pandas-highcharts is a Python package which allows you to easily build Highcharts plots with pandas.DataFrame objects.
- pandas is the best tool to handle data in Python
- pandas is able to produce matplotlib plots. They work pretty well but
have two major drawbacks
- Not very web friendly
- Pretty ugly
- Highcharts produce nice, interactive plot in your browser and is very complete
- Same interface as DataFrame.plot
- Following parameters are handled
- data
- x
- y
- kind
- figsize
- use_index
- title
- grid
- legend
- style
- logx
- logy
- loglog
- xticks
- yticks
- xlim
- ylim
- rot
- fontsize
- position
- stacked
- sort_columns
- secondary_y
- mark_right
- Following parameters are not handled (yet) :
- ax
- ay
- subplots
- sharex
- sharey
- layout
- colormap
- colorbar
- layout
- table
- yerr
- xerr
- kwds
- You can specify those specific highcharts parameters:
- tooltip
- Static files (highcharts.js) are not embedded
Install the package using pip
pip install pandas-highcharts
Import it in your views
import pandas_highcharts
df = ... # create your dataframe here
chart = pandas_highcharts.serialize(df, render_to='my-chart', output_type='json')
In your templates
<div id="my-chart"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
new Highcharts.Chart({{chart|safe}});
See CONTRIBUTING.rst for information on how to contribute to pandas-highcharts.
Some examples are available on nbviewer.
Please read the doc for DataFrame.plot.
For example, with the following dataset:
import pandas as pd
from pandas_highcharts.core import serialize
from pandas.compat import StringIO
dat = """ts;A;B;C
2015-01-01 00:00:00;27451873;29956800;113
2015-01-01 01:00:00;20259882;17906600;76
2015-01-01 02:00:00;11592256;12311600;48
2015-01-01 03:00:00;11795562;11750100;50
2015-01-01 04:00:00;9396718;10203900;43
2015-01-01 05:00:00;14902826;14341100;53"""
df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(dat), sep=';', index_col='ts', parse_dates='ts')
# Basic line plot
chart = serialize(df, render_to="my-chart", title="My Chart")
# Basic column plot
chart = serialize(df, render_to="my-chart", title="Test", kind="bar")
# Basic column plot
chart = serialize(df, render_to="my-chart", title="Test", kind="barh")
# Plot C on secondary axis
chart = serialize(df, render_to="my-chart", title="Test", secondary_y = ["C"])
# Plot on a 1000x700 div
chart = serialize(df, render_to="my-chart", title="Test", figsize = (1000, 700))