- 📫 How to reach me: [email protected]
- Here is a link to view my resume.
- Based on the tale of Polyphemus in the Odyssey, players play as greek soldiers looking for treasure and sheep in the caves of the cyclops.
- Players must pass the turn to move and keep away from the cyclops or else lose their score.
- Web traps can catch players preventing their move and requiring another player to come and untangle them.
- If at the end of the game, all players have sheep, the team will unlock a secret level where they can grab more treasure.
- Multiplayer card game focused on dismantling, transporting, and rebuilding temples
- Each card comes with a cost to their overall budget. With a budget surplus, they can buy upgrades in between rounds and upgrade the effectiveness of their cards.
- Saving temples earns a positive score and rebuilding them adds a bonus score.
- Every round, players watch as the Nile valley slowly floods and eats temples they were not able to save.
- Worked in a coding pair to make an app on Google AppsScript to interact with Hubspot and Slack API to email students after querying for relevant data on students.
- With a team of other faculty members, I helped to create a possible solution for organizing substitute opportunities in an equitable manner.
- I learned the Slack API and how to create an app for everyone in the Slack workspace to use. The feautures I built included:
- A form to update itself based on choices and take data from a submission event.
- Using node-schedule to set times for the app to do certain jobs.
- Adding a way for the app to interact with Google Sheets and populate the sheets with data with every request made and resolved.
- Learned C# and Unity 2D to create a possible prototype for a game to be played in Synthesis style.
- Learned how to use the Colyseus multiplayer framework to manage multiplayer gameplay. Challenges I overcame in this process included:
- Reading TypeScript and C# code to learn how to use Colyseus despite a low amount of documentation and tutorials.
- Updating state for all players along with the different ways for players to update the state. The state of the game included:
- Animations
- Multiple scores
- Building/placing objects
- Taking objects
- Hosting a WebGL game on the Arena server while bypassing two large bugs in the Unity WebGL builder and the Colyseus WebGL build.