is a personal project developed with the intent of learning Rust. I started working on it after having read the Book and wanting to create a project in a (fun) topic I am familiar with.
It's final goal is to perform a simplified version of track reconstruction in particle physics experiments.
Everything should be implemented from scratch as much as possible, using only the standard library.
Some of the things which will have to be implemented
- Matrix
- Module + IO
- Hits + IO
- *Event generation
- Clustering
- Seeding
- Visual representation
* done but not yet satisfied with result.
If you happen to stumble upon this project, feel free help out, keeping in mind that it is a learning exercise.
The box detector with randomly generated rays, resulting truth hits (green), activated cells, and clustered 3d points (black):
A very cool block of code, where I decided to process the output of the CCL algorithm in a functional manner:
Magnetic field integration into event generator: