I will slowly fill this repo with the various programming challenges I complete, from easy and simple, such as FizzBuzz, to very hard, such as a media player, compiler and so on.
The challenges:
- FizzBuzz (fizzbuzz.py): A simple FizzBuzz challenge. Generates numbers from 1 to 100, multiples of 3, 5 and both have their number changed to Fizz, Buzz and FizzBuzz, in that order.
- Markov Chain Sentence Generator (markovChain.py): A sentence generator using markov chain. It essentially trains on large texts and trains to chain words one after another. The output looks ordinary at first glance, but it is really nonsense.
- To-Do List (toDoList.py): A to do list with GUI made using PyQt6. You can add, edit and delete tasks. You can also export or import them.
- Chatbot (chatbot.py): A simple and basic chatbot made using chatterbot. More of a proof of concept.