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decioferreira committed Feb 13, 2025
1 parent 0b5dc8f commit ba1f99e
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Showing 19 changed files with 271 additions and 183 deletions.
14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions src/Builder/Build.elm
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ crawlFile ((Env _ root projectType _ buildID _ _) as env) mvar docsNeed expected
Err err ->
IO.pure <| SBadSyntax path time source err

Ok ((Src.Module maybeActualName _ _ imports values _ _ _ _) as modul) ->
Ok ((Src.Module _ maybeActualName _ _ imports values _ _ _ _) as modul) ->
case maybeActualName of
Nothing ->
IO.pure <| SBadSyntax path time source (Syntax.ModuleNameUnspecified expectedName)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -543,7 +543,7 @@ checkModule ((Env _ root projectType _ _ _ _) as env) foreigns resultsMVar name
RProblem <|
Error.Module name path time source <|
case Parse.fromByteString (SV.fileSyntaxVersion path) projectType source of
Ok (Src.Module _ _ _ imports _ _ _ _ _) ->
Ok (Src.Module _ _ _ _ imports _ _ _ _ _) ->
Error.BadImports (toImportErrors env results imports problems)

Err err ->
Expand All @@ -552,7 +552,7 @@ checkModule ((Env _ root projectType _ _ _ _) as env) foreigns resultsMVar name

SChanged ((Details.Local path time deps _ _ lastCompile) as local) source ((Src.Module _ _ _ imports _ _ _ _ _) as modul) docsNeed ->
SChanged ((Details.Local path time deps _ _ lastCompile) as local) source ((Src.Module _ _ _ _ imports _ _ _ _ _) as modul) docsNeed ->
Utils.readMVar resultDictDecoder resultsMVar
|> IO.bind
(\results ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1298,7 +1298,7 @@ fromRepl root details source =
Err syntaxError ->
IO.pure <| Err <| Exit.ReplBadInput source <| Error.BadSyntax syntaxError

Ok ((Src.Module _ _ _ imports _ _ _ _ _) as modul) ->
Ok ((Src.Module _ _ _ _ imports _ _ _ _ _) as modul) ->
Details.loadInterfaces root details
|> IO.bind
(\dmvar ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1358,7 +1358,7 @@ fromRepl root details source =

finalizeReplArtifacts : Env -> String -> Src.Module -> DepsStatus -> ResultDict -> Dict String ModuleName.Raw BResult -> IO (Result Exit.Repl ReplArtifacts)
finalizeReplArtifacts ((Env _ root projectType _ _ _ _) as env) source ((Src.Module _ _ _ imports _ _ _ _ _) as modul) depsStatus resultMVars results =
finalizeReplArtifacts ((Env _ root projectType _ _ _ _) as env) source ((Src.Module _ _ _ _ imports _ _ _ _ _) as modul) depsStatus resultMVars results =
pkg : Pkg.Name
pkg =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1635,7 +1635,7 @@ crawlRoot ((Env _ _ projectType _ buildID _ _) as env) mvar root =
|> IO.bind
(\source ->
case Parse.fromByteString (SV.fileSyntaxVersion path) projectType source of
Ok ((Src.Module _ _ _ imports values _ _ _ _) as modul) ->
Ok ((Src.Module _ _ _ _ imports values _ _ _ _) as modul) ->
deps : List Name.Name
deps =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1675,7 +1675,7 @@ checkRoot ((Env _ root _ _ _ _ _) as env) results rootStatus =
SOutsideErr err ->
IO.pure (ROutsideErr err)

SOutsideOk ((Details.Local path time deps _ _ lastCompile) as local) source ((Src.Module _ _ _ imports _ _ _ _ _) as modul) ->
SOutsideOk ((Details.Local path time deps _ _ lastCompile) as local) source ((Src.Module _ _ _ _ imports _ _ _ _ _) as modul) ->
checkDeps root results deps lastCompile
|> IO.bind
(\depsStatus ->
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Builder/Elm/Details.elm
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -844,7 +844,7 @@ crawlFile syntaxVersion foreignDeps mvar pkg src docsStatus expectedName path =
|> IO.bind
(\bytes ->
case Parse.fromByteString syntaxVersion (Parse.Package pkg) bytes of
Ok ((Src.Module (Just (A.At _ actualName)) _ _ imports _ _ _ _ _) as modul) ->
Ok ((Src.Module _ (Just (A.At _ actualName)) _ _ imports _ _ _ _ _) as modul) ->
if expectedName == actualName then
crawlImports foreignDeps mvar pkg src imports
|> IO.fmap (\deps -> Just (SLocal docsStatus deps modul))
Expand Down
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions src/Compiler/AST/Optimized.elm
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -116,6 +116,7 @@ type Destructor

type Path
= Index Index.ZeroBased Path
| ArrayIndex Int Path
| Field Name Path
| Unbox Path
| Root Name
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1045,6 +1046,13 @@ pathEncoder path =
, ( "subPath", pathEncoder subPath )

ArrayIndex index subPath ->
[ ( "type", Encode.string "ArrayIndex" )
, ( "index", index )
, ( "subPath", pathEncoder subPath )

Field field subPath ->
[ ( "type", Encode.string "Field" )
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1076,6 +1084,11 @@ pathDecoder =
(Decode.field "index" Index.zeroBasedDecoder)
(Decode.field "subPath" pathDecoder)

"ArrayIndex" ->
Decode.map2 ArrayIndex
(Decode.field "index"
(Decode.field "subPath" pathDecoder)

"Field" ->
Decode.map2 Field
(Decode.field "field" Decode.string)
Expand Down
15 changes: 10 additions & 5 deletions src/Compiler/AST/Source.elm
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ import Compiler.AST.Utils.Shader as Shader
import Compiler.Data.Name as Name exposing (Name)
import Compiler.Json.Encode as E
import Compiler.Parse.Primitives as P
import Compiler.Parse.SyntaxVersion as SV exposing (SyntaxVersion)
import Compiler.Reporting.Annotation as A
import Json.Decode as Decode
import Json.Encode as Encode
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -133,11 +134,11 @@ type Type_

type Module
= Module (Maybe (A.Located Name)) (A.Located Exposing) Docs (List Import) (List (A.Located Value)) (List (A.Located Union)) (List (A.Located Alias)) (List (A.Located Infix)) Effects
= Module SyntaxVersion (Maybe (A.Located Name)) (A.Located Exposing) Docs (List Import) (List (A.Located Value)) (List (A.Located Union)) (List (A.Located Alias)) (List (A.Located Infix)) Effects

getName : Module -> Name
getName (Module maybeName _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) =
getName (Module _ maybeName _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) =
case maybeName of
Just (A.At _ name) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -338,9 +339,10 @@ internalTypeDecoder =

moduleEncoder : Module -> Encode.Value
moduleEncoder (Module maybeName exports docs imports values unions aliases binops effects) =
moduleEncoder (Module syntaxVersion maybeName exports docs imports values unions aliases binops effects) =
[ ( "type", Encode.string "Module" )
, ( "syntaxVersion", SV.encoder syntaxVersion )
, ( "maybeName", E.maybe (A.locatedEncoder Encode.string) maybeName )
, ( "exports", A.locatedEncoder exposingEncoder exports )
, ( "docs", docsEncoder docs )
Expand All @@ -355,12 +357,15 @@ moduleEncoder (Module maybeName exports docs imports values unions aliases binop

moduleDecoder : Decode.Decoder Module
moduleDecoder =
Decode.map8 (\( maybeName, exports ) -> Module maybeName exports)
Decode.map8 (\( syntaxVersion, maybeName ) ( exports, docs ) -> Module syntaxVersion maybeName exports docs)
(Decode.map2 Tuple.pair
(Decode.field "syntaxVersion" SV.decoder)
(Decode.field "maybeName" (Decode.maybe (A.locatedDecoder Decode.string)))
(Decode.map2 Tuple.pair
(Decode.field "exports" (A.locatedDecoder exposingDecoder))
(Decode.field "docs" docsDecoder)
(Decode.field "docs" docsDecoder)
(Decode.field "imports" (Decode.list importDecoder))
(Decode.field "values" (Decode.list (A.locatedDecoder valueDecoder)))
(Decode.field "unions" (Decode.list (A.locatedDecoder unionDecoder)))
Expand Down
14 changes: 8 additions & 6 deletions src/Compiler/Canonicalize/Effects.elm
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import Compiler.Canonicalize.Environment as Env
import Compiler.Canonicalize.Type as Type
import Compiler.Data.Name as Name
import Compiler.Elm.ModuleName as ModuleName
import Compiler.Parse.SyntaxVersion exposing (SyntaxVersion)
import Compiler.Reporting.Annotation as A
import Compiler.Reporting.Error.Canonicalize as Error
import Compiler.Reporting.Result as R
Expand All @@ -31,12 +32,13 @@ type alias EResult i w a =

