2019 Fall Semester Computer Graphics Final Project @UNIST
2019년 2학기 UNIST 컴퓨터 그래픽스 강의 최종 프로젝트
C++ OpenGL을 사용한 방탈출 게임
- 기간: 2019.11 - 2019.12
- 기술:
,OpenGL 2.0
- 20131064 김동훈
- 좌표, 마우스, 트랙볼, 오브젝트 회전
- 20141440 이승원
- 오브젝트 로더, 오브젝트 세팅 (Blender), 텍스트 출력, 카메라 무빙
- 20151506 정하빈
- 오브젝트 로더, 오브젝트 선택 (Picking, Selection), 라이팅, 비밀번호
We thought making a game is a good project to apply knowledge that we have learned through this semester. Thus, we made a simple room escape game with first person viewpoint. Various technique such as VBO, texture, and lighting are used in this game.
To clear the game, a player should answer the correct numbers which are hidden in the objects. Since we made a special selection view mode when a player clicks the objects, the player can observe the objects in detail. Thus, the player has to explore the room and examine the objects.
Name | Version |
OpenGL | 2.0 |
CMake | 3.29.2 |
Visual Studio 2022 | 17.7.3 |
Windows SDK | 10.0.22621 |
Use shell script
sh build.sh
Use command line
cmake -S . -B cmake-build -G "Visual Studio 17 2022" -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="Debug"
cmake --build cmake-build -j 10
Last Updated: 24.07.16