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Remove test and simulation of data as lwgeom is causing too much trou…
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vincentvanhees committed Dec 20, 2023
1 parent e74e2de commit c338cf8
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Showing 4 changed files with 79 additions and 112 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion DESCRIPTION
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Authors@R:
person("Tom", "Stewart", role = "cph", email = "[email protected]",
comment = "holds copyright over original palmsplusr code"))
License: Apache License version 2.0 | file LICENSE
Imports: dplyr, sf, readr, tidyr, stringr, palmsplusr, data.table, rlang, purrr, geosphere, lwgeom
Imports: dplyr, sf, readr, tidyr, stringr, palmsplusr, data.table, rlang, purrr, geosphere
Remotes: vincentvanhees/palmsplusr
LazyData: true
Suggests: testthat, covr, rmarkdown
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1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion NAMESPACE
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ export(load_params)
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42 changes: 1 addition & 41 deletions R/hbGIS.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
#' @importFrom readr write_csv read_csv
#' @import palmsplusr
#' @import dplyr
#' @import lwgeom
#' @importFrom utils head tail
#' @export
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -220,46 +219,7 @@ hbGIS <- function(gisdir = "",
palms_country_files = NULL
if (length(palms_country_files) == 0) {
# Simulate hbGPS output (only for code developement purposes)
Nmin = 500
now = as.POSIXct("2023-11-30 10:00:00 CET")
dateTime = seq(now, now + ((Nmin - 1) * 60), by = 60)
example_object = loca[[1]][[2]][1,]
point_in_object = suppressMessages(st_sample(x = example_object, size = 1))
xy = sf::st_coordinates(x = point_in_object)

# latitude is for most of the time 1 lat degree away from location
# but for 30 minutes inside the location surround by 5 minute trips before and after
trip = seq(xy[1] - 1, xy[1] - 0.2, by = 0.2)
away = rep(xy[1] - 1, (Nmin/2) - 20)
lon = c(away, trip, rep(xy[1], 30), rev(trip), away)
lat = rep(xy[2], Nmin) # lon stays the same the entire time
tripNumber = c(rep(0, length(away)), rep(1, 5), rep(0, 30), rep(2, 5), rep(0, length(away)))
sedentaryBoutNumber = c(rep(1, length(away)), rep(0, 5), rep(2, 30), rep(0, 5), rep(3, length(away)))
tripType = rep(0, Nmin)
tripMOT = rep(0, Nmin)
tripType[which(diff(tripNumber) > 0) + 1] = 1
tripType[which(diff(tripNumber) < 0)] = 4
tripMOT[which(tripNumber != 0)] = 3
hbGPSout = data.frame(identifier = "sim1",
dateTime = dateTime,
dow = rep(5, Nmin),
lat = lat,
lon = lon,
fixTypeCode = rep(-1, Nmin),
iov = rep(2, Nmin), # all the time outdoor (indoor, outdoor, vehicle)
tripNumber = tripNumber,
tripType = tripType,
tripMOT = tripMOT,
activity = rep(0, Nmin),
activityIntensity = rep(0, Nmin),
activityBoutNumber = rep(0, Nmin),
sedentaryBoutNumber = sedentaryBoutNumber)
# hbGPSout <- st_as_sf(hbGPSout, coords = c("lon", "lat"), crs = 4326)
if (is.null(palmsdir)) palmsdir = outputdir
if (!dir.exists(palmsdir)) dir.create(palmsdir, recursive = TRUE)
palms_country_files = paste0(palmsdir, "/combined.csv")
write.csv(hbGPSout, file = palms_country_files, row.names = FALSE)
stop("\nno data found")

# read and combine palms csv output files
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146 changes: 77 additions & 69 deletions tests/testthat/test_hbGIS.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,73 +1,81 @@
context("hbGIS pipeline")
test_that("hbGIS pipeline process file", {
# Prepare input data
GIS_files = dir(system.file("testfiles_hbGIS", package = "hbGIS"), full.names = TRUE, pattern = "loc_")
dn = "./GIS"
if (!dir.exists(dn)) {
dir.create(dn, recursive = TRUE)
for (fn in GIS_files) file.copy(from = fn, to = dn)

# Prepare output folder
outdir = "./output"
if (!dir.exists(outdir)) {
dir.create(outdir, recursive = TRUE)

# Run pipeline
hbGIS(gisdir = "./GIS",
palmsdir = NULL, # note: function will simulat palms data if palmsdir not provided
gislinkfile = NULL,
outputdir = outdir,
dataset_name = "test",
verbose = FALSE,
sublocationID = "ignore")

# Check days
file = paste0(outdir, "/hbGIS_output/test_days.csv")
test_days = read.csv(file)
expect_equal(length(test_days), 37)
expect_equal(sum(test_days[, 3:ncol(test_days)]), 3005)

# Check whenwhatwhere
file = paste0(outdir, "/hbGIS_output/test_whenwhatwhere.csv")
test_whenwhatwhere = read.csv(file)
expect_equal(nrow(test_whenwhatwhere), 500)
expect_equal(ncol(test_whenwhatwhere), 30)
expect_equal(sum(test_whenwhatwhere[, 3:(ncol(test_whenwhatwhere) - 1)]), 6075)