canonicalize :
-> Env.Env
-> List (A.Located Src.Value)
-> Dict String Name.Name union
-> Src.Effects
-> EResult i w Can.Effects
canonicalize env values unions effects =
canonicalize syntaxVersion env values unions effects =
case effects of
Src.NoEffects ->
R.ok Can.NoEffects
Expand All @@ -45,7 +47,7 @@ canonicalize env values unions effects =
pairs : R.RResult i w Error.Error (List ( Name.Name, Can.Port ))
pairs =
R.traverse (canonicalizePort env) ports
R.traverse (canonicalizePort syntaxVersion env) ports
R.fmap (Can.Ports << Dict.fromList identity) pairs

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -100,9 +102,9 @@ canonicalize env values unions effects =

canonicalizePort : Env.Env -> Src.Port -> EResult i w ( Name.Name, Can.Port )
canonicalizePort env (Src.Port (A.At region portName) tipe) =
Type.toAnnotation env tipe
canonicalizePort : SyntaxVersion -> Env.Env -> Src.Port -> EResult i w ( Name.Name, Can.Port )
canonicalizePort syntaxVersion env (Src.Port (A.At region portName) tipe) =
Type.toAnnotation syntaxVersion env tipe
|> R.bind
(\(Can.Forall freeVars ctipe) ->
case List.reverse (Type.delambda (Type.deepDealias ctipe)) of
Expand Down
43 changes: 22 additions & 21 deletions src/Compiler/Canonicalize/Environment/Local.elm
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import Compiler.Canonicalize.Environment.Dups as Dups
import Compiler.Canonicalize.Type as Type
import Compiler.Data.Index as Index
import Compiler.Data.Name as Name exposing (Name)
import Compiler.Parse.SyntaxVersion exposing (SyntaxVersion)
import Compiler.Reporting.Annotation as A
import Compiler.Reporting.Error.Canonicalize as Error
import Compiler.Reporting.Result as R
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -59,7 +60,7 @@ addVars module_ env =

collectVars : Src.Module -> LResult i w (Dict String Name.Name Env.Var)
collectVars (Src.Module _ _ _ _ values _ _ _ effects) =
collectVars (Src.Module _ _ _ _ _ values _ _ _ effects) =
addDecl : A.Located Src.Value -> Dups.Tracker Env.Var -> Dups.Tracker Env.Var
addDecl (A.At _ (Src.Value (A.At region name) _ _ _)) =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -102,7 +103,7 @@ toEffectDups effects =

addTypes : Src.Module -> Env.Env -> LResult i w Env.Env
addTypes (Src.Module _ _ _ _ _ unions aliases _ _) env =
addTypes (Src.Module syntaxVersion _ _ _ _ _ unions aliases _ _) env =
addAliasDups : A.Located Src.Alias -> Dups.Tracker () -> Dups.Tracker ()
addAliasDups (A.At _ (Src.Alias (A.At region name) _ _)) =
Expand All @@ -120,7 +121,7 @@ addTypes (Src.Module _ _ _ _ _ unions aliases _ _) env =
|> R.bind
(\_ ->
Utils.foldM (addUnion env.home) env.types unions
|> R.bind (\ts1 -> addAliases aliases <| { env | types = ts1 })
|> R.bind (\ts1 -> addAliases syntaxVersion aliases <| { env | types = ts1 })

