These are my dotfiles and a simple script to manage them. The main application for the scritp, is to init (bootstrap) dotfiles and add them to the repository.
git clone ~/.dotfiles
cd ~/.dotfiles
./ init
The name of the destination directory does not matter, it stores the added dotfiles, a filemap and if necessary backups.
Initialize (bootstraps) dotfiles. Any existing files will be backed up
to <scriptdir>/backup/<timestamp>/<dir>/<filename>
. So an existing
is saved under backup/1234567890/.vimrc
and ~/.i3/config
So it works:
- checks if there is a FILEMAP
- checks for branch with the same name as the hostname itself and ask to use it or if not exist create one
- reads the FILEMAP and creates a link for every item - existing files will be backed up
./ init
Adds a file to the repository, so it will be moved to / and added to the FILEMAP. The file will be renamed to be git-frendly.
./ add ~/.vimrc
./ add ~/.i3/config
Deletes a file from the repository and FILEMAP and/or from the Filesystem.
./ del ./vimrc
./ del ~/.i3/config