PyCBC Release v1.15.4
This is the v1.15.4 release of PyCBC.
This is an incremental improvement over v1.15.3 and includes small changes in a number of areas. The workflow code can now run on python3, the inference data reading interface is now standardized, XML segment files can be provided as input in workflow generation, some patches have been applied for PyCBC Live.
A Docker container for this release is available from the pycbc/pycbc-el7 repository on Docker Hub and can be downloaded using the command:
docker pull pycbc/pycbc-el7:v1.15.4
On a machine with CVMFS installed, a pre-built virtual environment is available for Red Hat 7 compatible operating systems by running the command:
source /cvmfs/
A singularity container is available at /cvmfs/
which can be started with the command:
singularity shell --home ${HOME}:/srv --pwd /srv --bind /cvmfs --contain --ipc --pid /cvmfs/\:v1.15.4