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Add Vortex merger simulation: Guiding-center model with non-null solution at the O-point.
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EmilyBourne committed Jan 23, 2024
1 parent 277253a commit 6cffe4e
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333 changes: 333 additions & 0 deletions post-process/PythonScripts/geometryRTheta/
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Save and plot the animation of the density and the electrical potential of the vortex merger simulation.

from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation

from gysdata import DiskStore

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

def animate(folder, name_animation, if_perturb):
Save and plot the animation of the density and the electrical potential of the simulation.
folder: Path
The folder to the output folder containing
the output files .h5 of the simulation.
name_animation: string
The name of the file where the animation is
if_perturb: boolean
Indicate if we want to plot the full functions (False)
or only the perturbations (True).

path_data_structure = Path('data_structure_RTheta.yaml')
ds = DiskStore(folder, data_structure=path_data_structure)

# Get initial data
dt = float(ds["delta_t"])
T = float(ds["final_T"])
iter_nb = int( T / dt ) +1
tstep_diag = int(ds["time_step_diag"])

Nr = int(ds["r_size"])
Nt = int(ds["p_size"])

# Get initial data
x_grid = np.array(ds['x_coords']).ravel()
y_grid = np.array(ds['y_coords']).ravel()

# --- equiibrium data
if if_perturb:
Rho_eq = np.array(ds['density_eq'])
Phi_eq = np.array(ds['electrical_potential_eq'])
Rho_eq = np.zeros((Nr+3, Nt))
Phi_eq = np.zeros((Nr+3, Nt))

# --- function data
Rho = np.array(ds['density'])
Phi = np.array(ds['electrical_potential'])

zarray_rho = np.array([[x_grid, y_grid, (Rho[i] - Rho_eq).ravel() ] for i in range(iter_nb // tstep_diag)])
zarray_phi = np.array([[x_grid, y_grid, (Phi[i] - Phi_eq).ravel() ] for i in range(iter_nb // tstep_diag)])

zarray = np.array([zarray_rho, zarray_phi])

# --- animation
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16,8))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121, projection='3d')
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122, projection='3d')

elev, azim, roll = 90, -90, 0
ax1.view_init(elev, azim, roll)
ax2.view_init(elev, azim, roll)

my_cmap = plt.get_cmap('seismic')#('Spectral')#('plasma')#('jet')#('gnuplot')
def update_plot_function(figure, axis1, axis2):
Define a update_plot function which update the plots
in the FuncAnimation function.
figure: matplotlib.pyplot.figure
The figure object of the plots.
axis1: matplotlib.pyplot.axis
The first subplot object.
axis2: matplotlib.pyplot.axis
The second subplot object.
update_plot, the function which update the plots
for the FuncAnimation function.
def update_plot(frame_number, zarray, plot1, colorbar1, plot2, colorbar2):
if if_perturb:
v_rho = max(-min(min(l) for l in zarray[0,:,2]), max(max(l) for l in zarray[0,:,2]))
vmin_rho = -v_rho
vmax_rho = v_rho
vmin_rho = min(min(l) for l in zarray[0,:,2])
vmax_rho = max(max(l) for l in zarray[0,:,2])

plot1[0] = axis1.plot_trisurf(zarray[0,frame_number,0], zarray[0,frame_number,1], zarray[0,frame_number,2],
cmap = my_cmap, linewidth=0, antialiased=False,
vmin = vmin_rho, vmax = vmax_rho)
colorbar1.update_normal(plot1[0]) # to update the colorbar at each frame
axis1.set_title(f"Density $p$ at t = {round(frame_number*tstep_diag* dt, 6)} s.")

vmin_phi = min(min(l) for l in zarray[1,:,2])
vmax_phi = max(max(l) for l in zarray[1,:,2])

plot2[0] = axis2.plot_trisurf(zarray[1,frame_number,0], zarray[1,frame_number,1], zarray[1,frame_number,2],
cmap = my_cmap, linewidth=0, antialiased=False,
vmin = vmin_phi, vmax = vmax_phi)
colorbar2.update_normal(plot2[0]) # to update the colorbar at each frame
axis2.set_title(f"Electrical potential $\\phi$ at t = {round(frame_number*tstep_diag* dt, 6)} s.")

