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Pickolor2 - Online color picker and color palettes creator

Pickolor is a simple and highly intuitive color picker designed especialy for developers. Discover it's magical powers!


git clone
cd pickolor2
composer install
cp .env.example .env
php artisan key:generate
# Fill MySQL or PostgreSQL database credentials in .env file
php artisan migrate
php artisan serve --host=localhost --port=8080
# Navigate to http://localhost:8080


The demo is previewable at



  • Back-end
    • PHP — All of the back-end code is written in PHP – version is 7.1 (current stable).
    • Laravel 5.5 — I have decided to use a Laravel web framework, because it is the most popular framework for PHP at the moment. It is also the greatest.
    • PostgreSQL — Used PostgreSQL for Heroku deployment.
  • Front-end
    • JavaScript / ES6 — At the front-end I have used simple JavaScript in the ECMA Script 6 standard.
    • JQuery - for interactive elemnts on the site.
    • Sass — As a compilation phase for my CSS I have used Sass for use of variables, nesting and more.
    • Bootstrap — Since Laravel ships with Bootstrap out of the box, I have decided to go with it as a main, industrial visual language.
    • Webpack — Used as a compilator for all of my front-end assets I have used Webpack and Laravel Mix. That allows for backward-compatibility compilation of assets, minification, uglification and prefixing of CSS.


  • Visitor:
    • Can sign up,
    • Can log in,
    • Can create new colors,
    • Can create new gradients,
    • Can create new plattes,
    • Can preview already existing plattes,
    • Can preview already existing colors,
    • Can preview comments,
    • Can sort colors, palettes.
  • User in addition:
    • Can save palette,
    • Can save color,
    • Can add palettes to favourites,
    • Can add colors to favourites,
    • Can delete his palette,
    • Can modify his palettes,
    • Can copy palettes of other players,
    • Can comment palettes and colors,
    • Can chat with other users,


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