# Check trajectories
file = paste0(outdir, "/hbGIS_output/test_trajectories.csv")
test_trajectories = read.csv(file)
expect_equal(nrow(test_trajectories), 2)
expect_equal(ncol(test_trajectories), 18)
expect_equal(sum(test_trajectories$length), 100582.7, tol = 0.1)
expect_equal(sum(test_trajectories$speed), 1341.102, tol = 0.001)

# Check multimodal
file = paste0(outdir, "/hbGIS_output/test_multimodal.csv")
test_multimodal = read.csv(file)
expect_equal(nrow(test_multimodal), 2)
expect_equal(ncol(test_multimodal), 31)
expect_equal(test_multimodal$trip_numbers, c(1, 2))
expect_equal(test_multimodal$start, c("2023-11-30T13:50:00Z", "2023-11-30T14:25:00Z"))
expect_equal(test_multimodal$end, c("2023-11-30T13:54:00Z", "2023-11-30T14:29:00Z"))

# Check formula_log
file = paste0(outdir, "/hbGIS_output/formula_log.csv")
test_formula_log = read.csv(file)
expect_equal(nrow(test_formula_log), 45)
expect_equal(ncol(test_formula_log), 7)

# Clean up
if (dir.exists(dn)) unlink(dn, recursive = TRUE)
if (dir.exists(outdir)) unlink(outdir, recursive = TRUE)
if (file.exists("./output_test_error_list.csv")) file.remove("./output_test_error_list.csv")
# # Prepare input data
# GIS_files = dir(system.file("testfiles_hbGIS", package = "hbGIS"), full.names = TRUE, pattern = "loc_")
# dn1 = "./GIS"
# if (!dir.exists(dn1)) {
# dir.create(dn1, recursive = TRUE)
# }
# for (fn in GIS_files) file.copy(from = fn, to = dn1)
# hbGPSoutput_file = system.file("testfiles_hbGIS/hbGPS_out.csv", package = "hbGIS")
# dn2 = "./hbGPSoutput"
# if (!dir.exists(paths = dn2)) {
# dir.create(path = dn2)
# }
# file.copy(from = hbGPSoutput_file, to = dn2)
# # Prepare output folder
# outdir = "./output"
# if (!dir.exists(outdir)) {
# dir.create(outdir, recursive = TRUE)
# }
# # Run pipeline
# hbGIS(gisdir = "./GIS",
# palmsdir = dn2, # note: function will simulat palms data if palmsdir not provided
# gislinkfile = NULL,
# outputdir = outdir,
# dataset_name = "test",
# verbose = FALSE,
# sublocationID = "ignore")
# # Check days
# file = paste0(outdir, "/hbGIS_output/test_days.csv")
# expect_true(file.exists(file))
# test_days = read.csv(file)
# expect_equal(length(test_days), 37)
# expect_equal(sum(test_days[, 3:ncol(test_days)], na.rm = TRUE), 24573.25)
# # Check whenwhatwhere
# file = paste0(outdir, "/hbGIS_output/test_whenwhatwhere.csv")
# expect_true(file.exists(file))
# test_whenwhatwhere = read.csv(file)
# expect_equal(nrow(test_whenwhatwhere), 21523)
# expect_equal(ncol(test_whenwhatwhere), 30)
# expect_equal(sum(test_whenwhatwhere[, 3:(ncol(test_whenwhatwhere) - 1)]), 558765.2)
# # Check trajectories
# file = paste0(outdir, "/hbGIS_output/test_trajectories.csv")
# expect_true(file.exists(file))
# test_trajectories = read.csv(file)
# expect_equal(nrow(test_trajectories), 50)
# expect_equal(ncol(test_trajectories), 18)
# expect_equal(sum(test_trajectories$length), 21993.49, tol = 0.1)
# expect_equal(sum(test_trajectories$speed), 212.9411, tol = 0.001)
# # Check multimodal
# file = paste0(outdir, "/hbGIS_output/test_multimodal.csv")
# expect_true(file.exists(file))
# test_multimodal = read.csv(file)
# expect_equal(nrow(test_multimodal), 2)
# expect_equal(ncol(test_multimodal), 31)
# expect_equal(test_multimodal$trip_numbers, c(1, 2))
# expect_equal(test_multimodal$start, c("2023-11-30T13:50:00Z", "2023-11-30T14:25:00Z"))
# expect_equal(test_multimodal$end, c("2023-11-30T13:54:00Z", "2023-11-30T14:29:00Z"))
# # Check formula_log
# file = paste0(outdir, "/hbGIS_output/formula_log.csv")
# expect_true(file.exists(file))
# test_formula_log = read.csv(file)
# expect_equal(nrow(test_formula_log), 45)
# expect_equal(ncol(test_formula_log), 7)
# # Clean up
# if (dir.exists(dn)) unlink(dn, recursive = TRUE)
# if (dir.exists(outdir)) unlink(outdir, recursive = TRUE)
# if (file.exists("./output_test_error_list.csv")) file.remove("./output_test_error_list.csv")

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