This is a fairly simple wrapper surrounding the HTML assembler allowing a user with direct access to the database to perform curations on custom generated lists of INDRA Statements, stored in pickle files.
A key feature of this interface, which is a major improvement over the current (as of this writing) INDRA Database interface is that you can load and see previous curations for each piece of evidence. This is was made practically possible by converting the curation interface to using Vue.js, rather than the pure JavaScript used previously.
To install from Github, run
pip install git+
or for local development, clone and then install in edit mode as
git clone
cd indra_curation
pip install -e .
To run the tool, first make sure you have your INDRA Statements generated in a
pickle file somewhere, with path /path/to/workingdir
. You then start up
the service by running a variant of the following command:
python -m --directory /path/to/workingdir --tag label --email [email protected] --check-syntax
This will begin a web service on your localhost. When submitting a curation with text in the comments field, the syntax will be checked for validity. If the syntax is invalid, the curation will not be submitted and an error message will be displayed of what the issue is.
Full usage (copied from python -m --help
Usage: python -m [OPTIONS]
Generate and enable curation using an HTML document displaying the
statements in the given pickle file.
--tag TEXT Give these curations a tag to separate them
out from the rest. This tag is stored as
"source" in the INDRA Database Curation
table. [required]
--email TEXT Email address of the curator [required]
--directory TEXT The directory containing any files you wish
to load. This may either be local or on s3.
If using s3, give the prefix as
's3:bucket/prefix/path/'. Without including
's3:', it will be assumed the path is local.
Note that no '/' will be added automatically
to the end of the prefix. [default:
--port INTEGER The port on which the service is running.
[default: 5000]
--statement-sorting [evidence|stmt_hash|stmt_alphabetical|agents_alphabetical]
The sorting method to use for the pickled
statements. If not provided, the statements
will be sorted the way they are stored in
the pickle file or the cache. Available
options are: - 'evidence' (sort by number
of evidence, highest first), - 'stmt_hash'
(sort by statement hash), -
'stmt_alphabetical' (sort by statement type
and alphabetically by agent names), -
'agents_alphabetical' (sort by agent names,
then by statement type).
--reverse-sorting If provided, the statements will be sorted
in reverse order. Does not apply if no
sorting method is provided.
--check-syntax If provided, the comment syntax will be
checked for validity.
--app-debug If provided, the Flask app will run in debug
--help Show this message and exit.
You can now go to http://localhost:5000
and select one of your pickle files
from the dropdown menu to begin curating. The back-end service will generate
and cache JSON, which can be forcefully reloaded by clicking the
You can now begin exploring the statements and their evidence. To view prior curations, click the button next to a curation called "Load Previous".
To submit a curation, simply fill out the form and click submit.