An advanced solution for network traffic analysis, DDoS mitigation, and malicious behavior detection, leveraging NFStream, XGBoost, and integrated threat intelligence.
The graph shows the evolution of detected threats over time, with the x-axis representing seconds and the y-axis showing the number of detections
The tool provides comprehensive network traffic analysis capabilities through PCAP processing and network interface monitoring using NFStream.
Summary dashboard showing aggregated flow statistics grouped by source IP addresses, including total bytes transferred, packet counts, and flow duration
It performs flow statistics aggregation and analysis to understand network behavior patterns. For threat detection, the system supports multiple detection methods including custom NFStream plugins, Sigma rules, and machine learning-based classification.
Detection results using Sigma rules, showing triggered alerts with their associated network flows and timestamps
The report generated by the tool includes predictions from the model in the form of confidence scores.
Model predictions with confidence scores for each analyzed network flow
The system enriches detections with additional threat intelligence data from for IP geolocation and GreyNoise for known malicious activity.
Geographical and network information for detected IP addresses, including country, ISP, and ASN details
For geographic analysis, the tool generates world maps showing the origins of suspicious IP addresses.
Interactive world map highlighting countries of origin for detected suspicious IP addresses, with color intensity indicating detection frequency
Install dependencies and synchronize the environment:
uv sync
Run the analyzer on a PCAP file or network interface:
uv run -m mtd path/to/file.pcap
Usage: python -m mtd [OPTIONS] SOURCE
source TEXT Input source such as a PCAP file or network interface [required]
--plugins PATH Directories or files to load plugins from [default: None]
--sigma-paths PATH Directories or files to load Sigma rules from [default: None]
--model-path PATH Path to the model directory containing model.json and metadata.json [default: None]
--default-plugins TEXT Specify which default plugins to load [default: Sigma, GeoIP, ML, GreyNoise]
--output PATH Output file to write detections to [default: None]
--greynoise-api-key GreyNoise API key [default: None]
Whether to plot detections on a map [default: no-draw-map]
--install-completion Install shell completion for the CLI.
--show-completion Show completion for the current shell.
--help Show this message and exit.
The tool uses NFStream's plugin system for detection rules. Plugins can be loaded from:
directory in the main application folder- Custom paths specified via
CLI option - Installed Python modules prefixed with
Process malicious traffic (label=1):
find data/malicious -name '*.pcap' | xargs -n 1 uv run python 1
Process benign traffic (label=0):
find data/benign -name '*.pcap' | xargs -n 1 uv run python 0
Prepare data for model training:
uv run -m scripts.preprocess_data
The system implements a machine learning pipeline using XGBoost for traffic classification. The model demonstrates high accuracy in distinguishing between benign and malicious network flows.
Example decision tree from the XGBoost model ensemble, showing the decision paths for traffic classification
Train a new model:
uv run -m scripts.train
Available options:
uv run -m scripts.train --help
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--input INPUT Path to input CSV file with training data
--raw-data-dir RAW_DATA_DIR
Directory containing raw data files (default: data/raw)
--processed-data-dir PROCESSED_DATA_DIR
Directory for processed data files (default: data/processed)
--models-dir MODELS_DIR
Directory for saving model artifacts (default: models)
--test-size TEST_SIZE
Proportion of data for testing (default: 0.2)
--random-state RANDOM_STATE
Random state for reproducibility (default: 42)
--target-benign-ratio TARGET_BENIGN_RATIO
Target ratio of benign traffic in the dataset (default: 0.7)
--min-class-ratio MIN_CLASS_RATIO
Minimum acceptable ratio for any class (default: 0.1)
--model-name MODEL_NAME
Name of the model (default: xgboost_binary)
Update existing model with new data:
uv run -m scripts.retrain \
--model-path models/development/xgboost_20241222_225105_v1 \
--input data/processed/combined_flows.csv
Retraining options:
uv run -m scripts.retrain --help
-h, --help Show this help message and exit
--model-path MODEL_PATH
Path to the existing model directory
--input INPUT [INPUT ...]
Path(s) to input CSV file(s) with a 'Label' column (0 or 1)
--test-size TEST_SIZE
Proportion of data for testing (default: 0.2)
--random-state RANDOM_STATE
Random state for reproducibility (default: 42)
- Input CSVs for training must include a binary 'Label' column (0 = benign, 1 = malicious)
- Training data must contain both benign and malicious samples
- Model versions increment automatically (v1 → v2, etc.)
- Training artifacts are saved in version-specific directories