h>

const char* usage_str =
    "  -n, --number=N       Specify N\n"
    "  -f, --function=FUNC  Perform FUNC, which is one of: one, two\n"
    "  -h, --help           Display usage information and exit\n";

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    try {
        int n = 1, fn = 0;

        std::pair<const char*, int> functions[] = {
            { "one", 1 }, { "two", 2 }

        auto help = [argv0 = argv[0]] { to::usage(argv0, usage_str); };

        to::option opts[] = {
            { n, "-n", "--number" },
            { {fn, to::keywords(functions)}, "-f", "--function", to::mandatory },
            { to::action(help), to::flag, to::exit, "-h", "--help" }

        if (!to::run(opts, argc, argv+1)) return 0;

        if (argv[1]) throw to::option_error("unrecogonized argument", argv[1]);
        if (n<1) throw to::option_error("N must be at least 1");

        // Do things with arguments:

        for (int i = 0; i<n; ++i) {
            std::cout << "Performing function #" << fn << "\n";
    catch (to::option_error& e) {
        to::usage_error(argv[0], usage_str, e.what());
        return 1;


Tinyopt is a header-only library, but the supplied Makefile will build the unit tests and examples.

The Makefile is designed to support out-of-tree building, and the recommended approach is to create a build directory, symbolically link the project Makefile into the directory, and build from there. For example, to check out, build the tests and examples, and then run the unit tests:

    % git clone [email protected]:halfflat/tinyopt
    % cd tinyopt
    % mkdir build
    % cd build
    % ln -s ../Makefile .
    % make
    % ./unit


All tinyopt code lives in the namespace to. This namespace is omitted in the descriptions below.

Common classes and helpers

template <typename V> struct maybe

maybe<V> is a simple work-alike for (some of) the C++17 std::optional<V> class. A default constructed maybe<V> has no value, and evaluates to false in a bool context; it will otherwise evaluate to true.

If m is an object of type maybe<V>, then *m evaluates to the contained value if defined. m.value() does the same, but will throw an exception of type std::invalid_argument if m does not contain a value.

The special value nothing is implicitly convertible to an empty maybe<V> for any V. The expression just(v) function returns a maybe<V> holding the value v.

As a special case, maybe<void> simply maintains a has-value state; it will return true in a bool context if has been initialized or assigned with any maybe<V> that contains a value, or by any other value that is not nothing. something is a pre-defined non-empty value of type maybe<void>.

maybe<V> values support basic monadic-like functionality via operator<<.

  • If x is an lvalue and m is of type maybe<U>, then x << m has type maybe<V> where V is the type of x=*m and assigns m.value() to x if m has a value. In the case that U is void, then the value of m is taken to be true.
  • If f is a function or function object with signature V f(U), and m is of type maybe<U>, then f << m has type maybe<V> and contains f(*m) if m has a value.
  • if f has signature V f(), and m is of type maybe<U> or maybe<void>, then f << m has type maybe<V> and contains f() if m has a value.


An exception class derived from std::runtime_error. It has two constructors:

  • option_error(const std::string&) simply sets the what string to the argument.
  • option_error(const std::string& message, const std::string& arg) sets the what string to the value of arg+": "+mesage.

The option parsers can throw exceptions derived from option_error, namely: option_parse_error, missing_mandatory_option, and missing_argument.

usage(const char *argv0, const std::string& usagemsg, const std::string& prefix = "Usage: ")

Extract a program name from argv0 (everything after the last '/' if present) and print a message to standard out in the form "Usage: \n". An alternative prefix to "Usage: " can be supplied optionally.

usage_error(const char *argv0, const std::string& usagemsg, const std::string& error, const std::string& prefix = "Usage: ")

Extract a program name from argv0 (everything after the last '/' if present) and print a message to standard error in the form <program-name>: <error>\nUsage: <program-name> <usagemsg>\n. An alternative prefix to "Usage: " can be supplied optionally.


A parser is a function or functional object with signature maybe<X> (const char*) for some type X. They are used to try to convert a C-string argument into a value.

If no explicit parser is given to the parse function or to an option specification, the default parser default_parser is used, which will use std::istream::operator>> to read the supplied argument.

Tinyopt supplies additional parsers:

  • keyword_parser<V>

    Constructed from a table of key-value pairs, the keyword_parser<V> parser will return the first value found in the table with matching key, or nothing if there is no match.

    The keywords(pairs) function constructs a keyword_parser<V> object from the collection of keyword pairs pairs, where each element in the collection is a std::pair. The first component of each pair is used to construct the std::string key in the keyword table, and the second the value. The value type V is deduced from this second component.

  • delimited_parser<P>

    The delimited parser uses another parser of type P to parse individual elements in a delimited sequence, and returns a std::vector of the corresponding values.

    The convenience constructor delimited<V>(char delim = ',') will make a delimited_parser using the default parser for V and delimiter delim (by default, a comma).

    delimited(char delim, P&& parser) is a convenience wrapper for delimited_parser<P>::delimited_parser(delim, parser).


Keys are how options are specified on the command line. They consist of a string label and a style, which is one of key::shortfmt, key::longfmt, or key::compact.

All options that take an argument will take that argument from the next item in the argument list, and only options with a 'compact' key can be combined together in a single argument.

An option with a 'long' key can additionally take its argument by following the key with an equals sign and then the argument value.

As an example, let "-s" be a short option key, "--long" a long option key, "-a" a compact option key for a flag, and "-b" a compact option key for an option that takes a value. Then the following are equivalent ways for specifying these options on a command line:

-s 1 --long 2 -a -b 3
-s 1 --long=2 -a -b3
-s 1 --long=2 -ab3

Keys can be constructed explicitly, implicitly from labels, or from the use of string literal functions:

  • key(std::string label, enum key::style style), key(const char* label, enum key::style style)

    Make a key with given label and style.

  • key(std::string label), key(const char* label)

    Make a key with the given label. The style will be key::shortfmt, unless the label starts with a double dash "--". This constructor is implicit.

  • operator""_short, operator""_long, operator""_compact.

    Make a key in the corresonding style from a string literal.

The string literal operators are included in an inline namespace literals that can be included in user code via using namespace to::literals.

Using to::parse

The Tinyopt to::parse functions compare a single command line argument against one or more short- or long-style options, parsing any corresponding option argument with the default or explicitly provided parser.

  • maybe<void> parse(char**& argp, key k, ...)

    Attempt to parse an option with no argument (i.e. a flag) at argp, given by the option key k or subsequent. Returns an empty maybe<void> value if it fails to match any of the keys.

    If the match is successful, increment argp to point to the next argument.

  • maybe<V> parse(char**& argp, const P& parser, key k, ...)
    maybe<V> parse(char**& argp, key k, ...)

    Attempt to parse an option with an argument to be interpreted as type V, matching the option against the key k or subsequent. If no parser is supplied, use the default parser for the type V to convert the option argument.

    If the match and value parse is successful, increment argp once or twice as required to advance to the next option.

The parse functions will throw missing_argument if no argument is found for a non-flag option, and option_parse_error if the parser for an argument returns nothing.

The monadic maybe return values allow straightforward chaining of multiple to::parse calls in a single expression; see ex/ for an example.

Using to::run

The to::run function hands more control to the library for option parsing. The basic workflow is:

  1. The user code sets up a collection of option objects, each of which describe a command line option or flag, and how to handle the result of parsing it.
  2. This collection is passed to the run function, along with argc and argv. argv is modified in place to remove matched options; anything remaining can be handled by the user code.
  3. The run function returns a saved set of matched options that can, for example, be saved in program output for tracking processing steps, or in some file to allow for re-execution of the code with the same arguments.

An option describes one command line flag or option with an argument. It has five components: a sink, that describes what to do with a successfully parsed option; a set of keys, which are how the option is presented on the command line; a sequence of filters, which can limit the scope in which the option is valid; a sequence of modals, which change the modal state of the parser when the option is matched; and finally a set of option flags that modify behaviour.


A sink wraps a function that takes a const char* value, representing the argument to an option, and returns a bool. A return value of true indicates a successful parsing of the argument; false represents a parse error.

A sink has three constructors:

  • sink(sink::action_t, Action a)

    action_t is a tag type, indicating that the second argument is a functional to be used directly as the wrapped function. sink::action is a value with this type for use in this constructor.

    This constructor is used by the action wrapper function described below.

  • sink(V& var, P parser)

    Make a sink that uses the parser P (see above for a description of what constitutes a tinyopt parser) to get a value of type V, and write that value to var.

