A Financial Risk Score is a numerical representation of a customer's potential risk to a lender. It helps banks, financial institutions, and credit agencies assess the likelihood that a customer will default on a loan or default on their financial obligations.
Data was taken from Kaggle
- Determination of categorical and numerical features
- Feature engineering
- Digitization of categorical data (Ordinal Encoding and One-Hot Encoding)
- Normalization (Standard Scaler)
- XGBoost hyperparameter optimization (Just added parameters)
- LightGBM hyperparameter optimization (Just added parameters)
- CatBoost hyperparameter optimization (Just added parameters)
- Establishing an ensemble model (VotingRegressor)
- Performance analysis with metrics such as "Mean Squared Error", "Root Mean Squared Error", "Mean Absolute Error", "R2 Score".
- Creating an API with fastapi framework
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/hakankocakk/Financial-Risk-Score-Prediction.git
Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Remove git tracking from src/model folder:
git rm -r --cached 'src/model'
Run the pipeline:
dvc repro
Show model performance
dvc metrics show
Start FastAPI application:
uvicorn src.api.main:app --reload
Open API documentation page: API Documentation
Sending a POST request:
Click the POST
button and then the Try it out
"Age": 32,
"AnnualIncome": 32097,
"CreditScore": 586,
"EmploymentStatus": "Employed",
"EducationLevel": "Bachelor",
"Experience": 0,
"LoanAmount": 35206,
"LoanDuration": 60,
"MaritalStatus": "Single",
"NumberOfDependents": 2,
"HomeOwnershipStatus": "Rent",
"MonthlyDebtPayments": 662,
"CreditCardUtilizationRate": 0.475820793978558,
"NumberOfOpenCreditLines": 4,
"NumberOfCreditInquiries": 2,
"DebtToIncomeRatio": 0.4553739117467006,
"BankruptcyHistory": 0,
"LoanPurpose": "Debt Consolidation",
"PreviousLoanDefaults": 0,
"PaymentHistory": 24,
"LengthOfCreditHistory": 14,
"SavingsAccountBalance": 611,
"CheckingAccountBalance": 1091,
"TotalAssets": 40962,
"TotalLiabilities": 2852,
"MonthlyIncome": 2674,
"UtilityBillsPaymentHistory": 0.97994463185461,
"JobTenure": 6,
"NetWorth": 38110,
"BaseInterestRate": 0.2472059999999999,
"InterestRate": 0.2512794061689278,
"MonthlyLoanPayment": 1035.9850545848378,
"TotalDebtToIncomeRatio": 0.634820097050131
Add this text and click Execute
You can see the prediction result in the Response body
In the terminal where you are running the API application, stop the API by pressing CTRL + C
- Hakan KOCAK