return update_plot

plot1 = [ax1.plot_trisurf(zarray[0,0,0], zarray[0,0,1], zarray[0,0,2], cmap = my_cmap, linewidth=0, antialiased=False)]
plot2 = [ax2.plot_trisurf(zarray[1,0,0], zarray[1,0,1], zarray[1,0,2], cmap = my_cmap, linewidth=0, antialiased=False)]

cbar1 = fig.colorbar(plot1[0], ax = ax1, shrink = 0.5, aspect = 5)
cbar2 = fig.colorbar(plot2[0], ax = ax2, shrink = 0.5, aspect = 5)

# --- plot and save animation
fps = 10 # frame per sec
ani = FuncAnimation(fig, update_plot_function(fig, ax1, ax2), len(zarray[0]), fargs=(zarray, plot1, cbar1, plot2, cbar2), interval=1000/fps) + '.mp4',writer='ffmpeg',fps=fps)

def plot_mass_conservation(folder, if_save, name_file):
Plot the relative variation of the mass of the simulation solution.
folder: Path
The folder to the output folder containing
the output files .h5 of the simulation.
if_save: boolean
If True, save the plot in a file.
Otherwise, it doesn't save.
name_file: string
The name of the file where the plot is savec.

path_data_structure = Path('data_structure_RTheta.yaml')
ds = DiskStore(folder, data_structure=path_data_structure)

# Get initial data
dt = float(ds["delta_t"])
T = float(ds["final_T"])
iter_nb = int( T / dt ) +1
tstep_diag = int(ds["time_step_diag"])

Nr = int(ds["r_size"])
Nt = int(ds["p_size"])

# Treatment for periodicity:
jacobian = np.zeros((Nr+3, Nt+1))
jacobian[:, :-1] = np.array(ds["jacobian"])
jacobian[:, -1] = jacobian[:, 0]

# Compute norms for each time step
Time = np.array(ds["density"].coords["time"])
r_grid = np.array(ds["density"].coords["r"])

# Treatment for periodicity:
p_grid = np.zeros(Nt+1)
p_grid[:-1] = np.array(ds["density"].coords["p"])
p_grid[-1] = p_grid[0] + 2*np.pi

# Get the data at each time step + teatment for periodicity
rho = np.zeros((iter_nb//tstep_diag+1, Nr+3, Nt+1))
rho[:, :, :-1] = np.array(ds['density']) [:iter_nb//tstep_diag+1, :, :]
rho[:, :, -1] = rho[:, :, 0]

# Get initial mass
rho_0 = rho[0]
mass_0 = np.trapz(np.trapz(rho_0 * np.abs(jacobian), p_grid), r_grid)

absolute_mass = np.trapz(np.trapz(rho * np.abs(jacobian), p_grid), r_grid)
Mass = (mass_0 - absolute_mass ) / abs(mass_0)

t_step = 2 # step for the time ticks

plt.title(f"Relative mass variation in time on $N_r \\times N_\\theta =$ {Nr}x{Nt} grid for dt = {dt}.")
plt.plot(Time, Mass, "-", label="$\\delta \\mathcal{M}(t)$ computed\n $max(\\delta \\mathcal{M}(t)) = $"
+ f"{max(Mass)}"+ "\n $min(\\delta \\mathcal{M}(t)) = $"+ f"{min(Mass)}")

plt.xlabel(f"$t \\in [{Time[0]}, {Time[-1]}]$ s, ({round(Time[-1]/dt)} iterations).")
plt.ylabel("Mass conservation : $\\delta \\mathcal{M}(t) = \\int (p - p_0) / |\\int p_0 |$")
plt.xticks([t_step*i for i in range(int(T / t_step)+1)])

if if_save:
plt.savefig(name_file + ".png")

def compute_L2_norms(folder, if_save, name_file):
Plot the L2 norms of the perturbed density and the perturbed electrical potential
of the diocotron instabilities simulation.
folder: Path
The folder to the output folder containing
the output files .h5 of the simulation.
if_save: boolean
If True, save the plot in a file.
Otherwise, it doesn't save.
name_file: string
The name of the file where the plot is savec.

path_data_structure = Path('data_structure_RTheta.yaml')
ds = DiskStore(folder, data_structure=path_data_structure)

