Written in Racket, Pollen and unocss, built with Nix, hosted on GitHub Pages.
There are two ways to get this repo up and running:
- Using Nix (the recommended way for any Unix-based system, e.g. Linux, macOS, WSL)
- Installing everything by hand (the way to go on Windows)
The easiest way to get started with local development is to use Nix:
- Install Nix
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf -L https://install.determinate.systems/nix | sh -s -- install
- Enter the nix development environment (from inside the repo):
cd tuebocracy && nix develop
- Run everything: The pollen web server and the unocss watcher
npm run dev
- edit files, reload the browser window, see the changes
- Download & Install Racket: download.racket-lang.org
- Install Pollen, and the Racket Language Server:
raco pkg install --auto --skip-installed pollen racket-langserver
- Download and install nodejs as described here.
- Install the necessary node dependencies:
npm install
- Run everything: The pollen web server and the unocss watcher
npm run dev
- edit files, reload the browser window, see the changes