Screen-anchored cursor movement for Vim
This plugin merges the standard cursor movement of j
and k
with the
scrolling of <CTRL-E>
and <CTRL-Y>
to produce a new screen-anchored
cursor movement. This roughly emulates movement when using a trackpad or
scroll wheel.
- By default, two keys are mapped:
) moves towards the end of buffer and<CTRL-K>
) move towards its beginning - Movement is tied to trackpad/scroll wheel for ‘natural’ scrolling
- Due to Vim’s inherent jumpiness with
enabled, you have option to degrade togj
(more details below) - Supports Visual selection
- Pure Vimscript with no dependencies
Install using Pathogen, Vundle, Neobundle, or your favorite Vim package manager.
You can change the behavior of this plugin in your .vimrc
For instance, the default mappings of:
let g:wheel#map#up = '<c-k>'
let g:wheel#map#down = '<c-j>'
...can be changed to use the Command key in MacVim:
let g:wheel#map#up = '<D-k>'
let g:wheel#map#down = '<D-j>'
If you have any existing mappings to <c-k>
or <c-j>
, they will be
By default the scroll behavior of the mouse will reflect this new
behavior. You can disable in your .vimrc
if not desired.
- Natural - content tracks finger movement on trackpad
- Reverse - swiping down moves content up
let g:wheel#map#mouse = 1 " 1=natural, 0=disable, -1=reverse
wheel’s scrolling will cease when cursor nears the start or end of the
buffer, degrading to gj
and gk
. You can adjust this threshold in your
let g:wheel#line#threshold = 5 " lines from start or end
With large blocks of wrapped text, Vim’s native scrolling with CTRL-E
and CTRL-Y
can be jumpy. wheel inherits this behavior, unfortunately.
If you would prefer that wheel degrade to gj
and gk
when wrap
is on,
you can disable the anchored scrolling in your .vimrc
let g:wheel#scroll_on_wrap = 1 " 0=disable, 1=enable (default)
If you find this plugin useful, check out these others by @reedes:
- vim-colors-pencil - color scheme for Vim inspired by IA Writer
- vim-lexical - building on Vim’s spell-check and thesaurus/dictionary completion
- vim-litecorrect - lightweight auto-correction for Vim
- vim-one - make use of Vim’s +clientserver capabilities
- vim-pencil - Rethinking Vim as a tool for writers
- vim-textobj-quote - extends Vim to support typographic (‘curly’) quotes
- vim-textobj-sentence - improving on Vim's native sentence motion command
- vim-thematic - modify Vim’s appearance to suit your task and environment
- vim-wordy - uncovering usage problems in writing
There’s an experimental horizontal scrolling movement hidden within for those who wish to try it out.
If you’ve spotted a problem or have an idea on improving this plugin, please post it to the github project issue page.