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feat: Implemented type prettyprinting
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Patrick Aldis committed Jul 14, 2022
1 parent 5eff673 commit 56183b2
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Showing 2 changed files with 92 additions and 49 deletions.
137 changes: 90 additions & 47 deletions primer/src/Primer/Pretty.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
module Primer.Pretty (
PrettyExprOptions (..),
PrettyOptions (..),
) where

import Foreword
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -32,38 +32,45 @@ import Primer.Core (
ModuleName (unModuleName),
PrimCon (..),
TmVarRef (GlobalVarRef, LocalVarRef),
Type' (..),
import Primer.Name (Name (unName))

newtype PrettyExprOptions = PrettyExprOptions
newtype PrettyOptions = PrettyOptions
{ fullyQualify :: Bool

defaultPrettyExprOptions :: PrettyExprOptions
defaultPrettyExprOptions =
defaultPrettyOptions :: PrettyOptions
defaultPrettyOptions =
{ fullyQualify = False

prettyExpr :: PrettyExprOptions -> Expr' a b -> Doc AnsiStyle
-- | Pretty prints Expr' using Prettyprinter library
prettyExpr :: PrettyOptions -> Expr' a b -> Doc AnsiStyle
prettyExpr opts expr = case expr of
Hole _ e -> annotate (color Red) "{" <+> pE e <+> annotate (color Red) "}"
EmptyHole _ -> annotate (color Red) "?"
Con _ n -> gname n
Hole _ e -> col Red "{" <> pE e <> col Red "}"
EmptyHole _ -> col Red "?"
Con _ n -> gname opts n
Var _ v -> case v of
GlobalVarRef n -> gname n
GlobalVarRef n -> gname opts n
LocalVarRef n -> lname n
Lam _ n e ->
annotate (color Magenta) "λ" <> lname n <> annotate (color Magenta) "."
<+> pE e
col Magenta "λ"
<> lname n
<> col Magenta "."
<> line
<> indent 2 (pE e)
LAM _ n e ->
annotate (color Magenta) "Λ" <> lname n <> annotate (color Magenta) "."
<+> pE e
col Magenta "Λ"
<> lname n
<> col Magenta "."
<> line
<> indent 2 (pE e)
Case _ e bs ->
annotate (color Yellow) "match"
col Yellow "match"
<+> pE e
<+> annotate (color Yellow) "with"
<+> col Yellow "with"
<+> line
<+> indent
Expand All @@ -72,62 +79,98 @@ prettyExpr opts expr = case expr of
$ map
( \(CaseBranch n bs' e') ->
gname n
gname opts n
<+> mconcat
( intersperse space $
(\(Bind _ n') -> lname n')
<+> annotate (color Yellow) ""
<+> col Yellow ""
<+> pE e'
Ann _ e t -> typeann e t
App _ e e' -> brac (pE e) <+> brac (pE e')
APP _ e t -> brac (pE e) <+> annotate (color Yellow) "@" <> prettyType t
APP _ e t -> brac (pE e) <+> col Yellow "@" <> pT t
Let _ v e e' ->
annotate (color Yellow) "let"
col Yellow "let"
<+> lname v
<+> annotate (color Yellow) "="
<+> pE e
<+> annotate (color Yellow) "in"
<+> pE e'
<+> col Yellow "="
<> line
<> indent 2 (pE e)
<> line
<> col Yellow "in"
<> line
<> indent 2 (pE e')
LetType _ v t e ->
annotate (color Yellow) "let type"
col Yellow "let type"
<+> lname v
<+> annotate (color Yellow) "="
<+> prettyType t
<+> annotate (color Yellow) "in"
<+> pE e
<+> col Yellow "="
<> line
<> indent 2 (pT t)
<> line
<> col Yellow "in"
<> line
<> indent 2 (pE e)
Letrec _ v e t e' ->
annotate (color Yellow) "let rec"
col Yellow "let rec"
<+> lname v
<+> annotate (color Yellow) "="
<+> typeann e t
<+> annotate (color Yellow) "in"
<+> pE e'
<+> col Yellow "="
<> line
<> indent 2 (typeann e t)
<> line
<> col Yellow "in"
<> line
<> indent 2 (pE e')
PrimCon _ p -> case p of
PrimChar c -> "Char" <+> pretty @Text (show c)
PrimInt n -> "Int" <+> pretty @Text (show n)
typeann e t = brac (pE e) <+> annotate (color Green) "::" <+> prettyType t
typeann e t = brac (pE e) <+> col Green "::" <+> pT t
pT = prettyType opts
pE = prettyExpr opts
gname n =
(color Green)
$ (if fullyQualify opts then mconcat (module_ $ qualifiedModule n) <> "." else mempty)
<> pretty (unName (baseName n))

-- Unwraps global variable names as Doc type. First argument is options
-- fullyQualify = True then "Module.BaseName"
gname :: PrettyOptions -> GlobalName k -> Doc AnsiStyle
gname opts n =
(color Green)
$ (if fullyQualify opts then mconcat (module_ $ qualifiedModule n) <> "." else mempty)
<> pretty (unName (baseName n))
module_ = intersperse "." . toList . map (pretty . unName) . unModuleName
lname = annotate (color Cyan) . pretty . unName . unLocalName
brac doc = "(" <> doc <> ")"

prettyType :: Type' b -> Doc AnsiStyle
prettyType _ = "unimplemented"
-- Unwraps local variable name as Doc
lname :: LocalName k -> Doc AnsiStyle
lname = col Cyan . pretty . unName . unLocalName

-- Adds curly brackets
brac :: (Semigroup a, IsString a) => a -> a
brac doc = "(" <> doc <> ")"

col :: Color -> Doc AnsiStyle -> Doc AnsiStyle
col = annotate . color

-- | Pretty prints Type' using Prettyprinter library
prettyType :: PrettyOptions -> Type' b -> Doc AnsiStyle
prettyType opts typ = case typ of
TEmptyHole _ -> col Red "?"
THole _ t -> col Red "{" <> pT t <> col Red "}"
TCon _ n -> gname opts n
TFun _ t1 t2 -> case t1 of
TFun{} -> brac (pT t1) <+> col Yellow "->" <+> pT t2
_ -> pT t1 <+> col Yellow "->" <+> pT t2
TVar _ n -> lname n
TApp _ t1 t2 -> pT t1 <+> brac (pT t2)
TForall _ n _ t -> col Yellow "" <+> lname n <> col Yellow "." <+> pT t
pT = prettyType opts

prettyPrintExpr :: Expr -> IO ()
prettyPrintExpr e = do
putDoc $ prettyExpr defaultPrettyExprOptions e
putDoc $ prettyExpr defaultPrettyOptions e
putStrLn ("" :: Text)
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions primer/test/Tests/Pretty.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import Prettyprinter.Render.Terminal (renderStrict)
import Primer.Core (ASTDef (..), Def (..), mkSimpleModuleName)
import Primer.Core.DSL (create')
import Primer.Examples (comprehensive)
import Primer.Pretty (defaultPrettyExprOptions, prettyExpr)
import Primer.Pretty (defaultPrettyOptions, prettyExpr)
import Test.Tasty (TestTree)
import Test.Tasty.Golden (goldenVsString)

Expand All @@ -22,5 +22,5 @@ test_1 = goldenVsString "pretty" "test/outputs/pretty" $ do
. encodeUtf8
. renderStrict
. layoutSmart defaultLayoutOptions
. prettyExpr defaultPrettyExprOptions
. prettyExpr defaultPrettyOptions
$ astDefExpr e

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