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Releases: hackfixme/disco


22 Apr 21:25
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This is a minor release with the following changes:


  • CI: container images built from tagged commits should now be automatically published.


  • Switch to a distroless base container image (part of #9). This improves security and reduces the image size from ~140MB to ~20MB.
  • Improve container-based workflow for increased security, and add documentation.


21 Apr 21:04
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This is the first public release of Disco! 🎉

Needless to say, the project is in very early alpha stages, but the basic design and functionality I had in mind are implemented:

  • Storing and retrieving data from a key-value store.
  • Data is secured at rest using symmetric encryption (NaCl).
  • Multi-user support with a flexible role-based access control system.
  • Remote access using invitation tokens. Nodes exchange secrets using ECDH, and clients are authenticated using mutual TLS. Data is only transferred over TLS 1.3 using Ed25519 keys.
  • Namespacing support for separating environments (development, staging, production, etc.), with minimal maintenance.
  • User-friendly and intuitive CLI.

Please report any issues here.

You can see planned work on the roadmap. Please vote on issues by giving them a 👍.

The goal of this project is to become more broadly usable than "just" for secret management. Securely transferring arbitrary data between nodes opens up the possibility for configuration management, deployments, notifications, and other uses.1 But... humble beginnings. :)

  1. Yes, there are many other projects that already do this in one way or another. But the ones I've used so far have shortcomings that sacrifice some of the design aspects and features I'm looking for.