The parallelized code for the book, Ray Tracing in One Weekend by Peter Shirley.
- CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) Silver 4210 CPU @ 2.20GHz (10 cores 20 threads)
- RAM: DDR4 2666MHz 128GB
- Host OS: Ubuntu 20.04
- Container: Docker engine 24.0.6 with rootless mode
- Guest OS: Ubuntu 22.04
- Linux kernel: 5.15.0-87-generic
- OpenMP: 4.5
- CUDA: 12.3
- GCC: 11.4.0
export CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="Release"
# build all implementations with the best settings
CUDAFLAGS="-DCUDA_BLOCK_SIZE=8" cmake -B build . && cmake --build build
# run serial implementation
./build/serial/InOneWeekend > test.ppm
# run OpenMP implementation
OMP_NUM_THREADS=22 ./build/openmp/OMPInOneWeekend > test.ppm
# run CUDA implementation
./build/cuda/CUDAInOneWeekend > test.ppm
These scripts are for reference only. If you want to reproduce the result, the OpenMP implementation is much more tricky. You have to change the scheduling method by yourself in openmp/src/
We provide the devcontainer to quickly set up the enviroment (for rootless docker only). If you want to set up by yourself, you can follow the Dockerfine in .devcontainer
folder to install.