A Python-based script hacked together to convert a list of Yelp urls into a Google Map compatible KML file.
Google's web service APIs currently lack support for constructing maps dynamically without a hosted web application w/ their Javascript API, thus the need for scripting together a KML document to be uploaded through Google Map's interface.
You can read more about Google's Map APIs below:
Url requests are sent using urllib, Html parsing is done via lxml, and Xml/Kml parsing/construction done via xml.etree.ElementTree and xml.dom
Asyncronous runtime for converting 30 listings to kml was averaging out at ~65000ms.
The gevent variation (stackoverflow) improves the runtime average to ~8000ms through asynchronous execution of HTTP requests. It is possible this may not scale out entirely as the threshold of outgoing requests increases however discovering the power of gevent and multithreaded processing was well worth it.
If you are having trouble installing gevent on Ubuntu see here
Python 2.7.2 was used to execute the code:
$ python geopy.py --f [FILENAME]
Specify the file name containing the Yelp urls