FTL XML is intended to improve the editing experience for any mod dev, please let me know of any additional features that you would like to have included.
includes mode for weapon testing on weaponAnim
. Check it out.
- Slipstream tags,
along with some minor documentation about using them - Open FTL.dat file (readonly) to inspect the XML that's used by the game.
- Autocomplete, Go to definition and references supported for
- events
- ships
- all blueprints
- text
- animations
- Preview animations
- Warnings
- if trying to load an event that can't be found
- if trying to load a ship that can't be found
- if trying to load an autoblueprint that can't be found
- if trying to load text that can't be found
- if a tag was not closed properly
- when a blueprint list references itself
- when a blueprint can not be found
- when a blueprint of an invalid type is referenced
- when animations have configuration issues
You must wait for the loading indicator to finish.
To publish a new version of the extension:
Set the VS Code Personal Access Token as an environment variable:
# Windows PowerShell $env:VSCE_PAT="your_pat_here" # Windows CMD set VSCE_PAT=your_pat_here # Linux/Mac export VSCE_PAT="your_pat_here"
Run the publish command with the desired version bump (patch/minor/major):
npm run publish patch # For bug fixes (0.0.X) npm run publish minor # For new features (0.X.0) npm run publish major # For breaking changes (X.0.0)
Note: The vsce
tool doesn't support pnpm, so you'll need to use npm for publishing:
This will automatically:
- Bump the version in package.json
- Run tests
- Build the extension
- Publish to the VS Code Marketplace