Challenge make to contaí selective process to new software engineer, the project consists in a API to make basic arithmetic calculations (+, -, /, *). The API was developed using Elixir language, the web framework is Phoenix, the database connector is the Ecto with Postgres adapter, documented with Swagger and Docker for containers manager.
The structure of the project is simple, is described in the image below.
The end points are listed below.
${urlbase}/api/operations/{operation}/{first_factor}/{second_factor}Where, operation is the operation type, can be, sum, sub, mul, div, where sum is sum, sub is subtraction, mul is multiply, div is division. The first_factor is the first factor of operation, need be a integer value. The second_factor is the second factor of the operation. (use post)
The result is a json like below
"message": "Operation created",
"operation": {
"first_factor": 1,
"id": "99674d5e-5cdf-456c-9fb9-c4a2e6a2c0e8",
"operation": "sum",
"result": 3,
"second_factor": 2
Where, limit is the number of lines of display and offset is the number of rows want skip. (use get)
The result is a json array like below.
"message": "Operations listed",
"operations": [
"first_factor": 1,
"id": "99674d5e-5cdf-456c-9fb9-c4a2e6a2c0e8",
"operation": "sum",
"result": 3,
"second_factor": 2
"first_factor": 50,
"id": "af06c291-a2b5-404a-a5d0-efce2d04313c",
"operation": "mul",
"result": 1000,
"second_factor": 20
"operationsCount": 2
The project already have a Dockerfile and a docker-compose.yml file, so is very simple to run, just need clone this repository in your computer and need the docker cli installed too. To run just type the following commands in o your terminal.
This command will build our project and create an image.
docker-compose build
This will startup our project.
docker-compose up -d
This will run the migrations of the database.
docker-compose run web bin/contaichallenge eval "Contaichallenge.Release.migrate"
If everything is ok, the project listen in http://localhost:4000, the Swagger docs can be found in the http://localhost:4000/api/swagger.
To change the listen port ou url need follow the Elixir docs.
- Official website:
- Guides:
- Docs:
- Forum:
- Source: