WordleMonde is a Wordle Like, with a geographic thematic, for french players.
- Check php (7.4 minimum) and composer are installed
- Check mysql is installed
You do not need Webpack or node for this project.
- Clone this project
- Run
composer install
- Create .env.local from .env file and fill it with your database login
- Run
php bin/console d:d:c
to create database - Run
php bin/console d:m:m
to build tables in database - Run
php bin/console d:f:l
to load fake data for dev environment
- Run
symfony server:start
to launch your local php web server - Let's dev !
If you need admin access, you have to create a new account and update the user with ["ROLE_ADMIN"] in database
The step by step is for usual Symfony developers. If you can't install for any reason, do not hesitate to contact me : [email protected]