Nice and simple pelican theme
Subtitle: Put your subtitle here
Image: image_name.extension
Image must be on /content/images
Images must be on ./content/images/gallery/<galleryname>
This settings must be on
THEME_COLOR = 'blue'
Available colors is on ./static/css/colors
LOGO = 'logo.extension'
If No logo specified, Blog title will be used instead.
Logo must be inside ./content/images
The favicon should be 16x16 and should be on /content/images
SIDEBAR_DISPLAY = ['about', 'categories', 'tags', 'extra']
SIDEBAR_ABOUT = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Sequi quae hic dicta eius ad quam eligendi minima praesentium voluptatum? Quidem quaerat eaque libero velit impedit dicta, repudiandae sapiente. Deserunt, excepturi."
#What to show in extra content title
EXTRA_TITLE = 'Useful Links'
#Adds text
EXTRA_CONTENT = 'Test extra content'
#Sows a list of links
EXTRA_LINKS = (('Bot Comands', ''),
('Link Shortner', ''),
('Pastebin', ''),)
COPYRIGHT = "Text Here "
PLUGINS_PATHS = ['PluginsRelativePath', 'or/absolute/path/to/plugins/dir']
PLUGINS = ['gallery']
GALLERY_PATH = 'images/gallery/'
Any analytics script should be supported.
create file containing the script provided by your analytics platform.
OBS File should be at the same level as your file
Add the following to your pelicanconf File
analytics = open("analytics_script", "r")
OBS: Make sure that open("analytics_script")
matches your file name
let us know or just add it to README.MD and make a pull request
make a pull request, open an issue, let others know about this project ... there are plenty of ways to contribute, if you want to, just do it!