  • sink(V& var)

    Equivalent to sink(var, default_parser<V>{})

If an option doesn't have any associated argument, i.e. it is a flag, the sink object is passed nullptr.

The action wrapper function takes a nullary or unary function or functional object, and optionally a parser for the function's argument. It returns a sink object that applies the default or supplied parser object and if successful, calls the function with the parsed value.

A special action wrapper is error(const std::string& message), which will throw a user_option_error with the given message.

Sink adaptors

The library supplies some convenience adaptors for making sinks for common situations:

  • push_back(Container& c, P parser = P{})

    Append parsed values to the container c using Container::push_back. The default parser is default_parser<Container::value_type>.

  • set(V& v, X value)

    Set v to value, ignoring any argument.

  • set(V& v)

    Set v to true, ignoring any argument.

  • increment(V& v, X delta)

    Perform v += delta, ignoring any argument.

  • increment(V& v)

    Perform ++v, ignoring any argument.

Filters and modals

Options are by default always available for consideration. The single flag described below provides one simple constraint on option matching; the modal interfaces provide a more elaborate system should it be required.

Each option maintains a sequence of filters and a sequence of modals.

A filter is a filter object (an alias for std::function<bool (int)>) that takes the current mode (an integer, by default zero) and returns false if the option should not be considered for matching. Options will be ignored if any of its filters return false.

A modal is a modal object (an alias for std::functional<int (int)>) that is passed the current mode value and returns the new mode value when the option is successfully matched and parsed.

Filters can be made with the when adaptor. Given a functional object, it will wrap it in a filter. Given an integer value, it will make a filter that returns true only if the mode matches that value. If when is given multiple arguments, it constructs a filter that is the disjunction of filters constructed from each argument.

then(f) constructs a modal object wrapping the functional object f; then(int v) constructs a modal that just returns the value m.


Option behaviour can be modified by supplying enum option_flag values:

  • flag — Option takes no argument, i.e. it is a flag.
  • ephemeral — Do not record this option in the saved data returned by run().
  • single — This option will be checked at most once, and then ignored for the remainder of option processing.
  • mandatory — Throw an exception if this option does not appear in the command line arguments.
  • exit — On successful parsing of this option, stop any further option processing and return nothing from run().
  • stop — On successful parsing of this option, stop any further option processing but return saved options as normal from run().
  • lax — If the argument parsing is unsuccessful or the sink otherwise returns false, disregard this option instead of throwing a missing_argument or option_parse_error exception.

These enum values are all powers of two and can be combined via bitwise or |.

When to use exit, and when to use stop? exit is intended to describe the situation where the program should not proceed further with normal processing; a standard use case for exit is for --help options, which should cause the program to exit after printing help text. stop, on the other hand, is used for options that indicate that no further special argument processing should be performed; this corresponds to the common convention of -- on the command line indicating that all remaining arguments should not be interpreted as command line options.

Specifying an option

The option constructor takes a sink as the first argument, followed by any number of keys, filters, modals, and flags in any order.

An option may have no keys at all — these will always match an item in the command line argument list, and that item will be passed directly to the option's sink.

Some example specifications:

    // Saves integer argument to variable 'n':
    int n = 0;
    to::option opt_n = { n, "-n" };

    // Flag '-v' or '--verbose' that increases verbosity level, but is not
    // kept in the returned list of saved options.
    int verbosity = 0;
    to::option opt_v = { to::increment(verbosity), "-v", "--verbose", to::flag, to::ephemeral };

    // Save vector of values from one argument of comma separated values, e.g.
    // -x 1,2,3,4,5:
    std::vector<int> xs;
    to::option opt_x = { {xs, to::delimited<int>()}, "-x" };

    // Save vector of values one by one, e.g.,
    // -k 1 -k 2 -k 3 -k 4 -k 5
    to::option opt_k = { to::push_back(xs), "-k" };

    // A 'help' flag that calls a help() function and stops further option processing.
    to::option opt_h = { to::action(help), to::flag, to::exit, "-h", "--help" };

    // A modal flag that sets the mode to 2, and a filtered option that only
    // applies when the mode is 2.
    enum mode { none = 0, list = 1, install = 2} prog_mode = none;
    to::option opt_m = { to::set(prog_mode, install), "install", to::then(install) };
    to::option opt_h = { to::action(install_help), to::flag, to::exit, "-h", "--help", to::when(install) };

