Rewriters (spinners) are expensive, work "alright" and are complicated. Rewriters have only existed for a short while, while translators have mountains of data, grasp of human language, and a longer history. Using translators with some other apps, we are able to successfully build a rewriter with a wide array of differentiation depending on processing languages.
English Text (start lang) => Processing Languages (start lang => spanish => polish => etc.) => Rewritten English Text (end lang)
- Autocompletion
- Thesaurus
- Translator Choice (default: google)
- (future) Machine learning thesaurus library/suggestions
- Languages (javascript)
- Frontend (React, graphql)
- Backend (node, express, mysql, graphql)
- Testing (mocha, enzyme, chai)
- Finish rating system to find best processing language combo
- Machine learning thesaurus
- Machine learning suggestions
This app was created in a short time frame, features are being added, tests need to be fully developed, they have been tested on another version of the app but the code has since changed. The code will be better revised soon to be cleaner.
- Author: Kevin Danikowski
- Contact: [email protected]
- Copyright Kevin Danikowski 2018