System Updates:
Remove Dead Code Related to Okta WIC Implementation #1778
ProjectSummary.js - convert Calculation.scss CSS to JSS CSS #1612
SidebarPointsPanel.js - convert Calculation.scss CSS to JSS CSS #1611
SidebarPoints.js - convert Calculation.scss CSS to JSS CSS #1610
Document CSS properties for the Calculation.scss page #1585
Make cypress tests more stable #981
Restructure withToastProvider HOC for testability #973
UI/UX Enhancements:
Project Summary Page: Move Project Details Section above the Strategies Section #1770
Change iconography with icons from Material UI #1760
Modify PDF Print Format to put results under title section, update footer dates #1759
Fix Formatting of the Project Summary Page #1747
Add sibling page for the items per page in My Project #1701
Change request to CSV download #1679
Update the date and project status on the PDF download. #1675
Redesign the date and project status info on the summary page #1674
Implement the CSV download feature to download projects selected on the My Projects page. #1672
Change trash can icon for Delete and Restore #1661
Implement the Items Per Page Feature on the My Projects Page #1645
Reorder the CSV columns #1604
Remove the N/A columns from the CSV export file #1574
On My Projects Page, Implement UI for operations on Multiple Projects #1520
Initialize FAQ Content #1280
Error Corrections:
Bug: When user is logged out, Calculation Wizard crashes because it is looking for the logged in user's id #1772
Bug: DEV feedback page #1730
Bug: Duplicate Project not working #1716
Bug: #1713
Bug: Saving New Project Issues. #1710
Bug: Sidebar width varies on FAQ Page when answers are expanded #1705
Critical Security Alert #2389194 #1691
Critical Security Bug Alert # 2486073 Reported by ITA #1689
Bug: Calculation side panel covers part of the footer #1670
Bug: Reported Security Vulnerability #1644
BUG: ResizeObserver loop completed with undelivered notifications. #1512
You can’t perform that action at this time.