This repo adds a dump
command to WP-CLI. It allows you to dump multiple things from your WordPress installation into a single file. The following things can be dumped:
- Database
- Plugins
- Must-Use Plugins
- Themes
- Or the entire
List of all commands with hierarchy:
- wp dump export all ( generate a zip with all dumps below ( named "full_xxx" ? ) )
- On each export, remove the possibility to customize the name of the file as it is used to manage the List Table
- wp dump export database
- wp dump export themes
- wp dump export plugins
- wp dump export uploads
- wp dump export languages
- On each export, remove the possibility to customize the name of the file as it is used to manage the List Table
- wp dump import all ( import a generated zip by the "export all" command )
- wp dump import database
- wp dump import themes
- wp dump import plugins
- wp dump import uploads
- wp dump import languages
- Find a way to implements all these commands with DRY as possible
- Maybe use WP_List_Table to list the dumps in option page
- Add a button to download the dump
- Add a button to delete the dump
- The list should be paginated
- The list must have filters by their type (database, plugins, themes, uploads, languages)
- The list must have a search input
- The list must handle bulk actions (delete, download)
- Each dump must have a column with the date of creation
- Make sure the dumps are deleted in X days
- Add a setting to change the number of days in a hook or in the option page
- Add an option to perform a search-replace in the database dump ( create a backup, perform the search-replace, create the dump, reimport the backup and then delete the backup )
- Check if it's possible to get the link of the dump file by guessing the name and download it
- If yes, try to find a way to prevent it
- Maybe need to change the way to download the file from the admin area
- When the plugin is deleted, delete all the dumps ( Not on deactivation to prevent bad behavior )