A repository to run node-red in Docker for share-research customizations
This repository contains Dockerfile to build the share-red Docker image.
Build these images with the following command...
$ docker build -f <version>/Dockerfile -t mynodered:<version> .
The package.json is a metafile that downloads and installs the required version
of Node-RED and any other npms you wish to install at build time. During the
Docker build process, the dependencies are installed under /usr/src/node-red
The main sections to modify are:
"dependencies": {
"node-red": "0.20.x", <-- set the version of Node-RED here
"node-red-node-rbe": "*" <-- any extra npm packages you want installed and built into the image by default
This is the command that starts Node-RED when the container is run.
"scripts": {
"start": "node $NODE_OPTIONS node packages/node_modules/node-red/red.js"
To run this directly in docker at it's simplest just run
docker run -it -p 1880:1880 --name <a-container-name> mynodered:<version>
docker exec -d <a-container-name> ./node-red-projects.sh