# Get initial data
rho_eq = np.array(ds['density_eq'])
phi_eq = np.array(ds['electrical_potential_eq'])

jacobian = np.array(ds["jacobian"])

dt = float(ds["delta_t"])
T = float(ds["final_T"])
iter_nb = int( T / dt ) +1
tstep_diag = int(ds["time_step_diag"])

Nr = int(ds["r_size"])
Nt = int(ds["p_size"])
omega_Im = float(ds["slope"])

# Compute norms for each time step
L2norms_rho = np.zeros(iter_nb//tstep_diag+1)
L2norms_phi = np.zeros(iter_nb//tstep_diag+1)

# Get the data at each time step
Time = np.array(ds["density"].coords["time"])
rho = np.array(ds['density'])
phi = np.array(ds['electrical_potential'])

# Compute norms
L2norms_rho = np.linalg.norm((rho - rho_eq[None,:,:])*abs(jacobian[None,:,:]), 2, axis=(1,2))
L2norms_phi = np.linalg.norm((phi - phi_eq[None,:,:])*abs(jacobian[None,:,:]), 2, axis=(1,2))

t_step = 10 # step for the time ticks

idx_origin = int(30/dt)//tstep_diag
growth_rate_phi = L2norms_phi[idx_origin]* np.exp((Time-Time[idx_origin])*omega_Im)
growth_rate_rho = L2norms_rho[idx_origin]* np.exp((Time-Time[idx_origin])*omega_Im)

# Plot L2 norms

ax = plt.subplot(1,2,1)
plt.title(f"L2 norm of $\\phi$ in time on $N_r \\times N_\\theta =$ {Nr}x{Nt} grid for dt = {dt}.")
plt.plot(Time[1:],L2norms_phi[1:], "-", label="computed")
plt.plot(Time[:int(70/dt)],growth_rate_phi[:int(70/dt)], "--", label = f"growth rate = {omega_Im}")

plt.xlabel(f"$t \\in [{Time[0]}, {Time[-1]}]$ s, ({Time[-1]/dt} iterations).")
plt.ylabel("$L_2$ norm: $||\\phi-\\phi_{eq}||_{L_2}$")
plt.xticks([t_step*i for i in range(int(T/t_step)+1)])

ax = plt.subplot(1,2,2)
plt.title(f"L2 norm of $p$ in time on $N_r \\times N_\\theta =$ {Nr}x{Nt} grid for dt = {dt}")
plt.plot(Time[1:],L2norms_rho[1:], "-", label="computed")
plt.plot(Time[:int(70/dt)],growth_rate_rho[:int(70/dt)], "--", label = f"growth rate = {omega_Im}")

plt.xlabel(f"$t \\in [{Time[0]}, {Time[-1]}]$ s, ({round(Time[-1]/dt)} iterations).")
plt.ylabel("$L_2$ norm: $||p-p_{eq}||_{L_2}$")
plt.xticks([t_step*i for i in range(int(T/t_step)+1)])

if if_save:
plt.savefig(name_file + ".png")

60 changes: 60 additions & 0 deletions post-process/PythonScripts/geometryRTheta/
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@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
Save and plot the animation of the density and the electrical potential of
the diocotron or vortex merger simulation.

import argparse
from pathlib import Path

from RTheta_tool_functions import animate

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
current_folder = Path(__file__).parent

perturb_defaults = {'dioctotron':False, 'vortex_merger':True}

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Plot and save the density and the electrical potential solutions of a given output folder.")

parser.add_argument('-simulation', type=str,
choices=['diocotron', 'vortex_merger'])

parser.add_argument('--name', type=str,
default = None,
help="Name of the saved animation.")

parser.add_argument('--folder', metavar='folder', type=str,
default = None,
help="Path to the output folder.")

parser.add_argument('--perturb', type=bool, default=None, help='Plot and save only the perturbation (f - f_{eq}).')

args = parser.parse_args()

simulation = args.simulation
name_animation =
folder = args.folder
if_perturb = args.perturb

default_output_dir = current_folder.joinpath(f"../../../build/simulations/geometryRTheta/{simulation}/output/").resolve()

if name_animation is None:
name_animation = simulation

if args.folder is None:
folder = default_output_dir
folder = Path(folder)

if if_perturb is None:
if_perturb = perturb_defaults[simulation]

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

animate(folder, name_animation, if_perturb)

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