    // Compact option keys using to::literals:
    using namespace to::literals;
    bool a = false, b = false, c = false;
    to::option flags[] = {
        { to::set(a), "-a"_compact, to::flag },
        { to::set(b), "-b"_compact, to::flag },
        { to::set(c), "-c"_compact, to::flag }

    // Implementing an option with optional argument with to::lax.
    // (opt_u must precede opt_u_flag in the sequence of options passed to to::run).
    maybe<int> u;
    int default_u = 3;
    to::option opt_u = { u, "-u", to::lax };
    to::option opt_u_flag = { to::set(u, default_u), "-u", to::flag };

Saved options

The run() function (see below) returns a value of type maybe<saved_options>. The saved_options object holds a record of the successfully parsed options. It wraps a std::vector<std::string> that has one element per option key and argument, in the order they were matched (excluding options with the ephemeral flag).

While the contents can be inspected via methods begin(), end(), empty() and size(), it is primarily intended to support serialization. Overloads of operator<< and operator>> will write and read a saved_options object to a std::ostream or std::istream object respectively. The serialized format uses POSIX shell-compatible escaping with backslashes and single quotes so that they be incorporated directly on the command line in later program invocations.

Running a set of options

A command line argument list or saved_options object is run against a collection of option specifications with run(). There are five overloads, each of which returns a saved_options value in normal execution or nothing if an option with the exit flag is matched.

In the following Options is any iterable collection of option values.

  • maybe<saved_options> run(const Options& options, int& argc, char** argv)

    Parse the items in argv against the options provided in the first argument. Starting at the beginning of the argv list, options with keys are checked first, in the order they appear in options, followed by options without keys.

    Successfully parsed options are removed from the argv list in-place, and argc is adjusted accordingly.

  • maybe<saved_options> run(const Options& options, int& argc, char** argv, const saved_options& restore)

    As for run(options, argc, argv), but first run the options against the saved command line arguments in restore, and then again against argv.

    A mandatory option can be satisfied by the restore set or by the argv set.

  • maybe<saved_options> run(const Options& options, const saved_options& restore)

    As for run(options, argc, argv, restore), but with an empty argc/argv list.

  • maybe<saved_options> run(const Options& options, char** argv)

    As for run(options, argc, argv), but ignoring argc.

  • maybe<saved_options> run(const Options& options, char** argv, const saved_options& restore)

    As for run(options, argc, argv, restore), but ignoring argc.

Like the to::parse functions, the run() function can throw missing_argument or option_parse_error. In addition, it will throw missing_mandatory_option if an option marked with mandatory is not found during command line argument parsing.

Note that the arguments in argv are checked from the beginning; when calling run from within, e.g. the main function int main(int argc, char** argv), one should pass argv+1 to run so as to avoid including the program name in argv[0].

How do I …?

How do I make an option that accepts multiple arguments?

Tinyopt does not support this directly but the modal option facility can provide this functionality. The following example uses an option -n to collect up to five integer values into a vector by switching to a new mode and using key-less options to match those integers. (Compare with Example 7.)

    std::vector<std::vector<int>> nss;
    auto new_ns = [&nss] { nss.push_back({}); };
    auto push_ns = [&nss](int n) { nss.back().push_back(n); };

    auto gt0 = [](int m) { return m>0; };
    auto decr = [](int m) { return m-1; };

    to::options opts[] = {
        { to::action(new_ns), to::flag, "-n", to::then(5) },
        { to::action(push_ns), to::flag, to::when(gt0), to::then(decr); },

Here, the -n flag pushes a new vector onto nss and changes the mode to 5, while the keyless option pushes integers onto the vector if the mode is greater than zero and decrements the mode.

How do I make an option with an optional argument?

If an option is marked as lax, a failure to parse the argument does not throw an exception and to::run will then try to match other options. This can be used to implement a flag with optional argument:

    maybe<int> value;
    int default_value = 3;

    to::options opts[] = {
        { value, "-n", to::lax },
        { to::set(value, default_value), "-n", to::flag }

If argv has a sequence such as -n foo, the first option with key "-n" will fail to parse the argument as an integer and to::run will then try the next "-n" option, which is a flag. foo remains in argv for further processing. (Compare with Example 6.)


Small and not-quite-so-small utilities for argument parsing







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