Expand All @@ -142,8 +143,8 @@ addUnion home types ((A.At _ (Src.Union (A.At _ name) _ _)) as union) =

addAliases : List (A.Located Src.Alias) -> Env.Env -> LResult i w Env.Env
addAliases aliases env =
addAliases : SyntaxVersion -> List (A.Located Src.Alias) -> Env.Env -> LResult i w Env.Env
addAliases syntaxVersion aliases env =
nodes : List ( A.Located Src.Alias, Name, List Name )
nodes =
Expand All @@ -153,17 +154,17 @@ addAliases aliases env =
sccs =
Graph.stronglyConnComp nodes
Utils.foldM addAlias env sccs
Utils.foldM (addAlias syntaxVersion) env sccs

addAlias : Env.Env -> Graph.SCC (A.Located Src.Alias) -> LResult i w Env.Env
addAlias ({ home, vars, types, ctors, binops, q_vars, q_types, q_ctors } as env) scc =
addAlias : SyntaxVersion -> Env.Env -> Graph.SCC (A.Located Src.Alias) -> LResult i w Env.Env
addAlias syntaxVersion ({ home, vars, types, ctors, binops, q_vars, q_types, q_ctors } as env) scc =
case scc of
Graph.AcyclicSCC ((A.At _ (Src.Alias (A.At _ name) _ tipe)) as alias) ->
checkAliasFreeVars alias
|> R.bind
(\args ->
Type.canonicalize env tipe
Type.canonicalize syntaxVersion env tipe
|> R.bind
(\ctype ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -334,11 +335,11 @@ addFreeVars (A.At region tipe) freeVars =

addCtors : Src.Module -> Env.Env -> LResult i w ( Env.Env, Unions, Aliases )
addCtors (Src.Module _ _ _ _ _ unions aliases _ _) env =
R.traverse (canonicalizeUnion env) unions
addCtors (Src.Module syntaxVersion _ _ _ _ _ unions aliases _ _) env =
R.traverse (canonicalizeUnion syntaxVersion env) unions
|> R.bind
(\unionInfo ->
R.traverse (canonicalizeAlias env) aliases
R.traverse (canonicalizeAlias syntaxVersion env) aliases
|> R.bind
(\aliasInfo ->
(Dups.detect Error.DuplicateCtor <|
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -371,14 +372,14 @@ type alias CtorDups =

canonicalizeAlias : Env.Env -> A.Located Src.Alias -> LResult i w ( ( Name.Name, Can.Alias ), CtorDups )
canonicalizeAlias ({ home } as env) (A.At _ (Src.Alias (A.At region name) args tipe)) =
canonicalizeAlias : SyntaxVersion -> Env.Env -> A.Located Src.Alias -> LResult i w ( ( Name.Name, Can.Alias ), CtorDups )
canonicalizeAlias syntaxVersion ({ home } as env) (A.At _ (Src.Alias (A.At region name) args tipe)) =
vars : List Name
vars = A.toValue args
Type.canonicalize env tipe
Type.canonicalize syntaxVersion env tipe
|> R.bind
(\ctipe ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -414,9 +415,9 @@ toRecordCtor home name vars fields =

canonicalizeUnion : Env.Env -> A.Located Src.Union -> LResult i w ( ( Name.Name, Can.Union ), CtorDups )
canonicalizeUnion ({ home } as env) (A.At _ (Src.Union (A.At _ name) avars ctors)) =
R.indexedTraverse (canonicalizeCtor env) ctors
canonicalizeUnion : SyntaxVersion -> Env.Env -> A.Located Src.Union -> LResult i w ( ( Name.Name, Can.Union ), CtorDups )
canonicalizeUnion syntaxVersion ({ home } as env) (A.At _ (Src.Union (A.At _ name) avars ctors)) =
R.indexedTraverse (canonicalizeCtor syntaxVersion env) ctors
|> R.bind
(\cctors ->
Expand All @@ -436,9 +437,9 @@ canonicalizeUnion ({ home } as env) (A.At _ (Src.Union (A.At _ name) avars ctors

canonicalizeCtor : Env.Env -> Index.ZeroBased -> ( A.Located Name.Name, List Src.Type ) -> LResult i w (A.Located Can.Ctor)
canonicalizeCtor env index ( A.At region ctor, tipes ) =
R.traverse (Type.canonicalize env) tipes
canonicalizeCtor : SyntaxVersion -> Env.Env -> Index.ZeroBased -> ( A.Located Name.Name, List Src.Type ) -> LResult i w (A.Located Can.Ctor)
canonicalizeCtor syntaxVersion env index ( A.At region ctor, tipes ) =
R.traverse (Type.canonicalize syntaxVersion env) tipes
|> R.bind
(\ctipes ->
R.ok <|
Expand Down

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