is a simple yet powerful Morse code training program designed to help amateur radio operators and Morse enthusiasts improve their CW abilities. It provides various training modes, including the popular Koch method, callsign training, QSO simulations, and arbitrary text transmission.
- Koch Method Training: Start with two characters and progressively learn new ones at full speed using the Koch method, which focuses on accuracy and speed from the beginning.
- Callsign Training: Practice receiving callsigns, an essential skill for amateur radio operators.
- QSO Simulation: Simulate real-world QSOs (conversations) using standard formats to improve conversational Morse skills.
- Text Transmission (TX): Practice transmitting arbitrary text in Morse code, with customizable parameters such as speed, frequency, and volume.
provides the following subcommands to help you train Morse code:
Koch Method: Train Morse code using the Koch method, gradually increasing the number of characters.
koch --help
Callsign Training: Practice receiving and decoding callsigns.
callsign --help
QSO Simulation: Practice Morse code conversations using a standard QSO format.
qso --help
Text Transmission (TX): Transmit arbitrary text in Morse code.
tx --help
This project would not have been possible without the awesome jscwlib, created by Fabian Kurz, DJ5CW.