Problem to solve: find the patterns for increased suicide rates (1985 to 2016) among different cohorts globally, across the socioeconomic spectrum, using exploratory data analysis. Using bivariate analysis, I try to determine if there is any relationship between two variables.
Data Information:
- country: Country
- year: Year
- sex: Sex (male or female)
- age: Suicide age range, ages divided into six categories
- suicides_no: number of suicides
- population: population of that sex, in that age range, in that country, and in that year
- suicides/100k pop: Number of suicides per every 100,000 population
- country-year
- HDI for year: Human Development Index
- gdp_for_year: Country GDP in US dollars
- gdp_per_capita: Ratio of the country’s GDP and its population
- generation: Generation of the suicides in question